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德州大学圣安东尼奥分校(University of Texas at San Antonio, UTSA)属於R1研究型 大学,位居全国研究型大学的前4%。UTSA在美国提供运动科学课程的807所大学和学院中 ,以欢迎度而言排名第一。值得一提的是,NBA的马刺队与其他投资者合作,计划在靠近U TSA的50英亩土地上投资5亿美元,创建一个世界一流的运动表现园区。这个创新的校园将 包括NBA队伍的现代化训练设施,以及医疗、研究、零售、办公和公园发展项目的结合。 圣安东尼奥正式被誉为“美国军事之城恣芋A拥有美国最大的国防医疗中心和最大的空军 基地等多个军事基地。该市还是一个生物医学枢纽,拥有西南研究所、圣安东尼奥军事健 康体系、德州圣安东尼奥大学医学院和德州生物医学研究所等机构。 机构行销声明 德州大学圣安东尼奥分校是一所拉丁裔特色大学,专注於网络、健康、基础未来和社会经 济发展。拥有超过34,000名学生,它是圣安东尼奥都会区最大的大学。UTSA通过研究和发 现、教学和学习、社区参与和公共服务来推动知识的发展。该大学拥抱多元文化传统,是 知识和创意资源的中心,也是促进社会经济发展和知识产权商业化的催化剂,为德州、国 家和世界提供服务。了解更多信息,请访问网站,或在UTSA Today,Twitter,Instagram ,Facebook,YouTube或LinkedIn上查阅。 坐落在一个几个世纪来一直是人民和文化交汇处的全球城市中,UTSA重视大学生活的各个 方面的多样性和包容性。作为一所明确成立来提升墨西哥裔美国人和其他被忽视的社区教 育的机构,我们的大学致力於结束世代歧视和不平等。UTSA作为一所优秀的公立研究型大 学,通过对话、发现和创新的社区来促进学术卓越,并拥抱每个声音的独特性。 发布截止日期 申请将在2023年10月30日中央夏令时间晚上11:59前接受。根据招聘部门的裁量,一旦收 到足够数量的合格申请,本职位招聘可能会结束。 薪资 薪资范围:美金 $56,484- $61,572/年薪,根据教育、经验和资格而定。 每周工时 免税职位:每周40小时。 所需申请材料 您的当前履历。 一页长的求职信,概述您的先前研究经验和未来的研究目标。 面试後才需要提供的3名参考人联系信息。 基本职能 德州大学圣安东尼奥分校(UTSA)运动科学系的Hsu实验室现有一个开放的全职博士後职 位。此职位的预计开始日期约为2024年1月1日。成功的候选人将有机会在代谢、免疫学、 细胞死亡试验以及与神经损伤和运动训练相关的小鼠模型工作等领域获得专业知识。此外 ,他们还将获得撰写研究论文和编写资助申请的宝贵经验。 职责: 在高度协作的环境中参与跨学科项目,寻找促进伤害後康复和恢复组织功能的解决方案。 整合细胞生物学、免疫学、生物化学和运动生理学技术,阐明运动如何调节免疫功能。 进行体内和体外实验。撰写研究论文和准备资助申请。附加职责包括培训本科和研究生学 生。 所需资格 具有生物医学科学、运动科学或相关学科的博士学位并具有高度动机的候选人,或在入职 日期之前已获得博士学位。 首选资格 具有处理小型动物和/或细胞培养实践经验者优先考虑。 工作条件 校园内工作:主要工作地点将位於校园内。出差和停车费用由员工负责。 附加信息 UTSA是一个无烟校园。 这是一个安全敏感职位。雇佣取决於成功的背景检查。 被选中的申请人必须能够在入职时出示在美国工作的资格证明。 平等就业机会/平等行动声明 作为平等就业机会和积极行动的雇主,圣安东尼奥得克萨斯大学的政策是促进并确保所有 个人都享有平等的就业机会,不论种族、肤色、宗教、性别认同、性取向、国籍、年龄、 残障或遗传信息,以及退伍军人地位。该大学致力於遵守政府要求的积极行动计划,以确 保不歧视。鼓励妇女、少数民族、残障人士和退伍军人申请。UTSA校园对残障人士无障碍 。 有兴趣者,请点选以下连结申请: click here嘭ost-Doctoral Fellowꀊ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 英文讯息。如下: Department Marketing Statement The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) holds the prestigious R1 designa tion and stands among the top 4% of research universities nationwide. UTSA has secured the number one spot in terms of popularity out of 807 colleges and un iversities across the United States that offer kinesiology programs. Notably, the NBA Spurs, in collaboration with other investors, have ambitious plans to invest $500 million in a transformation project spanning nearly 50 acres adjac ent to UTSA, creating a world-class Human Performance Campus. This innovative campus will encompass fresh training facilities for the NBA team, alongside a blend of medical, research, retail, office, and park developments. San Antonio , officially recognized as "Military City USA긬" is home to one of the largest concentrations of military bases in the United States, including the Departme nt of Defense's largest medical center and the most extensive Air Force base. The city also holds a prominent position as a biomedical hub, housing institut ions such as the Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio Military Health Sys tem, UT Health San Antonio, and Texas Biomedical Research Institute. Org Marketing Statement The University of Texas at San Antonio is a Hispanic Serving University specia lizing in cyber, health, fundamental futures, and social-economic development. With more than 34,000 students, it is the largest university in the San Anton io metropolitan region. UTSA advances knowledge through research and discovery , teaching and learning, community engagement and public service. The universi ty embraces multicultural traditions and serves as a center for intellectual a nd creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development and the commercialization of intellectual property—for Texas, the nation and the world. Learn more online, on UTSA Today or on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Yo uTube or LinkedIn.