作者zxc906383 (无无)
标题[情报] 费城人预计会强烈追求Soto
时间Mon Oct 28 22:13:24 2024
The Yankees haven’t hidden their desire to have him return. The crosstown Mets,
with the richest owner in baseball in Steve Cohen, could be beckoning.
The Philadelphia Phillies are expected to strongly pursue him to team up with Bo
ras client Bryce Harper.
The Toronto Blue Jays and San Francisco Giants, who were left at the altar in th
e Ohtani bidding war last winter, will now turn their attention to Soto.
如果教士前老板Peter Seidler没过世的话
“If (Padres owner) Peter Seidler were still alive," Boras told USA TODAY Sports
, “none of this would be happening. Juan would have been with the Padres. He ne
ver would have been traded to the Yankees.
“He’d be a Padre today."
And a Padre for the rest of his career.
“Peter and I were knee-deep in Juan Soto (contract) discussions," Boras reveals
. “Well advanced. His illness really stopped the process because we knew the or
ganization would be different. He wanted to push it through even though he was i
他和Peter Seidler已经在深入谈Soto的续约
The contract was never consummated.
Seidler died of cancer on Nov. 14, 2023.
“I have a text message from him four days before he died," Boras said. "'Be bac
k online real quick.' "
Three weeks later, Soto was traded to the Yankees.
“That doesn’t happen if Peter is alive," Boras said. “Where we were at,
would have gotten the deal done. We were very close. Peter was not afraid."
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1730124807.A.54A.html
※ zxc906383:转录至看板 MLB 10/28 22:13
1F:推 huangjyuan: 费城人也不错 10/28 22:13
2F:推 Hard4Love: 唉好希望Soto能当终身教士人 10/28 22:14
3F:→ LukeSkywaker: 费城人的最後一块拼图 10/28 22:14
4F:→ huangjyuan: 希望Harper可以拿个一冠 10/28 22:15
5F:推 railman: Soto去教士的话 道奇会很抖 10/28 22:16
6F:推 ct13579: 宇宙教,不过教士这次应该是不会跟 10/28 22:17
7F:推 u9596g12: 是多热烈 10/28 22:17
8F:推 eee60109: 来喊价的 外野Casty+洗袜伯+锁头 好精美 10/28 22:18
9F:→ WasJohnWall: Soto现在差的反而是MVP了 10/28 22:19
10F:推 YDSK: 会跟的话当初就不会交易出去了,费城人也在东岸机会不是没有 10/28 22:20
11F:推 j3024133: 他有价啊,26岁十年的约 10/28 22:21
12F:推 polanco: 费城那个外野 国民感觉机会还比较大 10/28 22:21
13F:推 Werth: 史瓦伯DH 哈波1B 只有钱不够多 阵容上没问题吧 10/28 22:21
14F:→ bleach00: 运钞车要开出来了 10/28 22:22
15F:→ zxc906383: Casty 洗碗伯 约不长啊 10/28 22:22
16F:→ jack34031: Soto留在教士的话,他们就没有Michael King跟东冈捏 10/28 22:24
17F:推 s6525480: 疯狂 10/28 22:28
18F:推 q3824k: 费城要组前国民明星打线484 10/28 22:28
19F:推 laking: 当初卖掉Soto那一刻注定就是教士亏了 10/28 22:28
20F:嘘 windmars13: 不考虑王SOTO吗 10/28 22:29
21F:推 nottell: 来吧 10/28 22:29
