作者bluebubble28 (1u 1u 1u )
标题[徵才]高雄市高医环境医学顶尖研究中心Dr.Yokoyama's Lab徵研究助理
时间Tue Jul 5 15:56:18 2011
【职缺名称】A research assistant
【徵才单位】Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University
Center of Excellence for Environmental Medicine
Graduate Institute of Medicine
Dr. Yokoyama’s Lab
【工作地址】100 shih-Chuan 1 st Road, San Ming District, Kaohsiung,
800708, Taiwan
【工作内容】1. Molecular mechanism of histone modification by JDP2
2. ips technology
We need the research assistant with one of the following techniques:
(1) Molecular biology (DNA/RNA/protein works, construction of point
mutant and deletion mutant, sequencing)
(2) Cell culture (ES or iPS or other somatic cells)
(3) Technique of preparation of knock out, knock in and transgenic
(4) Recombinant viruses (retro, lenti and adeno-viruses etc)
【薪资待遇】 To follow the example of NSC salary.
【联络方式】 Interested people please send your resume in English to
below contact:
Dr. Yokoyama
Tel: (07) 312-1101, Ext. 2729
[email protected]
【其他备注】Dr. Yokoyama's Web:
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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