Baseball 板


中东跨国联盟公布时程表了 2024/11/07-11/10 阿拉伯经典赛 2025/02/22-03/01 联合盃 2025/10/23-11/23 中东跨国联盟第一个赛季 阿拉伯经典赛 BU Arab Classic
In addition to the league’s professional games, Baseball United will also conti nue to help grow and develop local talent across the region with the introductio n of the BU Arab Classic. This new baseball tournament will feature national tea ms from countries across the Middle East and South Asia and follow World Basebal l Classic rules and regulations, with a few regional modifications. The inaugura l Arab Classic will bring together eight nations, including India, Pakistan, Sau di Arabia, and the UAE. Baseball United has previously announced partnerships wi th the baseball federations in each of the eight countries. The BU Arab Classic will take place this year from November 7th-10th. The event will be the largest baseball national team tournament in the history of the region. 为国际赛事,参加国有八个 印度 巴基斯坦 斯里兰卡 孟加拉 阿富汗 尼泊尔 沙乌地阿拉伯 阿拉伯联合大公国 联合盃 The Baseball United Cup
The Baseball United Cup will take place February 22, 2025 to March 1, 2025, and feature BU’s first four franchises - the Cobras, Monarchs, Wolves, and Falcons - in an eight-day tournament. Teams will compete in a round robin format, follow ed by the semifinals and finals. The Baseball United Cup will represent the firs t-ever professional franchise baseball games in the history of the Middle East a nd South Asia, coming roughly 15 months after BU’s All-Star Showcase event whic h was held in Dubai last November. 中东联盟创始的四队打一个盃赛 孟买Cobras(印度) 克拉嗤君主(巴基斯坦) 杜拜狼(阿拉伯联合大公国) 阿布扎比猎鹰(阿拉伯联合大公国) 中东跨国联盟第一个赛季
Season One will begin next fall, running from October 23, 2025 to November 23, 2 025. The inaugural season will include five Baseball United franchises - the Mum bai Cobras, Karachi Monarchs, Arabia Wolves, Mid East Falcons, and a Riyadh-base d franchise slated to be announced early next year. Each team will play 12 regul ar season games, culminating with a United Series best-of-three championship fea turing the top two teams. Overall, the league will host 33 games in 32 days, bri nging an unprecedented sprint of professional baseball games to Dubai. 创始的四队+利雅德新队 共计五队参与第一个赛季 前两名打三战二胜的冠军战 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 08/01/2024 22:17:13
1F:→ furret: 三战两胜吧08/01 22:18
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 08/01/2024 22:18:31
2F:推 Js1233: 石油王该不会又搞足球那套,挖一堆MLB球星去吧08/01 22:18
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 08/01/2024 22:19:01
3F:推 johnwu: 阳和陈会去那边打快乐野球吗 08/01 22:20
4F:推 wenfei: MLB OB赛 08/01 22:21
5F:推 starchiang: Cobras复活 08/01 23:04
6F:推 gn01982027: 第一个怎打 四天七场一队吗 08/01 23:08
7F:推 willy61615: 以後台湾连阿拉伯都打不赢了 08/01 23:20
8F:→ salkuo: 哇 这真的搞得起来蛮佩服的xdd 到时不知当地反应如何 08/01 23:39
9F:推 LtoM722: 大概又跟A1赛车一样 打没几年就收摊了吧 08/02 02:21
10F:→ likeske: 可能看贵族们的兴趣XD 08/02 06:12

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