作者mhhong (mhhong)
标题[徵才] 苗栗县 国卫院感染症组余冠仪老师 博士後研究人员及研究助理
时间Tue Oct 26 12:19:29 2010
【工作内容】The main interest of the lab is to understand how pathogens
activate innate immunity and induce inflammation in host.
The research involves in vitro model (cell culture based)
and in vivo mouse model. Applicants with virology and
immunology background are preferred.
【薪资待遇】研究助理36000;博士後研究人员50000 (粗估,依院内标准)
【联络方式】意者请履历寄至Guann-Yi Yu (
[email protected])
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:→ litshu:国卫院的院内标准postdoc比国科会低? 这个是po错了吗? 11/05 01:26