作者polanco (polanco)
标题[分享] 纽媒:Bobby Witt Jr.应该要在MVP讨论中
时间Fri Sep 13 12:53:19 2024
Aaron Judge will very likely win MVP again. But the race isn’t quite over.
At least it shouldn’t be.
Even putting aside that Bobby Witt Jr. is tied with Judge atop Fangraphs fWAR at
9.6 and only slightly behind in bWAR (9.5 to 9.1), Witt is having a comparably
compelling season.
即使不看WAR(fWAR9.6与法官持平 bWAR9.1稍微落後),Witt还是有个相当好的球季。
Judge’s power and overall numbers are eye-popping (his 217 OPS plus ranks with
all-time greats), he’s a fine center fielder (and perhaps that extra responsibi
lity explains why he’s slumped lately), and he takes his captaincy seriously.
Judge leads MLB in home runs (51), RBIs (126), on-base percentage (.454), sluggi
ng (.686) and OPS (1.140), and Witt leads in batting average (.333), runs (120)
and hits (195). And as great at Judge is in the clutch, Witt has been even bette
r. Witt leads the AL with a .379 batting average and 1.166 OPS with runners in s
coring position, and has a .366/.446/.648 slash line close and late.
Plus, Witt, a brilliant shortstop, is third in MLB with 18 outs above average.
再加上Witt还是个很顶的游击手,18 OAA排大联盟第三名。
And as vital as Judge is, Witt has a young team in payoff position off its 56-wi
n season in 2023.
作者Jon Heyman之前还写了国联MVP是水原来赌都会赢的赌局
#1ctvZ1ti (Baseball)
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1726203201.A.3A8.html
1F:→ edhuang: 似曾相识 09/13 12:54
2F:推 sunnyisgood: 水原来赌都会赌赢XD 09/13 12:54
3F:推 paul2049: 他不是一直都在MVP讨论中吗(? 09/13 12:54
4F:推 a1ibooda: 有讨论 但没机会 09/13 12:57
5F:→ a1ibooda: 最近也低潮 烂的可以 09/13 12:58
6F:推 fireforce: 可以讨论 但就是蹭个热度炒话题而已 09/13 12:59
7F:推 nobrothers: 他一定有票啦 09/13 13:00
8F:→ WasJohnWall: 没办法,遇到神 09/13 13:02
9F:推 rainbowcrash: 最近跟法官一样凉,数据早就崩下去了 09/13 13:02
10F:推 RodrigueZ810: 同意压 Bobby最近别凉可能就超车了 09/13 13:04
11F:→ RodrigueZ810: 所以我半个月前就说阿吉MVP还没稳 能追的 09/13 13:04
12F:推 Axwell: 想看55波 拜托了芭比 09/13 13:08
13F:→ mayzn: 看到他的名字我就想到Arson Judge去巨人的翻车实录~ 09/13 13:09
14F:推 userYuEyUe: Witt之於法官其实就奢华版的林董之於大谷 09/13 13:10
15F:推 try13286: 会有票 但不可能赢 09/13 13:10
16F:推 KevinOConnor: 论战绩法官还更好 除了CF<SS以外看不出法官输的理由 09/13 13:12
17F:推 Romulus: 太臭了吧 XD 09/13 13:17
18F:推 yankees733: 法官最近很凉 结果Witt Jr.也没好到哪 09/13 13:17
19F:→ yankees733: OPS+还被大谷超过 09/13 13:18
20F:推 carlchang092: Bobby最近OPS已经跌到0.99X了打击率好像也跌到0.33X 09/13 13:20
21F:→ carlchang092: 状况不是很好 09/13 13:20
22F:→ saidon: 那个arson judge大概直到法官退休前每年都会被鞭一次 09/13 13:20
23F:推 JoeGibsonJr: 差太多 下去 09/13 13:30
24F:推 RBC54321: Witt最近也是凉 没趁法官彻底冷掉追回差距 8/16 Witt 09/13 13:31
25F:→ RBC54321: 的打击率3成52 ops1.021 现在变3成33 0.981 09/13 13:31
26F:推 kingianlin: 不可能55波了两个透清凉一起沈沦 09/13 13:40
27F:推 Werth: 可以说国联比较强惹? 09/13 13:43
28F:推 ainge: 大谷法官 vs 林董 Bobby Witt 09/13 13:50
29F:推 AStigma: 他最少比林董有价值,更接近MVP多了 09/13 13:59
30F:推 bkm1: 法官整个九月凉到不行 但是Witt自己没把握 09/13 14:16
31F:→ s48625: 拉米:把我当死了? 09/13 14:25
32F:推 tigerliao: 林董打击率 2成6 为何可以想拿mvp 09/13 14:46
33F:→ tigerliao: 除非林董也是个15胜投手 09/13 14:46
34F:推 killua0209: 都什麽年代了,还在看打击率,大谷2021的打击率才.257 09/13 14:52
35F:推 godtnmai: 记得前几个月法官上木屐节目又提起Arson Judge 这记者已 09/13 14:55
36F:→ godtnmai: 经是小丑等级 09/13 14:55
37F:→ godtnmai: 去年才对 09/13 14:58
38F:推 DIOPOWER: 34楼但大谷21年同时也是个9胜投手era3初头超过150K呀 是 09/13 15:14
39F:→ DIOPOWER: 你不懂你楼上的意思吧 09/13 15:14
40F:嘘 superAchung: 这咖真衰,MLB硬要炒竞争话题而被拖出来比,跟林多一 09/13 15:28
41F:→ superAchung: 样 09/13 15:28
42F:嘘 superAchung: Witt的全垒打跟打点被法官海放,都有守备,打击率微 09/13 15:30
43F:→ superAchung: 胜0.02,到底要比什麽,MLb官方实在很好笑 09/13 15:30
44F:推 superAchung: 建议新增一个世界MVP,美联国联推派一个决胜负解决这 09/13 15:32
45F:→ superAchung: 个问题 09/13 15:32
46F:推 kidney0616: witt领导力(笑)更强 林董就完全低配版 09/13 15:52
47F:推 allenchang0: 0209 那个比喻 真的让人笑出来 09/13 19:03
48F:推 mott: 这麽爱看fwar 那菊池现在3.06 日投最强 09/13 23:01