Baseball 板


前大联盟球员Brandon Dixon 今天发文讲了一件往事 In 2019 I was offered a 7 figure contract that I couldn't accept. 他在2019年收到一张百万镁的合约 但他没办法接受 I had just finished up my best year in the Big leagues for the Tigers. I led the team in home-runs (15- We lost a lot of games). 2019年他在老虎队打出生涯年 全垒打数也是全队最多的15发 G:117 PA:420 .248/.290/.435 15HR OPS.725 OPS+88 In the last month I saw most of my playing time go to the "young guys" since we were like 60 games back from a wild card spot. 但老虎战绩很烂,他也发现自己在球季後段 出赛机会都被年轻人拿去了 It was clear that the Tigers were rebuilding and I wasn't in the future plans. Q uickly into the offseason I was getting interest from multiple teams in Korea an d Japan. For those that don't know these are the 2 premier leagues outside of th e U.S. 很明显的是老虎要重建了,然後 Dixon并没有在蓝图内 然後他在休赛季受到多支日韩球队的兴趣 They have limits to the amount of foreigners allowed on each team, so these jobs can be somewhat rare. This seemed like the perfect transition. I loved Detroit, but I had an uncertain future there and I was being offered a guaranteed contract for twice what I wou ld make with the Tigers. Seemed like a great fit. 当时他觉得是个好机会 虽然他爱底特律,但在这边的未来不明 而且日职球队开价是老虎这边的两倍 注:当时大联盟底薪是55万左右 But, I wasn't a free agent and the Tigers would have to agree to the deal. This usually is solved by a buyout between the 2 teams. 但由於他不是自由球员 所以日职球队需要付钱买断合约才行 We put the right people in contact and told the Tigers that I wanted to stay if I was part of the future, but if not I wanted to go and make some money for my f amily. Dixon也告诉老虎,如果他还在球队未来规划的话 他想留在底特律,但如果没有的话 那他想去日本打球 The Japanese rep called us the next day, the Tigers wanted a million dollars for my buyout. The offer was for 1.2. 结果隔天日本球队打电话告诉他 老虎开出百万镁的买断金 作为比对,这次日职开给Dixon的合约是120万美金 I called the GM for the Tigers confused, he told me I was a big part of the futu re of this team and they didn't want to lose me. He wasn't going to budge, so we let the Japanese team know we would be passing. 他就疑惑的打给老虎总管 老虎总管就告诉他 「你是我们未来蓝图中非常重要的一部分,我们不想要失去你!」 所以在买断金这事上老虎不会让步 所以Dixon就告知日职球队说他不去了 6 weeks later the day after my wedding, and on the way to my honeymoon I got a c all from the Tigers GM. 之後他也结婚了,然後在婚礼後六 准备前往蜜月旅行时 他接到老虎GM的电话 "Hey I'm sorry but we are putting you on waivers, we made a couple trades and ne eded your roster spot." 告知被放入让渡名单 因为在一些交易後,他们需要清出位置 I went unclaimed, my offer in Japan was already given to another player, and I w as headed to the minor leagues with Detroit. 而他在让渡名单也没别队捡 原本日本的那份合约也早就给其他球员了 最後就只能去老虎小联盟 That year ended up being the shortened COVID season and I finished the year maki ng 60k. 那年又碰到疫球缩水赛季,他整年只在大联盟打了五场 然後赚了六万镁 等於是日职合约的1/20 I came across SMB twitter a year or two after this. I knew I wasn't interested i n working for someone else after baseball and needing their approval for making decisions. 此文一出,时任老虎GM的 Al Avila被网友骂翻了XD 只不过在2020结束後,他又再次要求老虎队让他去日职 老虎队这次就答应释出他 然後Dixon就和日职乐天签下100万镁合约 但没打好就是惹

