Brethren 板


※ [本文转录自 Brethren 看板 #1IRrKIr- ] 作者: sitifan () 看板: Brethren 标题: [情报] 关於「神的本质」 时间: Tue Oct 29 14:26:17 2013 About the Essence of God 关於「神的本质」 In the famous film start wars , they talk about the FORCE. The force is a power, and powerful personalities can control it and make it to balance to the good or to evil. The POWER BE WITH YOU, is the wish. 在着名的电影「星际大战」中,他们谈到了「暴力」。「暴力」是一种力量,然而一个强 大的人格就有能力来驾御这股力量,使它在善与恶之间达到平衡。这个力量将与你同在, 这个力量,就是智慧。 many western Christians have unfortunately have a similar concept about god. And most of the chinese friends I asked they have .. No idea about the essence of god. 很不幸地,大部分西方的基督徒对於「神」的概念都很类似。而我所问过的中国朋友当中 ,大部分的人对「神的本质」都没有任何的概念。 When we say ‘essence’ in Greek philosophy we mean what makes things to exist. For example , the book, the table , the chair , the tree , all exist because they are made of wood. So the wood is their essence. We are chinese, japanese etc… but mainly we are humans, so the humanity is our essence. 在希腊哲学的领域当中,当我们说「本质」时,指的是「使事物存在的根本原因」。例如 :这本书、这个桌子、这个椅子、这颗树,它们都存在因为他们是由木头造成的。所以, 木头就是他们的本质。同样的,虽然我们是中国人、日本人…等不同国籍的人,然而,基 本上来说,我们都是人。所以「人」就是我们的本质。 The essence has characteristics, attributes . For example if you have 4 legs , mouth , tail and you can bark, you are a dog, but if you have 2 legs , 2 hands, no tail, and you can speak you are human. Or if you can fly you are a bird , etc… 本质是有特徵、有属性的。举个例来说:如果你有四条腿,一张嘴,一个尾巴,而且你只 会吼叫,那麽你就是条狗。可是如果你有两条腿,两只手,没有尾巴,而且你可以说话, 那麽你就是个人。或者,例如:你会飞,那麽你就是只鸟…等。 But essence does not exists like a material. There is always special and individual. For example, there is not human essence, some material, that you can take and make human beings. There is not human essence separated from human being. It is not like a plastic material, that you can use and make many different things, like plastic caps, coats, plastic chairs , toys etc… 但是「本质」存在的方式,和一般物质存在的方式不同。它是特别的、单独存在的。例如 ,我们无法找出人类的本质,因为,我们无法找到一些物质原料,可以用来创造出人类。 离开了人类的「存有」,就没有人类的「本质」了。可见,人的本质与塑胶原料是完全不 同的,你可以用塑胶原料制作许多不同的东西,例如:塑胶杯、塑胶外套、塑胶椅子、塑 胶玩具…等。 From this point of view , the essence has priority to anything that is produced . The plastic (=essence) has priority over the plastic cups, spoons, clothes chairs etc… 从这一点来看, 「本质」是先於所有受造的万物。这个塑胶(=本质),是先於塑胶杯、塑 胶杓子、塑胶衣服、塑胶椅子…等物品的。 The big misunderstanding 天大的误解 Can we use this ideas for understand God better? We may use , but if we give a new meaning , from the bible and the experience of the church, and not the common philosophical ideas. 是否我们可以利用这个观念,来对「神」有更深入的了解呢?我想,答案应该是肯定的, 但是,前提是我们必须从圣经以及教会的体验中,汲取一些新的想法,赋予它一些新的意 义,使它不只是一般的哲学概念。 We must understand this , because it became the reason of the divisions between Christians. 我们必须了解这个观念,因为,它已经成为基督徒分裂的原因了。 1 . We can not compare god with man , and take ideas from man to apply to god 1.我们不可以拿神来和人类来比较,不可以把人类的概念直接应用到神身上。 2. the knowledge of god is different with the knowledge of human things. To know human things , we compare with other existing things , and create a theory. We have nothing to compare god. 2.神的知识和我们人类的知识有着天壤之别。我们可以知道人类的事物,也可以和其它 的存在物做比较,并创造一些理论,然而,我们却无法找到一样东西,可以和神作比较。 