Baseball 板


MLB Team Sponsorship Revenue Soars To Nearly $1.9 Billion In 2024 Revenues in Major League Baseball continue to climb, with sponsorships providing a significant portion of them. A report released today highlighting the 30 club s in the league show revenues approaching $2 billion. 大联盟的营收每年持续的成长 而在今年,全联盟赞助收入已经来到快20亿美金 The report by SponsorUnited, shows that team sponsorship revenue has grown to ne arly $1.9 billion in 2024, an increase of +23% over 2023 at this time. Even more remarkable, team sponsorship revenues have increased +55% since 2022. 今年大联盟赞助收入共计19亿美金 比去年成长23% 其中球团赞助相比2022年,更是上升55% The report details that across the 30 clubs, 325 new sponsorship deals were reac hed across 30 categories. 今年30支球团共计新签了325张赞助合约 横跨30个领域 Of those, key growth was in Construction & Industrial, Automotive, and Insurance . The Construction & Industrial channel saw the largest increase of +45% year-ov er-year from 2023 for a total of $76 million. 其中成长最大的几个领域是建筑业、汽车、保险业 建筑业增幅最大 与去年相比 +45%,达到7600万美金 Dodgers And The Shohei Ohtani Effect 大谷效应 Ohtani had a season for the ages becoming the first 50 home runs, 50 stolen base s player in MLB history. While he was drawing interest from Japanese brands look ing to capitalize on his star power before arriving with the Dodgers, it has sin ce taken off. All told, in two years Japanese sponsor brands have gone from rom 11 brands across 10 stadiums in 2022 to 35 brands across 15 stadiums in 2024. 这两年日本企业赞助越来越多 2022年:11个日企赞助(横跨10个球场) 2024年:35个日企赞助(横跨15个球场) While not in the report, Bob Lynch, CEO and Co-Founder of SponsorUnitied said to me that while the total number of sponsorship deals the Dodgers have ranks them 25th of out the 30 clubs, they represent a staggering amount of the team total for sponsorships at close to $300 million for 2024, exceeding many clubs in the NFL. 道奇的赞助合约「数量」,其实只居全联盟第25名 但赞助总额逼近惊人的三亿美金 超越很多NFL球队了 Areas Of Sponsorship Growth: Digital Signage, Continued Jersey Patch Deals 大联盟近年开发的赞助领域 MLB and its associated clubs continue to creatively work to place sponsor activa tion in a number of areas, growing inventory and creating flexibility. 大联盟和球队持续以创新方式 在球场多个地区给赞助商曝光、扩大广告量并创造弹性 Digital signage is now seen regularly on the Batter’s Eye, back of the pitching mound, and more. 数位看板广告现在经常出现在打者之眼、投手丘等位置 One growth areas has been digital dugout ads. SeatGeek, Toyota, and Delta Air Li nes are just some of the brands that have engaged in ad inventory with this plac ement. 