Baseball 板

LINE Bristol Motor Speedway, one of NASCAR’s most iconic tracks, will host a regular season MLB game between the Atlanta Braves and Cincinnati Reds in 2025, multipl e sources briefed on the plans told The Athletic on Tuesday. 根据The Athletic收到的情报 大联盟明年将去NASCAR赛车场Bristol Motor Speedway打球 对战组合是勇士 VS 红人
MLB commissioner Rob Manfred and Speedway Motorsports CEO Marcus Smith, whose fa mily has long owned and operated Bristol, are set to make an announcement at the track in Tennessee on Friday. MLB declined comment. Bristol hosts two wildly popular NASCAR race weekends annually at its half-mile oval, which has a seating capacity approaching 150,000. The track hosting an MLB game is not the first time Bristol will have hosted a high-profile event outsid e of motorsports. In 2016, Tennessee and Virginia Tech played a college football game on a purpose-built field in the infield. That game drew 156,990, the large st crowd ever to watch an NCAA football game. 这赛车场不是第一次办球类比赛 在2016年就有办过大学美式足球,当时吸引了156,990人入场 是史上最多观众的NCAA美足赛事
However, hosting a sold-out MLB game at Bristol Motor Speedway would likely set an attendance record for the sport. According to the National Baseball Hall of F ame, the largest crowd for an MLB game belongs to a 2008 exhibition match betwee n the Boston Red Soxand Los Angeles Dodgers at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The Red Sox won that game in front of an officially announced crowd of 115,300 – the o nly time the Hall says a baseball crowd has “provably” exceeded 100,000. 这也代表大联盟有机会刷新 在2008年创下的单场115,300人纪录(在洛杉矶纪念体育竞技场)

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1F:推 roywow: 跑垒可以冲撞了吗 08/07 08:39
2F:推 MarchelKaton: 希望敲轰後有赛车绕场 08/07 08:39
3F:推 Axwell: 一场破10万哇靠 08/07 08:39
4F:→ Axwell: 靠北那个左外野跟右外野是不是差有点多XD 08/07 08:40
5F:推 carlchang092: 我记得NCAA平常长期使用的球场最大容量的也就10万多 08/07 08:41
6F:推 oneonebig: 这最上面的观众席真的看得到吗XD 08/07 08:41
7F:→ carlchang092: 一点,15万的观众难以想像 08/07 08:41
8F:→ zxc906383: 那场是热身赛 所以没关系 08/07 08:41
9F:推 MK47: 好屌 一场十五万人 要是一起嘘一定很震撼XDDD 08/07 08:41
10F:→ carlchang092: 之前道奇用洛杉矶纪念体育场当主场时场地规则很多, 08/07 08:42
11F:→ carlchang092: 而且让MLB官方直接开始规定左右外野最短距离,直到 08/07 08:42
12F:→ carlchang092: 金莺球场才打破 08/07 08:42
13F:推 jezzy30735: 接下来:UFC八角笼 08/07 08:43
14F:推 octopus4406: 酷欸 08/07 08:47
15F:推 carlchang092: 刚刚查了一下NCAA最大球场是密西根大学的Michigan S 08/07 08:50
16F:→ carlchang092: tadium容量10万7千人左右 08/07 08:50
17F:→ saidon: 密西根大学那个不只是最大的大学美足球场 就也是容纳量最 08/07 08:53
18F:→ saidon: 大的美足球场 事实上美国前几大的美足球场都是大学球场 08/07 08:54
19F:推 MK47: 那他们常满场吗?我记得大学球赛都有票钱 那球队噱爆了吧 08/07 08:56
20F:推 CrossroadMEI: 大学美足基本上都爆满啦 08/07 08:59
21F:→ saidon: 会盖这摸大球场的学校大多都是那些足球名校 学校本身也没 08/07 09:03
22F:推 zxcc79: 瓜张,大学比赛十万人,好难想像 08/07 09:04
23F:→ saidon: 那摸多学生 但只要一比赛当地或附近居民或校友都会跑去看 08/07 09:04
24F:→ saidon: 然後把球场塞爆 很夸张 08/07 09:04
25F:推 JAY751016: 全垒打要喝牛奶吗? 08/07 09:08
26F:推 carlchang092: NCAA名校是真的场场爆满那种,而且他们的观众席也很 08/07 09:08
27F:→ carlchang092: 少有遮蔽跟分层,就是一大片塞满满 08/07 09:08
28F:→ Hohenzollern: NCAA票房屌打很多职业赛事 08/07 09:08
29F:推 roywow: NCAA 开场有时候还有战斗机开场耶 08/07 09:11
30F:推 sppray: 怎麽没有找红袜,还是老汉是F1算侵门踏户 08/07 09:16
31F:推 y89456852: 这人数好恐怖 08/07 09:21
32F:推 CrossroadMEI: NCAA去年收入13亿美金比NBA还多 08/07 09:44
33F:推 Rhiner18: 屌 08/07 09:49
34F:→ hayato01: 哇靠XDD帅耶 08/07 09:53
35F:推 xximab: 改出来的球场应该形状奇特 08/07 10:41
36F:推 carlchang092: 用Google不精准测量赛车场横向宽度有175公尺,应该 08/07 10:48
37F:→ carlchang092: 是够空间来弄一个距离正常的棒球场 08/07 10:48
38F:推 stardream226: 极速星舞 08/07 11:48
39F:推 cobras638: 希望敲轰後有赛车绕场 08/07 21:49

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