We know god only because god wants to reveal Himself. The highest knowledge of god is by his Son Jesus Christ. (we will say a lot about this later) (Matthew 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. 我们之所以认识神,只因为神想要向人类显现自己,神的最高知识,是藉由圣子耶稣基督 而显现的。(我们稍後还会深入的讨论)(马太福音11:27 一切都由我父交付了我;除了 父,没有一个认识子;除了子和子所愿意启示的,也没有一个认识父。 We do not understand things from general ideas but the general ideas from the things. To make it more simple. YOU are mr. or ms. X , you have a name, you are very unique, you are not not just one human being. If I say I am just a human being, some part of the human nature, a number, my id card number, then this is not what I am. 我们无法从一般的概念中理解各别的事物,而是从各别的事物之中得到一般性的概念。让 我说得更简单一点。你是X先生或是X小姐,你有一个名字,你是独一无二的,你不仅仅是 一个人类。但是,如果我说我只是一个人类,是人类本性的某一个部分,我是一组数字, 就像是我的身份证字号一样,那麽,这样的东西,并不是真正的我。 We can not make a list of attributes about ideas (like power, kindness, mercy, immortality…. Etc…) and project those ideas to god and say all those things MAKE GOD TO BE GOD. 我们不可以列出观念上的一堆属性(例如力量,仁慈,怜悯,永恒…等等),就把这些观 念投射到神身上,并且说这些属性的综合就是神。 The essence 本质 The bible does not makes philosophy. Jesus speaks about a somebody who is very unique, and calls him Father, which means a very unique and special relationship, and gives us the opportunity to enter to this relationship. And he calls him god also. 圣经并没有创造哲学。耶稣所说的「那一位」是独一无二的,而且,耶稣称他为「父」, 这表达了一个独一无二而且特别的关系,也让我们有机会进入这个关系当中。而且,耶稣 也称「那一位」为神。 In bible only once in 2Peter 1:4 is mentioned the word ‘physis’ . 在圣经中,只有彼得二书1:4 有提到「本性」(physis)这个字。 In bible we have persons who act and talk. : the father the son the holy spirit. 圣经中,我们谈到的那几位有: 父 子 圣灵 We call essence the common things that the 3 persons have. 我们把这三位所拥有的共同点称为「本质」。 God the father exists, IS and HAS. This is called essence. For example the father has life, the son has life , the holy spirit has life. The same for power, wisdom etc…. 圣父存在,圣父是…,圣父有…。这就是所谓的「本质」。例如圣父有生命,圣子有生命 ,圣灵也有生命。其它的例子还有:力量、智慧…等属性。 For example matthew 11:27 delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. 例如:马太福音 11:27,我父交付我的;除了父,没有人知道子;除了子和子所愿意指示 的,没有人知道父。 John 17:10 , And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. 约翰福音 17:10,凡是我的,都是你的;你的也是我的,并且我因他们得了荣耀 。 John 16:13Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 约翰福音 16:13,只等真理的圣灵来了,他要引导你们进入一切的真理;因为他不是凭自 己说的,乃是把他所听见的都说出来,并要把将来的事告诉你们。 But there are not 3 different lives , or 3 different wisdoms or powers, other for the father, other for the son , other for the holy spirit. 然而,这并不是说,有三个完全不同的生命,或者,有三个完全不同的智慧或力量,还是 ,有些属於圣父,有些属圣子,有些则属圣灵。事实并不是这麽一回事。 There is one life and this life the father shares with the son and the holy spirit. They do not share 1/3 , but each of them has all the life etc…. 只有一个生命,而这个生命是由圣父与圣子、圣灵所共享的,他们并不是只分到其中的 1/3,而是他们每一位,都拥有完整的生命,其它如智慧,力量等等…,也以此类推。 The essence or the person? The big misunderstanding 本质?位格?天大的误解 Pay attention to the following because is one of the main differences between the christians 请注意接下来的讨论,因为这是基督宗教之间最主要的差异之一。 What is the most characteristic in god? The power, the life etc… which is the essence or the Persons, the Father, the son and holy spirit, and which of them? 神最主要的特徵是什麽?是力量、生命…等吗?那一个才是神的本质?