22F:推 zehow: Soto没被交易 大概也不会有Profar 等於今年的教士 10/28 22:29
23F:→ zehow: 没有king 东冈 profar这样会比较强?不可能吧 10/28 22:29
24F:推 Catalyst: 宇宙人打线 费城国民队 反正Casty 洗碗伯约都快到了 没 10/28 22:29
25F:→ Catalyst: 差 但还是觉得补强力牛棚比较实在 打线已经很强了 10/28 22:29
26F:推 ultratimes: 当年国民因为有Soto就放弃Harper了,费城人想都要? 10/28 22:31
27F:推 ainge: 波拉斯现在找那麽多来抬价的,准备来一场抢索托大战了... 10/28 22:32
28F:推 BLACKLIONS: 干大事 10/28 22:34
29F:推 nextpage: 强烈追求?恐怖情人是吧? 10/28 22:36
30F:推 CrazyShark: 去费城还真的国民reunion, Harper, Trea… 10/28 22:38
31F:推 wishling: 教士的前老板好得人心 10/28 22:41
32F:推 Tkukevin5566: 如果真的绑了Soto拼的又不是这一年而已 而是未来的 10/28 22:42
33F:→ Tkukevin5566: 十年 而且我不相信Soto 留在队上preller不会去做任 10/28 22:42
34F:→ Tkukevin5566: 何交易补强投手 10/28 22:42
35F:推 amos30627: soto是顶级中顶级 king跟东冈再找就有 soto错过就没了 10/28 22:45
36F:→ n210110: 教士前老板得人心有一个点我觉得很重要,他愿意跟达比修 10/28 22:48
37F:→ n210110: 有签六年1.08亿美元合约,重点是在签约时达比已经36岁了 10/28 22:48
38F:→ n210110: ,愿意签这种年纪选手六年真的 不是普通球团愿意干的 10/28 22:48
39F:→ zxc906383: 那个是要压豪华税吧 10/28 22:50
40F:推 a0987761110: Soto这笔交易是换来King+Cease欸 然後给了Merrill跟P 10/28 22:52
41F:→ a0987761110: rofar出赛空间 10/28 22:52
42F:→ a0987761110: 当然卖掉超级巨星无论如何都是输家 但教士在急需解压 10/28 22:52
43F:→ a0987761110: 的情况下已经算转卖得很好了 10/28 22:52
45F:→ zxc906383: 操盘的很漂亮 10/28 22:53
46F:推 fjzd1267: 要要要 10/28 22:55
47F:推 colalight: 继续补强打 可以 这很费城 10/28 22:55
48F:推 takataka: 费城真的赞 10/28 22:57
49F:推 allenhome23: 费城人也不错 10/28 22:57
50F:推 HumanBenzene: 巨人又要当抬价巨了吗QQ 10/28 23:00
51F:→ Hohenzollern: 哈波:费城国民队集结! 10/28 23:02
52F:推 a85370: 开始炒价格了 10/28 23:02
53F:→ Hohenzollern: 教士球队薪资已经爆满 交易Soto是正确操作 10/28 23:04
54F:→ Hohenzollern: 2023球季教士阵容豪华却战绩不好 球队果断盘整战力 10/28 23:06
55F:推 aa01081008tw: 先猜不会留洋基..本来就是先打个工.看哪边大约 10/28 23:06
56F:推 ctes940008: 宇宙教士 10/28 23:11
57F:推 Werth: 换来Cease前 教士已经是Soto买卖最大赢家 继续赢家操作罢惹 10/28 23:13
58F:推 SlamKai: 去有夺冠前途的队伍吧 10/28 23:13
59F:→ lcwll: 欢迎来费城!!! 10/28 23:14
60F:→ timidwei: 挖靠 各种豪门竞标 10/28 23:17
61F:推 Tonyk: 真的希望终身教士人 10/28 23:38
62F:→ sodabing: 真的希望终身费城人 10/29 00:02
63F:推 Nikagnef: Seidler真的是好老板 R.I.P. 10/29 00:09
64F:推 wending0329: 前国民明星打线 soto如果搞到 就差辣个男人了 10/29 00:10
65F:→ wending0329: Anthony Rendon之後考虑一下吧!!! 10/29 00:11
66F:推 SlamKai: 费城补破牛棚 会更务实一点 10/29 00:13
67F:推 nihow78: 费城真的要搞一下牛棚 10/29 00:22
68F:推 h311013: 运钞车太多台,撞车啦 10/29 00:22
69F:推 granturismo: 国民球迷应该感慨万千 10/29 00:24
70F:推 jaynick: 运钞车开出来就追的到 10/29 00:41
71F:推 ChrisDavis: 教士是被迫卖掉Soto不是盘整战力== 他们没钱 10/29 02:19
72F:推 ray0916: 教士有一个好老板 可惜了... 10/29 03:36
73F:推 kenro: 看起来就是来帮抬价的 10/29 07:55
74F:推 Tim1018: 可以这麽幸福吗 国民迷表示 10/29 07:56
75F:推 minor52147: 赞喔 10/29 08:57