Baseball 板


来源: Bob Nightengale整理的交易乳摸 – The Los Angeles Dodgers have spoken to the White Sox about a blockbuster that would include Crochet, center fielder Luis Robert and perhaps reliever Michael Kopech, too. 躲人在跟白袜谈Crochet+Luis Robert的大交易,也许还会把Michael Kopech包进来 –The Yankees, for the first time, are willing to include No. 1 prospect Spencer Jones in a trade for White Sox ace Garrett Crochet or Tigers Cy Young candidate Tarik Skubal. The White Sox, however, are holding out for a bigger package from the Yankees an d others. 洋基愿意在在Garrett Crochet或Tarik Skubal的交易中放进头号新秀Spencer Jones,不过 白袜在等更大包的 – The Detroit Tigers are engaged in talks with the Baltimore Orioles and Dodger s for Skubal. It’s a longshot that Skubal will be traded, but the Tigers are listening, and h ave told teams they will move him only if they are overwhelmed by an offer. Certainly, the Orioles have the talented prospects to pull off a deal, centering around Jackson Holliday, and may become the World Series favorites if they acqu ire Skubal to team with Corbin Burnes at the top of the rotation. 金莺跟道奇都有在跟老虎谈过Skubal,但距离交易成真还很遥远,老虎表示只会在遇到完全 无法拒绝的包裹才会交易Skubal 金莺的农场天赋足以完成交易,如果办到的话可望成为世界大赛大热门 – The Boston Red Sox and Yankees have had talks with the Chicago Cubs about sta rter Jameson Taillon, but the Cubs are undecided whether they will be buyers or sellers. 红袜跟洋基有跟小熊问Jameson Taillon,不过小熊现在还不确定要不要当卖家 – The Philadelphia Phillies have no interest in Miami Marlins center fielder Ja zz Chisholm, have shied away from Chicago White Sox outfielder Tommy Pham and do n’t believe that Oakland A’s outfielder Brent Rooker is a fit. 费城人对马林鱼中外野手Jazz Chisholm没兴趣,没有在跟白袜谈Tommy Pham,也不认为运 动家的Brent Rooker符合他们的需求 – Toronto Blue Jays shortstop Bo Bichette has told friends that he would welcom e a trade, while first baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr. badly wants to stay in Toro nto and is open to signing a long-term extension. Bo Bichette告诉朋友他很愿意被交易 小V葛则很想留在多伦多,愿意签长约 – The best reliever available on the market, executives say, is Marlins closer Tanner Scott. Scott is yielding a 1.30 ERA and has struck out 46 batters in 41 ⅔ innings. The Phillies are keeping a close eye on Scott with closer Jose Alvarado’s recen t struggles (4.35 ERA) and badly want another late-inning reliever. 有制服组说目前市场上最好的牛是马林鱼守护神Tanner Scott 费城人持续密切关注中 – If the Mets stumble out of the gate the second half – or even try to be a bu yer and seller simultaneously – they will have some attractive trade pieces in starters Jose Quintana, Luis Severino and Sean Manaea. 大都会如果在下半季刚开始跌跌撞撞,或是想同时当买家跟卖家的话,Jose Quintana、Lui s Severino跟Sean Manaea会是相当吸引人的交易标的 – Colorado Rockies All Star third baseman Ryan McMahon has been assured by Rock ies GM Bill Schmidt that he will not be traded. 洛矶明星三垒手Ryan McMahon已获总管保证不会被交易 – The St. Louis Cardinals have strong interest in White Sox veteran starter Eri ck Fedde. 红雀对白袜Erick Fedde有强烈的兴趣 跟交易乳摸有关的大概就这几个 --