是圣父、灵子、圣 灵,还是这三位都是? For example the son of god is god because he participates in the essence of god? 举个例来说:神之子就是神,因为他分享了神的本质? as Christians we believe that the Father, the Son the holy spirit are Gods, then how we say that we believe to one god? What makes god to be one? 身为一个基督徒,我们相信,圣父、圣子、圣灵都是神,但是,我们如何能够说我们相信 的是一个神?是什麽因素使神成为一个? The answer of the bible, the answer of the life of the church is that what makes god to be one is THE FATHER. 圣经上的答案以及教会生活中的答案一致认为:使神成为「一个」的因素是「圣父」。 The western people , misunderstood , and influenced of the roman state and law ideas, they say the essence of god ,makes god to be one. 西方人受到罗马政府和法律概念的影响,产生了误解,所以,他们说:是神的「本质」使 他成为「一个」神。 This is opposite to what Jesus revealed to us, and what the bible says. 这个观念,和耶稣给我们的启示完全相反,也和圣经所说的不同。 In exodus 3:14, god says God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. God does not says I am the essence. 在出埃及记 3:14中,神对摩西说:「我是自有的。」又说:「你要对以色列人这样说: 『那自有的打发我到你们这里来。』」神并没有说「我就是本质」。 In the old testament , but specially in the new all god is Personal, the Father. Exists by himself, is the self-life, has no origin. But this Father, is the reason by 2 different ways of other 2 persons. The Son and the Holy spirit. We cannot say that he created them, because this means that they did not existed in time, that it was some time that the Son or the Holy spirit did not existed. 在旧约里,特别是一些晚出现的经典里,所提到所有的神都是「那一位」,也就是「圣父 」。神自存者,他本身就是生命,没有其他的源头存在。但是,藉由两种方式,还有另外 两位,也就是「圣子」和「圣灵」的存在,圣父成为万物存在之「因」。然而,我们不能 说,圣父创造了他们,因为这里所说的「他们的存在」,超越了时间的概念,所以,我们 不能说,在某一个时间点,圣子、圣灵并不存在。 So the father is the source of the persons of the Son and the holy spirit. This is the meaning of John 14:28 .. for my Father is greater than I. (greater from human point of view, because Jesus is human, and from God point of view because Jesus is the Son of the Father, the Father is his reason) 所以,「圣父」是「圣子」及「圣灵」的源头,这也是约翰福音 14:28的意义。因为「父 」比我大(「比较大」这个概念是从人类的角度出发的,因为耶稣是人,而从神的角度来 说,因为耶稣是「圣父」之子,「圣父」就是他的因)。 三位一体并不是指 三位 + 一体 = 四个个体(1/2) Chinese language has different structure from Greek language, in which (greek) the theological concepts and terms are expressed. So by the一 体 what do they mean? 中文和希腊文的结构并不相同,而这个神学的概念却是由希腊文所陈述的,那麽,「一体 」所指的究竟是什麽呢? Something like a somebody which has one body and 3 heads, or 3 faces? Actually a roman god Janus was one body but 2 faces. If they mean that this一 体 is the essence of god, is correct, but still needs to be more clear. 这就好像有一个人,他有一个身体,但却有三个头或三张脸?事实上,在罗马的神雅努斯 ,就是拥有一个身体但却有两张脸的神,如果他们用这个概念来说,一体就是神的本质, 那麽是正确的,只是说的还不够清楚。 Clear means to understand that god is ONE, because there is 说得清楚一点,我们说「神是一体」,那是因为: one reason of the Son and the holy Spirit 神是圣子及圣灵唯一的因。 One initiator 神是唯一的创始者。 One source 神是唯一的源头 Out of time 超越时间 Out of space 超越空间 The Son is born (not created in time) from the essence of the Father, which means from the Father himself. 圣子是从圣父的本质里诞生的(不是在时间的概念中诞生),意思是说,圣子来自於圣父本 身。 But because of the lack of philosophy the Latins specially st Augustine misunderstood the concepts 因为拉丁民族在哲学概念上的缺乏,所以圣奥古斯汀误解了这个概念。 The trinity and the world 圣三位一体与世界 The holy trinity exists independently of the world. There is nothing in the world that can express 100% how is god. 