另一个成长的地方是在场边休息区放电子看板广告 SeatGeek、丰田、达美航空等品牌都已在那下广告 Since the league adopted digital advertising around the dugout in 2022 there has been 118% increase in placement. And according to the report, there is still ro om for growth with 77% of clubs still unsold. 自MLB自2022年开始在休息区周围放广告以来 广告投放量已成长118% 根据报告,这仍有成长空间 因为目前仍有77%的球队尚未去卖这方面的广告 In 2023, 53% of the league had seen jersey patch deals. That grew to 73% in 2024 with the addition of the Orioles, Cubs, Phillies, Giants, Rangers, Royals, and Pirates. That grew sponsor patch revenues by 59% for 2024 over last season. 也越来越多球队跟进卖球衣补丁广告 今年球衣补丁收入也成长了59% 一些其他数字 The report goes deeper, looking at player endorsements and social media growth. Other findings show: Justin Turner, who was traded midseason to the Seattle Mariners, leads the leagu e in total active sponsorship deals at 20. 目前赞助合约最多的球员是Justin Turner 目前手上20个 With over 200 total, the club with the largest total number of sponsorship deals were the Cincinnati Reds. 赞助合约数量最多的球队是红人 有超过200个 The most active brands in Major League Baseball are Budweiser at #1, followed by Toyota, T-Mobile, and Coca-Cola. 大联盟前四大赞助商 1.百威啤酒 2.丰田汽车 3.T-Mobile 3.可口可乐 — 这样道奇一年光转播金+赞助 转播金 3.34亿镁 赞助 3亿镁 全美转播约平分 6000万镁 共计 7亿镁 当然会分润出去就是了 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: zxc906383:转录至看板 MLB 10/25 09:10
1F:推 mikilin23: 钻烂..... 10/25 09:11
2F:→ mikilin23: 这麽刚好7亿 10/25 09:11
3F:→ Krishna: 谁签大谷谁发财 10/25 09:11
4F:推 ct13579: 联盟19亿道奇就三亿算最多的吗 10/25 09:12
5F:→ ken1825: 现在觉得大谷签的7亿还是便宜了 10/25 09:12
6F:→ cyp001: 中职球衣补丁领先MLB 20年 10/25 09:12
7F:推 yankeefat: 大谷根本签免费的 10/25 09:12
8F:→ abc1234586: 买大谷很贵吗 一年就赚回来了 10/25 09:12
9F:→ mikilin23: 别说延迟付款...不用延迟付款直接7亿也是钻烂 10/25 09:13
10F:→ ken1825: 就算没延迟付款,看这个收入7亿签大谷根本赚烂 才第一年 10/25 09:13
11F:推 dk971355: 大谷的七亿还延迟支付实际上第一年根本就大赚了 10/25 09:13
12F:推 qwerty6z: 赞助也需要分润吗? 10/25 09:15
13F:推 polanco: 没延期的话就不太可能到这个价 对豪华税影响太大了 10/25 09:16
14F:推 mikilin23: 道奇钻烂..大谷也钻烂...明年代言费要突破天际 10/25 09:16
15F:推 ct13579: 红人200个赞助合约,小看红人人气了 10/25 09:18
16F:推 mikilin23: 道奇质大於量..一个抵好几个 10/25 09:19
17F:推 just206: 补丁的部分落後30年了?某东方小岛早就倒入了 10/25 09:20
18F:推 MoWilliams: 赚烂了 10/25 09:21
19F:→ LatteCat5566: 大谷的商业价值找不到第二人 10/25 09:22
20F:推 phix: 有大谷就有整个日本啊 10/25 09:23
21F:推 revise: 赚烂了 10/25 09:24
22F:推 tobbaco: 狮子王是有什麽魅力吗 赞助那麽多? 10/25 09:25
23F:推 ct13579: 该文没看到有提到洋基多少 10/25 09:25
24F:推 LatteCat5566: 大谷不只是日本 还包括整个亚洲棒球 10/25 09:25
25F:推 nnbak85551: 好猛 10/25 09:25
26F:推 coyoteY: 还行还行,衣服还一堆空位可以贴 10/25 09:26