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1F:→ jack34031: 道奇有什麽包裹?07/22 14:10
2F:→ zxc906383: 道奇没啥东西能换吧07/22 14:10
3F:推 zzaa2752: 蛮好奇这样道奇要出谁换得到07/22 14:11
※ 编辑: polanco ( 台湾), 07/22/2024 14:11:55
4F:推 skypieadream: 今年的交易市场好安静 07/22 14:12
5F:→ lmf770410: Robert 少数白袜能打的欸 07/22 14:13
6F:推 a0987761110: 金鸟如果愿意台面上的标的想换都能换到 就看总管要不 07/22 14:14
7F:→ a0987761110: 要撩落去了 07/22 14:14
8F:→ laking: 道奇解就看不差包如何了,费城好像只有牛棚是缺点 07/22 14:14
9F:→ a0987761110: 费城人想补强中外野吧 看要不要冲萝卜 但白袜好像想 07/22 14:15
10F:→ a0987761110: 要一起卖 07/22 14:16
11F:推 shengping: 金莺应该会冲 道奇洗洗睡抢不赢 07/22 14:22
12F:→ GarrettLin: 获总管保证不会被交易… 07/22 14:29
13F:推 glenliu: 我躲要拿什麽换......感觉菜篮都快空了 07/22 14:34
14F:推 venom957: 把出局人拿去换掉 07/22 14:44
15F:推 Werth: 道奇菜还很多啊 只是没有超大物 07/22 14:50
16F:嘘 lowl99: 道奇农场还有啥可换,要当卖家的一定是优先卖给金鸟为主 07/22 14:56
17F:→ lowl99: 小熊要不是战绩不理想,他们农场很多好物可以换 07/22 14:58
18F:推 pzhao: 道奇要换 要动到stone跟miller其中一个吧 07/22 15:04
19F:推 Keitaro: 看不出来躲人有能换的物件 07/22 15:08
20F:→ cayalst: 费城牛棚今年阿斗超抖 只剩两只稳定牛 能再补一只是最好 07/22 15:09
21F:→ cayalst: 中外野就先放着烂吧 反正Rojas至少还可以守备 打击其他 07/22 15:09
22F:→ cayalst: 人扛 07/22 15:09
23F:推 pzhao: 我费不要动到miller painter 其他皆可抛 07/22 15:11
24F:推 scatman: 可以再加一个Carwford吗? 这季打得还不错,不想丢他 07/22 15:13
25F:→ laking: 所以道奇只有不差包,没有顶级新秀,但平均质量很好 07/22 15:13
26F:推 NXT0614: Robert 再换掉白袜真的没人能打了 07/22 15:37
27F:推 ZaneTrout: 真希望有人来跟我猴买瓦哥跟TA 07/22 15:43
28F:推 xieh3rd: 反正Robert再能打白袜也不会赢 07/22 15:51
29F:推 CPBLlincecum: 我守护者迷,蛮想要瓦哥的 07/22 15:56
30F:推 gandalflee: Rojas状态暴跌 毛许只能代班 费城中外野大洞 07/22 16:00
31F:推 Nikagnef: 我躲可以把Roberts 送出去 07/22 16:07
32F:推 try13286: 躲人农场还是联盟前几啊,说没菜的是跟湖人弄混了吧 07/22 16:09
33F:推 preattyall: 可惜不能把山本换出去 07/22 16:09
34F:推 anomic24: 道奇的农场不差啦,但吸引力应该比不上金鸟就是了 07/22 16:10
35F:推 Nikagnef: 只有傻了才会想换山本 一受伤就各种黑出现 可怜 07/22 16:16
36F:推 glenliu: 和金鸟拼菜感觉只能用数量硬尻......觉得金鸟会拿下 07/22 16:20
37F:推 Axwell: Luis Robert捡来干嘛的 07/22 16:20
38F:→ dd1115dd1115: 宇宙道 07/22 16:34
39F:→ dd1115dd1115: 不过躲人农场出来的都没啥长出来 07/22 16:35
40F:嘘 lowl99: 费城人这季战绩这麽好,如果可以用Painter去换到市场好的C 07/22 16:36
41F:→ lowl99: F和RP,以Dombroski个性一定是梭哈出去,维持现状季後赛就 07/22 16:36
42F:→ lowl99: 是有可能会翻船 07/22 16:36
43F:推 zehow: 说躲人没菜的 不知道是真蠢还是反串的 百大是不多 07/22 16:37
44F:→ zehow: 啦 但一堆年轻肉体等着要排进百大的可多着 不然怎 07/22 16:37
45F:→ zehow: 麽会每年被排农场前五的球队 07/22 16:37
46F:推 venom957: 有百大啦但是没前50了之前就有人发过文章了 07/22 16:39
47F:推 CusRise: 还是看不懂为啥会有Skubal要卖的新闻 07/22 17:32
48F:→ CusRise: 农场都快收成了还卖王牌 07/22 17:33
49F:推 chyng1202: Kopech根本就发球机== 07/22 17:39
50F:推 edhuang: Skubal应该是老虎想试水温吧 想不到其他理由 任何一个人 07/22 18:55
51F:→ edhuang: 都知道很难卖成 07/22 18:55
52F:→ joeduck: 总管保证..那等於没有保证 07/22 19:02
53F:推 arasheng: 天使Rengifo工具人好像也不错道奇可以谈一下 07/22 22:18
54F:推 lucky1017: 红雀? 红雀要当买家? 07/22 23:42

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