「圣三位一体」是独立於世界之外而存在的。这个世界没有任何的事物可以百分之百的表 达神。 In the world acts IN TIME, and IN SPACE. 因为世界是在时间及空间里运作的。 What was misunderstood was that the son of god promised to sent the holy spirit. So john 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: , augustin and the western people, because they do not know greek language they thought that son sents the holy spirit also. So the holy spirit has 2 who can sent it. The Father and the son. 若说圣子允诺要派遣圣灵,这也是一种误解。因为约翰福音 15:26说:「当护慰者,就是 我从父那里要给你们派遣的,那发於父的真理之神来到时,他必要为我作证。」奥古斯汀 因和西方的人,因为他们不了解希腊文,所以他们认为圣子也可以派遣圣灵。若如此,圣 灵就会受到两位的派遣,也就是圣父及圣子。 But this is very wrong and cannot be accepted. It is wrong because there are 2 different words in greek language, but in latin, english and from this in chinese they undertand as one. 然而,这是一个非常严重且不可被接受的错误,错误的原因在於,在「希腊文」中,这是 两个不一样的字,可是在「拉丁文」、「英文」以及由这两种语言所翻译过来的「中文」 ,都被理解为同一个字。 Πεμψω is different from εκπορε 更多正教会文章,请见: --

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※ 转录者: alchem (, 时间: 10/30/2013 00:29:20 我相信 Trinitas(拉丁文),Triune God,译为三一 神、三一真 神、神圣三一、三 位一体、三一神论---独一的 神,有三个位格,不是三位神。 Trinitas,Triune God, 不是圣经的用语,而是渺小有限的人类对伟大无限的 神,最贴近的描述,这是公元 325 年第一次尼西亚公会议(或称第一尼西亚会议)的《尼西亚信经》所建立。此会议乃基督 教历史第一次的世界性主教会议,确立了一些影响深远的宗教法规和现今普遍基督教会接 纳的传统教义,已经经过将近 1700年历史的考验。 三一论的主张:圣父、圣子、圣灵为同一本体(本性)、三个不同的位格,第一次尼西亚 公会议以希腊语 homoousios 来表达神圣三一之间的关连。三个位格爲同一本质,三个位 格为同一属性。简单地说,仅有独一的 神;圣父完全是 神,圣子完全是 神,圣灵完 全是 神;圣父不是圣子,圣子不是圣灵,圣灵不是圣父。 渺小有限的人,对伟大无限的 神,无法参透,这是奥秘,所以任何人,当然包括我,对 神圣三一的描述,无法完全。 你drea只读李常受,对上述典故与真理的无知,并不令人意外,除了相信「李常受四一神 」等等异端,你还懂些什麽?要来胡闹,也要有一点点起码的底子,别被正统基督信仰, 看扁成「观天井蛙」与「被洗脑的红卫兵」才好。 召会「李常受四一神」官方网站如下: 召会台湾福音书房出版品,晨兴圣言,说到「四一神」如下: 《晨兴圣言》──包罗万有的「一」的异像、经历与实行(9 7年4月台湾初版,第141页 ,第八周,周二。) 《以弗所书》四章四至六节里,「四而一」的「生机实体」与《启示录》一章二十节里的 「金灯台」相符。「基督的身体」既是「三一神」,与蒙祂救赎并变化之人的调和,因此 「身体」本身就是「一」(弗1: 4-6)。 按照(弗4:4-6),「基督的身体」──「召会」乃是「四而一」──父、子、灵和身体 :至终,「召会」──「身体」,就是一班蒙救赎、得重生,且与「三一神」联结,并与 「三一神」调和的人(弗3:16-21)。 (弗4:4-6)启示「四个人位」──一个身体、一位灵、一主、一位神,与父──调和在 一起,成为一个实体,作「基督生机的身体」: 1.「父」是源头,「子」是成分,「灵」是素质;这三者都与「身体」调和。 2.「父」具体化身在「子」里;「子」实化成为「那灵」,祂们都在我们里面;因此我们 是「四而一」── 神圣又属人的构成──(约14:10-11、16-17、20,弗3:16-21)。 3. 因着「父、子、灵」都与「基督的身体」是「一」,我们可以说,「三一神」现今乃 是「四一神」;这四者就是「父、子、灵与身体」(4:4-6)。 李常受在台众有一次讲道,解释「四一神」说:「三一神今天乃是四一神。三而一的神在 祂还没有经过种种过程以前,这三一神是彼此互相内在的,没有人性被带到祂里面;可是 到了今天人性已经被带到神性里;三一神今天乃是四一神。那有人说小心一点,我们是不 是在讲异端?三而一、四而一,是圣经没有的辞;三一和四一,是在说明圣经的一个真理 。第二、我们要表达的是,你不要讲召会是四而一的神。当我们讲基督的身体是四而一时 ,一点也没有说我们进到神格。基督的身体,召会,今天是四而一;是在神的生命和性情 上,与祂联结和调和。」 李常受否认三一 神,并且说人也是神,并且形容天主教与基督教是被撒但利用的堕落撒 但系统。请参见他的谬论如下: "....To split the Godhead into these separate Persons is not the revelation of the Bible.... " ..............把神格分为三个位格不是圣经的启示...... 出处:生命信息,李常受着,安那翰水流职事站,1979年,第164页。 Witness Lee, Life Messages (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1979), p. 164 "The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are not three separate persons or three Gods; they are one God, one reality, one person. " ....父,子,灵不是三个身位或三位神,....他们是一个身位...... 出处:三一神活在三部分的人里,李常受着,安那翰水流职事站,1970年,第48页。 Witness Lee, The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1970), p. 48 "God can say to His believers, 'I am divine and human,' and His believers can reply, 'Praise You, Lord. You are divine and human, and we are human and divine.'" 