Baseball 板

LINEㄙ DALLAS — The ownership group that recently purchased the Phoenix Suns — before promptly making a splash by acquiring Kevin Durant — is now interested in buyi ng the Minnesota Twins. 近年刚买下NBA凤凰城太阳队的Ishbia兄弟 现在也有兴趣买下双城队了 A source briefed on the situation confirmed that Justin Ishbia and his brother, Phoenix Suns and Mercury owner Mat Ishbia, are interested in buying the Twins fr om the Pohlad family, which began exploring a sale in October after 40 years of ownership. Bloomberg first reported the Ishbias’ interest in the Twins. Pohlad家族最近宣布要把双城卖掉 而根据消息来源的确认 太阳队老板有兴趣接手 Justin Ishbia, whom Forbes estimated has a net worth of $5.4 billion, would lead the Twins investor group and is part of the Suns’ majority ownership group and the team’s alternate governor. Justin Ishbia将会带领一组投资人来竞标双城队 His younger brother Mat purchased the Suns in December 2022. Three days after th e NBA approved his ownership in February 2023, the Suns acquired Durant in a blo ckbuster trade with the Brooklyn Nets. 他的弟弟Mat Ishbia在2022年买下太阳队後 随即发动交易,把Kevin Durant交易来 One of those sources said the Ishbia brothers are very interested in purchasing the club and have held several meetings with local leaders. Ishbia兄弟已经和当地人士开过多次会议 “The beauty of baseball is that it’s not about a star or two,” Ishbia told Th e Athletic’s Brian Hamilton in September. “It’s truly a team sport, and it’s a team sport over a long period of time. It’s a grind and it’s a discipline. It’s life. Life is the discipline of doing the same thing over and over again c onsistently. And that’s what the long summer of baseball is all about.” Justin Ishbia在九月告诉《The Athletic》 「棒球的美妙之处在於,它不是只靠一两个明星球员」 「这是一项真正的团队运动,而且是一项需要长时间投入的团队运动,它是一种磨练,也是 一种纪律,而这就像人生一样,人生就是在不断地重复相同的事情中保持稳定,而这正是漫 长棒球夏季的意义所在」 Justin Ishbia(47岁) Mat Ishbia(44岁)
他们在NBA也是那种狂砸钱的老板欸 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: zxc906383:转录至看板 MLB 12/14 09:11
1F:推 ct13579: NBA薪资上限,想狂花钱也没办法吧 12/14 09:16
2F:推 carlchang092: Ballmer或是贝佐斯要不要来买一下,我想看看MLB最大 12/14 09:26
3F:→ carlchang092: 可以弄出多大团 12/14 09:26
4F:→ Hohenzollern: NBA不给太阳老板烧钱 他就买大联盟球队 12/14 09:34
5F:推 xo1100: 可是你家太阳塞三只明星把薪资卡死欸 12/14 09:37
6F:推 gto3ping: 马斯克买一下太空人吧 改名 休士顿X 12/14 09:57
7F:推 meatmm: 所以他想把他的钞能力带来MLB啊 MLB限制相对较小 12/14 09:58
8F:→ maruka: 来跟王电火比砸钱 12/14 10:02
9F:→ GordonJordan: Beal那合约真的猛 12/14 10:23
10F:推 KasugaMirai: 他对棒球的解释真好 12/14 11:00
11F:推 cross980115: Beal的约是巫师签的…只是交易过来就变成卡在太阳身 12/14 11:01
12F:→ cross980115: 上了 12/14 11:01
13F:→ cross980115: 他也没有到狂砸 只是刚接手 就想组三巨,交易来之後 12/14 11:02
14F:→ cross980115: 就卡着了 12/14 11:02
15F:推 wallacechen: 我阳老板至少是个好老板,是真的会好好经营球队的 12/14 11:39
16F:推 jrxcombine: 双城会搬家嘛? 12/14 11:41
17F:→ highwayshih: 太阳会被卡死 MLB球队不会啊 你有钱就能解放钞能力 12/14 11:52
18F:推 jan58912: 王电火:我接受你的挑战 12/14 12:32

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