Baseball 板


X上滑到的新闻 There is a controversy regarding the appropriateness of Gwangju City's budget al location for the renovation costs of Gwangju-Kia Champions Field (hereinafter re ferred to as "Champions Field"). 近期光州政府要用政府的钱 替起亚虎翻新球场这事,引发了争议 The burden of renovation costs on Gwangju City is based on the contract signed b etween Gwangju City and Kia Motors when the stadium was built. 只不过这是依据光州政府和起亚虎当初签的协议 协议中是写翻新的钱是政府出 However, since Kia Motors generates hundreds of billions of won in revenue annua lly from Champions Field, there are growing calls for the company to expand its support for the local community, including contributions to regional development funds. 但起亚虎每年在球场赚了一堆钱 所以要求其扩大对地区发展支持$$$$$的呼声越来越高 According to Gwangju City, some facilities at Champions Field, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, are aging, prompting consideration for renovatio n. 光州起亚冠军盃球场要迎来开幕十周年(2014启用) 而为了庆祝十周年 光州政府是打算翻新球场老旧设施 This comes in response to the KIA Tigers' request for repairs due to damage to s ome of the seats and fading of the interior and exterior walls at Champions Fiel d. The cost for Gwangju City to carry out these renovations is estimated at 2.5 billion won. 起亚虎提出要换座椅、以及球场内外墙面褪色修复 而这预估要花25亿韩元 In response, citizens have expressed confusion, saying, “The KIA Tigers are not an unpopular team, and the tickets for Champions Field are so hard to get that it is sold out almost every day. I don't understand why Gwangju City should bear the renovation costs.” 但对此光州市民就就觉得起亚虎是一只知名球队 然後主场门票常常一票难求 不知道为何修球场的钱还要政府出 This question has been raised continuously since Champions Field was completed, and a re-agreement was even reached in 2017. Champions Field, used as the home s tadium by the KIA Tigers, was completed in February 2014 with an investment of 4 0 billion won from Gwangju City, 30 billion won from national funds, and 30 bill ion won from Kia Motors. 这问题早在球场刚盖好就有了 当初球场建造成本 中央政府 300亿韩元 光州政府 400亿韩元 起亚虎 300亿韩元 At that time, Gwangju City, in recognition of Kia Motors’ investment of 30 bill ion won, provided a free lease to the company for 25 years, from 2014 to 2039. D uring this period, all profits from Champions Field go to Kia Motors. 也因为起亚有负担300亿韩元的建造费用 所以当初光州政府是给球团无偿租用25年 然後场内收益全归起亚 但这就有图利球团的争议 This led to allegations of preferential treatment, resulting in a re-agreement i n 2017. Acording to the re-agreement, Gwangju City is responsible for major structural renovations, including demolition or installation of major structures. This incl udes comprehensive replacement due to aging (windows, exterior materials, specta tor seats, finishing materials, etc.) and complete painting (waterproofing). Kia Motors is responsible for partial replacement and repairs, such as replacing in dividual items damaged. 这导致2017年双方重新协议 里面也写了光州政府负责球场大规模翻新 起亚负责小规模汰换 In addition, Kia Motors agreed to pay Gwangju City an additional 3 billion won f or the Sports Development Fund over 15 years, which temporarily quelled the pref erential treatment controversy. 起亚也同意支付30亿韩元的地方体育发展基金(分15年) 平息那次风波 这样又要重签合约吗XD --

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1F:推 gemboy: 韩元币值比台币不是算小? 起亚不是大公司15亿韩元要分1 07/25 13:19
2F:→ gemboy: 5次? 07/25 13:19
3F:→ gemboy: 打错 30亿韩元 07/25 13:20
4F:推 ccl007: 反观台湾各职业球团 还有乡民敢酸教主是乞丐球团 07/25 13:25
5F:推 cycling: 没差啦 光州市这种超级铁票区政府说了算 07/25 13:25
6F:→ gogoandy: 其实连续15年都赞助台币六百万给地方发展体育比一次给一 07/25 13:40
7F:→ gogoandy: 大笔钱来的好 07/25 13:40
8F:推 ppt12527: 起亚虎:那我就不小规模汰换,累积到大规模翻新 07/25 13:40
9F:推 NXT0614: 反观台湾有些球团甚至球迷觉得政府出钱修球场天经地义 07/25 14:43
10F:→ NXT0614: 政府出钱不是不行 但你球队也要出一部分吧 07/25 14:44
11F:→ YummyYummy: 30亿15年 真的夸张 07/25 14:51
12F:→ YummyYummy: 有够寒酸的 某楼真的没搞清楚 07/25 14:52
13F:推 clausewitz: 翻修要25亿韩元,还不到一亿台币,也能吵? 07/25 15:23

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