神可对信徒说"我是神也是人".....信徒可回答 "我们是人也是神"..... 出处:三一神活在三部分的人里,李常受着,安那翰水流职事站,1990年,第51-52页。 Witness Lee, The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1990), pp. 51-52 "We the believers are begotten of God. What is begotten of man is man, and what is begotten of God must be God. We are born of God; hence, in this sense, we are God." ........我们 从神生,因此,在此理解,我们是神. 出处:神圣分赐的更入深研究,李常受着,安那翰水流职事站,1990年,第53页。 Witness Lee, A Deeper Study of the Divine Dispensing (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1990), p. 53 "Because the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all one with the Body of Christ, we may say that the Triune God is now the 'four-in-one' God.' These four are the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Body. The Three of the Divine Trinity cannot be confused or separated, and the four-in-one also cannot be separated or confused." ........父、子、灵 都在基督的身体,我们可以说三一神现是四一神,父、子、灵和 身体。 出处:神圣分赐的更深入研究,李常受着,安那翰水流职事站,1990年,第203-204页。 Witness Lee, A Deeper Study of the Divine Dispensing (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1990), pp. 203-204 "The Lord is not building His church in Christendom, which is composed of the apostate Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations. This prophecy is being fulfilled through the Lord's recovery, in which the building of the genuine church is being accomplished." .........主不是在基督教国建立召会,基督教国是由堕落罗马天主教,和改革各宗派 所组成......... 出处:李常受,新约恢复本,第99页。 Witness Lee in The New Testament Recovery Version, note 184 (Matthew 1618) (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1991), p. 99 http// "In every denomination, including the Roman Catholic Church, there are real, saved Christians. They are God's people belonging to the Lord. But the organization of the denominations in which they are is not of God. The denominational organizations have been utilized by Satan to set up his satanic system to destroy God's economy of the proper church life." ..........基督教宗派组织是被撒但利用建立撒但系统破坏神的经纶........ 出处:创世纪生命读经,李常受着,安那翰水流职事站,第464页。 Witness Lee, "Message Thirty-Four" in The Life-Study of Genesis (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1987), Vol. 1, p. 464 "We do not care for Christianity, we do not care for Christendom, we do not care for the Roman Catholic church, and we do not care for all the denominations, because in the Bible it says that the great Babylon is fallen. This is a declaration. Christianity is fallen, Christendom is fallen, Catholicism is fallen, and all the denominations are fallen. Hallelujah!" ...........这是个宣告基督教堕落...所有基督教宗派是堕落..... 出处: 地方召会的七灵,李常受着,安那翰水流职事站,第97页。 Witness Lee, The Seven Spirits for the Local Churches (Anaheim Living Stream Ministry, 1989), p. 97 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: alchem (, 时间: 11/02/2013 21:14:59
1F:推 openeyes222:异端李常受的信仰和正统基督教是不同的,如李常受是04/14 08:08
2F:→ openeyes222:正确的,那基督教就是异端,反之亦是,端看自己选择04/14 08:08
3F:→ openeyes222:的自己负责。04/14 08:08
※ 编辑: alchem (, 07/31/2014 21:56:25

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