Baseball 板


节录自ESPN的报导 The timing of Sasaki's posting -- which has yet to be set, sources said -- will determine whether he falls into the 2024 or 2025 international amateur class. Wh en a player is posted, he has a 45-day window to sign with a major league team. Though Sasaki would join an organization on a minor league deal, a team can add him to its major league roster before the 2025 season. 消息来源指出罗德开始竞标的时间未定,这会影响佐佐木要算在2024年还是2025年的国际新 秀。竞标开始後有45天的谈判窗口。虽然佐佐木只能签小联盟约,球队还是可以在2025年球 季前把他放到大联盟名单。 International amateur bonus pools are capped, with the top teams this year able to spend just over $7.1 million, larger-market, higher-spending teams at $4.6 mi llion and the rest in between. Teams can add up to 60% of their allotted pools b y trading for other teams' bonus-pool money. Most teams have spent the majority of their 2024 bonus pools already, with the signing period for international fre e agents running from Jan. 15 to Dec. 15 annually. 国际新秀签约额度有上限,今年最多略高於710万,大市场豪门是460万,其他球队介於这两 个数字之间。球队也能藉由交易来提高额度(最多60%)。大多数球队在这个时间点都已经 用完2024年的额度。 另外参照板上的文章,目前额度剩下最多的是道奇(250万多) Were the official posting to be delayed until mid-December -- it typically takes weeks to complete the process -- Sasaki could sign when the 2025 international period opens Jan. 15. Though most teams have commitments lined up for players in that period -- the top bonus pools are around $7.5 million and the bottom aroun d $5.1 million -- they could trade for international bonus space or free up mone y by not honoring nonbinding commitments they have made to teenagers from Latin American countries, an infrequent but not unheard of occurrence. 假如正式竞标推迟到12月中-通常还需要花几个礼拜来跑完程序-朗希就可以算在明年1月15 日开始的2025年国际新秀。明年各队的额度介於510万到750万之间,而且一样可以藉由交易 来提高,甚或通过不履行先前跟其他中南美洲小球员不具约束力的协议来空出额度,这种情 况很罕见但并非前所未闻。 基本上就是看佐佐木朗希跟罗德想不想多拿一点点钱 另外报导後面还有列举出有可能会加入竞争的球队(除了道奇以外的):教士(朗希与达比 修的关系良好)、纽约两队(都对朗希感兴趣)、小熊、蓝鸟、游骑兵或光芒 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: polanco ( 台湾), 11/09/2024 16:49:42
1F:推 ct13579: 没水手吗,基本上是希望别在去道奇了,能开拓一些中小规 11/09 17:23
2F:→ ct13579: 模尤其是中区的球团最好 11/09 17:23
3F:推 ainge: 朗希要是想挑战自己的话,就去洋基吧 XD 11/09 17:47
4F:推 Catlaco: 不可能不去道奇 100%道奇 11/09 17:48
5F:推 cchmaddux: 道奇99% 教士1% 不可能去的纽约 那边没有同乡大哥罩 11/09 18:19
6F:推 GyroZeppeli: 千贺:我不是前辈? 11/09 18:35
7F:推 Profaner: 去道奇拜托 11/09 21:36

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