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: zxc906383:转录至看板 MLB 08/01 08:30 ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 08/01/2024 08:31:23 ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 08/01/2024 08:36:26
1F:推 scott29: 少赚一年08/01 08:36
2F:推 airflow: 网友骂翻了,因为没削到日本人的钱钱08/01 08:49
3F:推 mimiLin5566: 老虎也太贱了吧08/01 08:49
4F:推 Edison1174: 被球队GM铳康 但也不是罕见的事08/01 08:50
5F:推 flowerabby01: = =08/01 08:52
6F:→ b99202071: 根本诈骗吧= =08/01 08:52
7F:→ Yjizz: 套路你08/01 08:56
8F:推 smallfly: 但至少最後还是有去啊..不管哪年去应该都是一年被洗掉.08/01 08:57
9F:→ smallfly: ..08/01 08:57
10F:推 za75za50za02: GM服务的是球团又不是球员 立场不同08/01 08:58
11F:推 salkuo: 所以最後少赚了20万镁罗?XD08/01 08:59
12F:→ polanco: 很难说吧 疫情那年去日本至少还有球打 隔年状况说不定就08/01 09:01
13F:→ polanco: 不一样了08/01 09:01
14F:推 AirLee: 无忌:10个GM有9个是垃圾08/01 09:01
15F:推 catsondbs: 惯老板 比中职更烂08/01 09:11
16F:推 OoyaoO: 打这种成绩怎麽可能是未来蓝图= =太骗了吧08/01 09:13
17F:推 marty7976: 不是自由球员本就球团说的算 也算是挺无奈的08/01 09:14
18F:推 AAaaron: 缩水赛季日职季赛有受影响吗?日职洋将有领全薪吗08/01 09:18
19F:→ AAaaron: 蓝图本来就可能改变啊,特别是交易以後,只能说早了几天问 08/01 09:20
20F:→ klose41: Avila就是烂…老虎毒瘤 好加在现在闪人了 08/01 09:20
21F:推 bbo40453: 要是疫情前就拿到百万镁,就可以买200元台积电,2020结08/01 09:33
22F:→ bbo40453: 束已经涨到500,差很多耶08/01 09:33
23F:推 s955346: 服务的是球团没错,但欺骗球员很糟,尤其骗还没拿大约的08/01 09:38
24F:推 airflow: 渣男,浪费人家的青春08/01 09:39
25F:推 sasadog: 挡人财路 BAD08/01 09:40
26F:推 metalj: GM为球团服务是没错,但GM的名声也代表球团名声。GM一直铳08/01 09:49
27F:→ metalj: 康人都是大烂队08/01 09:49
28F:→ Minihil: 会搞球员的球团最後FA都没什麽人想去 除了没选择的08/01 09:52
29F:推 leoz69927: 奇怪他那年也才27岁怎麽就不在蓝图中了08/01 09:53
30F:推 ig49999: 这也太鸡巴08/01 09:54
31F:嘘 ericinttu: 蓝图 还是 拦途08/01 10:08
32F:→ david12763: 亏烂 真的欠烧08/01 10:26
33F:推 iwinlottery: NBA莫雷也是对老板负责,不是球员08/01 10:31
34F:推 faracross: Avila 真的是老虎重建毒瘤08/01 10:31
35F:推 dk971355: 挡人财路真的不可取08/01 10:38
36F:→ k22015987: Avila不意外08/01 10:43
37F:推 mikazeray: 对GM来说把一个球员放到让渡名单可能没什麽,但欺骗了08/01 10:54
38F:→ mikazeray: 他,且对球员来说这可是影响他人生的重大决定。08/01 10:54
39F:推 xhung: 球团的最佳利益和球员利益有冲突啊08/01 11:00
40F:推 jkhcc: 欧美不是还满重视承诺的吗?这件事GM被骂翻正常08/01 11:03
41F:→ reddevilkc: 球团的最佳利益跟球员利益冲突也没叫你说谎阿 08/01 11:07
42F:推 ccris: 32岁而且可守角落外野,富邦收取名新布蓝登 08/01 11:13
43F:推 hasroten: 被诈骗08/01 11:19
44F:→ hdotistyle: 超靠邀 挡人财路08/01 11:36
45F:→ Mikufans: AA意外吗?08/01 11:39
46F:→ MACOTOBANK: 而且Dixon刚结婚,被GM这样搞一定超不爽08/01 11:43
47F:推 a51062004: 套路啊 先哄你再杀08/01 12:07
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 08/01/2024 12:42:34
48F:推 kano2525: 超烂,GM为球团服务不代表可以欺骗球员啊,球团损失的只 08/01 12:44
49F:→ kano2525: 是一个球员,但是球员损失的是他的生涯 08/01 12:44
50F:推 jus82120jk: 超靠杯.. 08/01 12:45
51F:→ kano2525: 想起之前马林鱼的Reyes,前一个礼拜老板才建议他可以在 08/01 12:46
52F:→ kano2525: 迈阿密置产,结果隔一个礼拜就被送去多伦多 08/01 12:46
53F:推 jacky844a: 立场不同 球队想要争取更多买断金 可以理解 球团又不是 08/01 13:06
54F:→ jacky844a: 慈善团体 生意归生意,讲白了 你拿大约是你赚经纪人赚 08/01 13:06
55F:→ jacky844a: 球团当然也想赚 08/01 13:06
56F:嘘 michael4u: Avila就是毒瘤阿 08/01 13:08
57F:推 MK47: 太狠了 让人少赚一百万镁......最主要根本骗人家 没在计画内 08/01 14:09
58F:→ MK47: 也没给人机会........ 08/01 14:09
59F:嘘 reddevilkc: 可以理解个屁 那就老实说你要赚阿 骗什麽骗 08/01 15:09
60F:推 lightjayjw: 哈登:XXGM是一个骗子,绝不会再帮他打球。 08/01 16:03
61F:推 sasakihiroto: 立场不同 但你敢唬烂就是欠喷 08/01 18:33
62F:推 lomgray: 这样做法就是让今後的球员不信任球团的口头承诺,不是一 08/01 19:46
63F:→ lomgray: 个球团长久经营应该有的做法。 08/01 19:47

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