ꀊ ꀊ UTSA, situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples and cult ures for centuries, values diversity and inclusion in all aspects of universit y life. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexica n Americans and other underserved communities, our university is committed to ending generations of discrimination and inequity. UTSA, a premier public rese arch university, fosters academic excellence through a community of dialogue, discovery and innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice. Posting End Date Applications will be accepted through 11:59 PM CDT on 10/30/2023. At the discr etion of the hiring department, this position posting may close once a suffici ent number of qualified applications have been received. Salary Salary Range: $56,484- $61,572/Annualized, commensurate with education, experi ence and qualifications. Hours per Week Exempt Position: 40 hours per week. Required Application Materials ꀊ Your current CV. A one-page cover letter outlining your prior research experience and your futu re research objectives. Contact information for 3 references will only be required after the interview . ꀊ Essential Functions There is an open, full-time postdoctoral position within the Hsu lab at the De partment of Kinesiology, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). The antici pated commencement date for this position is approximately January 1, 2024. Th e successful candidate will have the opportunity to acquire expertise in areas such as metabolism, immunology, cell death assays, and working with mouse mod els related to nerve injury and exercise training. Additionally, they will gai n valuable experience in crafting research manuscripts and grant proposals. Responsibilities: Work on interdisciplinary projects within a highly collaborative environment t o identify solutions to accelerate recovery and restore tissue function after injury. Integrate cell biology, immunology, biochemistry, and exercise physiology tech niques to elucidate how exercise modulates immune function. Perform in vivo and in vitro experiments. Manuscript writing and grant preparation. Additional duties include training of undergraduate and graduate students. Required Qualifications Highly motivated candidates with an earned PhD in Biomedical Science, Exercise Science, or a related discipline, or completed PhD by date of hire. Preferred Qualifications Practical experience in handling small animals and/or cell culture is preferre d. Working Conditions ꀊ On Campus: Primary work location will be on campus. Travel and parking expense s are the employee's responsibility. ꀊ Additional Information UTSA is a tobacco free campus. This is a security sensitive position. Employment is contingent upon a success ful background check. Applicants selected must be able to show proof of eligibility to work in the U nited States by time of hire. EO/AA Statement As an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, it is the policy of The University of Texas at San Antonio to promote and ensure equal e mployment opportunity for all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or genetic information, and veteran status. The University is committed to the A ffirmative Action Program in compliance with all government requirements to en sure nondiscrimination. Women, minorities, people with disabilities and vetera ns are encouraged to apply. UTSA campuses are accessible to persons with disab ilities. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (美国)
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