Brand 板

作者 bacardi (DREAM) 看板 Brand 标题 [转录] ROBERTO CAVALLI on DRINK, WOMEN and other ANIMALS 时间 Tue Nov 8 10:56:15 2005 This is an article originally from ARENA HOMME+ by JO-ANN FURNISS. JO for JO-ANN FURNISS ; RC for ROBERTO CAVALLI ================================================================== Roberto Cavalli -- what can we say? One of the quintessential Italian designers, he is the master of excess and the maestro of the maximal, yet here he shows his softer side : did you know he's very fond of parrots? JO: Would you describe what you do as baroque? RC: Maybe in the beginning my fashion was baroque; I did look at some of those ideas. But my collections come mainly from nature. I love to study and see everything, those small details of nature, I photo- graph them. We don't usually pay attention to small things because of our chaotic lives. I live in Florence in the hills an I am always with my camera. Everybody says I love the animal print, but that's just one part!My collections are full of details; of flowers, petals, the small delicate things. JO: You're very fond of animals too, aren't you?What are your favourites? RC: It's hard to say because I love many. But if I really think I would say the parrots. I have many parrots, I love them. There are many but there are two in particular; one is 30, the other is 27 or 28. What I love about my parrots is that they love me. It's really unbelievable. They attack other people but with me they are like a baby. They kiss me, they wait for me and when I arrive home they shout. I have a very samll one who is very, very sweet. He will sleep under the sheets in bed. Another animal that I am very fond of and I've had for three years, is a chim- panzee. But he's too human, too much like a baby -- not normal. I once had a tiger for a few months, I nursed him from when he was a baby. He was my favourite. But I travel a lot; I went to New York and left him with my wife. Oh, my wife, she started shouting because he was very bad. He had to be given back to the person I got him from. I cried. JO: And you like rabbits? RC: Absolutely, I loverabbits. In the room of my little boy--he is 11 years old -- there is a small white Angora rabbit. Sometimes we let him out of his cage and he makes all the room dirty...but it doesn't matter! He is very sweet. JO: Well, that was my rather pathetic link into talking about your makeover of the Playboy Bunny... RC: Now the Bunny is something entirely different! Playboy told me they were opening a new Casino in Las Vegas and asked if I would design the dress of the Bunnies. I said yes! I like to do things a little bit different. I am a designer and I like to design everything. My last creation was my boat. The moment I finished it, I used it and though I much preferred the designing of it. I'm thinking about selling it and designing a new one. Next thing to design is a telephone. And now I am launching Cavalli Vodka, just for the American market. You should see the bottle -- it's fantastic! The moment you finish the vodka inside you should make a lamp out of the bottle!I want to make a special edition with silk for shade. I have ideas! I love it! JO: You do like the finer things in life, don't you? Bunnies, vodka... RC: They are all toys to me! But the most important thing to me is my fashion. I am always thinking about my next fashion show, about what I can make happen. All the women that love me and all the people expacting something from me -- it's a big pressure. But there is a big possibility to create a wonderful fashion show. I love the transformation of people through my clothes. I love it! JO: How would you define decadence? RC: This is a terrible moment of decadence! It's becauseof the television--it breeds a terrible decadence. The young watch too much of it. In Italy it is terrible! We pay too much attention to the beauty. In the past, if offered the choice of intelligence or beauty, many would have said intel- ligence. Now ask the young and it's beauty; it is the way to fame and mo- ney. This is my definition of decadence. I worry for my children-- and of course my children are my best collection! I have five children: one is very big, one is very small. Some are spring, some are winter. Some are more serious than others. JO: Is it always the world of women inspires you? RC: Absolutely. I love the different types of femininity. Women often have more personality than man, men just have more physical power! In my opi- nion women are more important than men. Maybe I'm the only man who thinks this, but for me that is absolutely true. I like a women who has self-be- lief but can understand me through my clothes. I would like to have femi- nine intuition; maybe I have got it. One of the most difficult things in life is to understand a woman. I love complicated women and I hate boring women! I like to suffer. In this way I am very theatrical,I am very baro- que. -- 我必须全部记得,因为我害怕有一天有人会大声的质问我, 对着我看不见的眼! 我会轻轻地说我看不见,但是我全部记得!~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: bacardi 来自: (11/08 10:59)
1F:推 jameslee:版猪 翻译吧 11/08 11:48
2F:推 bacardi:翻个头.. 11/08 13:31
3F:推 RYUICHI:推!有高手大概翻译吧~小的英文很差 orz 11/08 15:08
4F:推 bacardi:听楼上的在XX 11/08 15:13
5F:推 RYUICHI:看来他跟Paul Smith也颇有相似之处 11/08 15:38
6F:→ RYUICHI:好感动,他也爱兔子,而且一样是臭兔兔,很顽皮的兔子~~ 11/08 15:40
7F:推 bacardi:看来楼上的施主已经看完了...翻一下吧!~ 11/08 15:49
8F:推 Orgasm:养老虎 XD 好可爱 果然是个有钱人 什麽都是他的玩具 >_< 11/08 16:00

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