27F:推 Yjizz: 难怪小资抠门球队不想卖,等别人努力招XDD 10/25 09:28
28F:推 zego41: 保证明年会更多 10/25 09:30
29F:推 globe1022: 赚烂,真的赚烂 10/25 09:31
30F:→ MarchelKaton: 红人200个赞助不稀奇吧,当地企业赞助几十万也算一 10/25 09:32
31F:→ MarchelKaton: 个啊 10/25 09:32
32F:推 mtcoat: 大谷延迟付款 根本超佛 道奇几年的赞助、转播、周边就赚 10/25 09:34
33F:→ mtcoat: 回来了 再拿去投资 多年後再支付薪水 超划算 10/25 09:35
34F:推 Redchain: 天使表示:我不太想追价 10/25 09:38
35F:推 weakerman: 之前有日商说过了啊,道奇今年开始对所有的日商都加价 10/25 09:39
36F:→ weakerman: 了...大谷的薪水大概两年道奇就能赚回来了 10/25 09:39
37F:推 mikilin23: 看到了这麽大的商机... 10/25 09:40
38F:→ mikilin23: 大家一起赚 10/25 09:41
39F:推 askdrlin: 有大谷几乎等於吃掉了半个以上的亚洲市场 加上美国人也 10/25 09:42
40F:→ askdrlin: 疯的要死 10/25 09:42
41F:推 wplinwp: 其实大谷的合约不用延後支付也行啊 10/25 09:50
42F:→ gstar175: 这样天使今年血亏 10/25 09:50
43F:→ Jimmywin: 摇钱树太香 10/25 09:52
44F:推 liangmain: 天使高层的脑袋装屎的,唯一做对的事就是让大谷玩 10/25 09:53
45F:→ liangmain: 双刀流 10/25 09:53
46F:推 icywater: 大谷想拿冠军阿 天使出高薪他应该也不会留下 10/25 09:54
47F:推 MARTINA3016: 说七亿贵的人现在要装死了 10/25 09:55
48F:推 yu800910: 等世界冠军赛开打後,MLB高层会爽到做梦都会笑出声 10/25 09:56
49F:→ hidexjapan: 大谷延後付款是要空出薪资额度给道奇多签人 10/25 09:59
50F:推 icecreamdog: UCLA Health... Haha 10/25 10:01
51F:推 yoysky: 同一幅广告在天使跟在道奇价码差超多吧,大市场就是不一样 10/25 10:03
52F:推 mightymouse: 那些钱一大部份要收益分润给其他队,大谷一个人可 10/25 10:20
53F:→ mightymouse: 以养5-6只小市场球队 10/25 10:20
54F:→ mightymouse: 最赚的是那些抠门球队,大谷的薪水不用付半毛就可 10/25 10:21
55F:→ mightymouse: 以爽拿收益 10/25 10:21
56F:推 iam0718: 会说大谷贵的不用想太多 就看太少 10/25 10:23
57F:→ keler: 道奇:大谷薪水都是你们日本人帮忙的(茶 10/25 10:23
58F:推 moike22: 以大谷那热潮真的不算贵 10/25 10:27
59F:→ deeping774: 赚烂了☺☺ 10/25 10:32
60F:推 Elmo: 哇JT魅力这麽大 20个代言 10/25 10:42
61F:推 ru04hj4: 赚烂了 赚烂了 10/25 11:04
62F:推 riddle1304: 赚翻 10/25 11:05
63F:→ ru04hj4: 大谷vs法官 道奇vs洋基 才是联盟乐见 爽赚 10/25 11:05
64F:推 yeeNeko: 报价时真的很会算XD 10/25 11:06
65F:推 emprex9027: 困霸数籍 10/25 11:21
66F:推 t79102xw: 上次有看到星宇的广告看板欸 10/25 11:26
67F:推 willy4907: 三亿美 这样季中补强就太小气了 10/25 11:33
68F:推 rappig: 目前看起来 7亿真的还低估了 10/25 11:35
69F:推 CaminoI: 内文就提到 道奇赞助数量少排倒数的 但总金额最高 10/25 11:46
70F:→ CaminoI: 可以说是以价制量吧 大谷的赞助也是这个路线 10/25 11:47
71F:推 jiaxie: 真的三年回本 10/25 11:51
72F:推 tom0090117: 赚烂了 10/25 12:05
73F:推 its0130: 发大财 10/25 12:12
74F:推 daydreamer13: 大谷价值就不只球场上 10/25 12:15
75F:推 benboy: 大谷应该签十亿的(?) 10/25 12:20
76F:推 sinon17: 魔术2012买下道奇也才花20亿镁 真的赚翻赚烂 了 10/25 12:20
77F:推 wu2183: 道奇应该是开价高 小的不想要 10/25 12:36
78F:推 PartinG: 红人 一看就是中产小额也都收 10/25 12:41
79F:推 casablanka: 之前我说大谷7亿根本超值 还被不懂的酸酸在那边反驳 10/25 12:50
80F:推 ctes940008: 赚烂了 10/25 14:10

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