作者leftt (left)
标题[情报] 博後或助理职缺 明尼苏达大学魏丽娜老师
时间Mon Dec 13 15:05:26 2010
※ [本文转录自 AfterPhD 看板 #1D1SHyg5 ]
作者: leftt (left) 看板: AfterPhD
标题: [情报] Post-Doctor/Research Assistant position available (UMN)
时间: Mon Dec 13 15:00:09 2010
Post-doctors and Ph.D. studies in Embryonic Stem Cell/Neuroscience/Metabolism
Post-Doctors (Ph.D.) and Research Assistant (M.S. or B.S.) positions available,
using molecular, biochemical, cell biological, genetic and biophysical
approaches to study fundamental biological processes. The specific questions
are related to a) chromatin remodeling in embryonic stem cells, b) axonal RNA
granule/local translation for nerve repair/regeneration, and 3) signal
transduction in metabolism. For our recent works, please check out Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA. 107, 3216 (2010); J. Cell Biol. 188,
325 (2010); Cell Metabolism 10, 516 (2009); PNAS 105, 11424 (2008);
Nature Stru & Mol Biol 14, 68 (2007); Nature Chem Biol 3, 161 (2007); PNAS 104,
13810 (2007); Mol. Cell 19, 643 (2005).
Multi-disciplinary approaches are taken in a research team.
A Ph.D. or M.S. in any area of biological sciences or biophysics is required.
A B.S. with extensive research experience (i.e. publication) is also encouraged
to apply. Opportunities for M.S./B.S. applicants to enter Ph.D. programs are
provided. Interested applicants should send curriculum vitae and a cover letter
[email protected]
(web site
http://www.pharmacology.med.umn.edu/staffwei.html )
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