Baseball 板

LINE How has the first half of the season gone? Manfred: “At the gate, we are really pleased. We’re running ahead of the 70 mi llion pace for attendance we had last year, which is really important to us. The ratings for all of our national partners are up, and even, in the RSN area, whe re it’s difficult to get comparable numbers because of the shrinking universe, we’ve held our own. I think there are 20 markets where we’re still most-watche d programming on cable and 13 where we are the most-watched programming, period. ” 大联盟主席曼佛地魔接受访问时表示 对上半季票房、收视感到满意 全美转播平均收视 涨跌 FOX 1.98M +7% ESPN周日棒球夜 1.62M +7% ESPN整体 1.59M +6% TBS周二棒球夜 330K -2% TBS赛前/赛後 +14% 注:TBS周二棒球夜不是独家转播,两队自家转播台也会播 The MLB Draft on @ESPN and @MLBNetwork drew its second largest audience in the e vent’s history and an increase of +16% over last year.
今年大联盟选秀会第一轮 ESPN & MLB Network转播收视是史上第二糕纪录 比去年上涨16% 18-34岁收视+66% ESPN generated its largest Sunday Night Baseball audience in two and a half year s with the Boston Red Sox 3-0 victory over the New York Yankees on July 7. The b roadcast averaged 2,359,000 viewers and peaked with nearly three million viewers (2,952,000) at 8:45 p.m. ET, according to Nielsen. The July 7 broadcast was also the most-watched edition of Sunday Night Baseball since 2019 when excluding opening weekend games 上半年最後一场ESPN周日棒球夜 是上演收视保证的基袜战 平均收视人口为2.359M,创两年半来收视新高 巅峰则快3M 至於全联盟场均为28805,比去年同期微微上涨0.7% 票房前五 道奇 47769 -397 洋基 41434 +1526 费城 41112 +2369 教士 40209 -463 勇士 38238 -919 票房倒数前五 皇家 18695 +2594 光芒 18163 -1536 白袜 16412 -4551 马林鱼 12829 +189 运动家 7731 -2305 场均涨最大 金莺 27958(+5865) 场均跌最大 梅子 27086(-6118) 比赛平均耗时 The average game time is down more than a half hour from 2021, to 2:36 this seas on. 本季为2:36 比2021快了超过半小时 You have been on the job for almost 10 eventful years now. What are you most pro ud of in your tenure as commissioner? 对於当主席当十年来,自己最自豪的事? Manfred: “Going back to the presentations I made before I was elected, I focuse d on two, what I felt were two really important topics. 曼佛地魔的答案 One was the way we were playing the game on the field. I think the rule changes last year made a significantmprovement. And I think our fans recognize that by going to the ballpark and consuming more games. I’m proud of the process that took place and the fact that the change was relatively without incident. Hats of f to the players on that. I will be eternally grateful to them on that topic, bu t I am very proud of it. I think we’re playing a better brand of baseball today than we were when I took over this job. 2023的改制The second one would be youth participation. You start making fans at the bott om. We’ve reestablished baseball as the most participated sport in the under-12 group, a kind of honor that we had lost. Our participation numbers across the b oard are up. We have made a massive inroads with respect to women and girls in t erms of their participation, not only in softball, but baseball as well. And equ ally important, our effort in the youth area has really started to pay dividends in terms of the diversity of the players that we’re seeing at the major league level.” 年轻人参与度 #1c2XXkKy (Baseball) 曼佛地魔2015接任主席後,推行Play Ball计划来鼓励小孩打棒球 在前任主席Selig的最後一年(2014) 全美打棒球的人口大约是1320万人 而到现在已经成长到1670万人,上升27% [情报] 美国棒球参与人口创16年来新高 #1by6-SnH (Baseball) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 07/18/2024 12:38:54
1F:推 apenguin: 年轻人增加07/18 12:38
2F:→ charlie01: 经营之神佛地魔07/18 12:40
3F:→ ILLwill: 美日韩台墨都成长,棒球世界真是欣欣向荣07/18 12:42
4F:→ Vincent8026: 要不加个啦啦队,票房再往上喷07/18 12:45
5F:→ poz93: 10年前MLB还被说是老人在看的运动07/18 12:47
6F:推 nsk: You know who?07/18 12:47
7F:→ poz93: 现在年轻人比例大幅提升07/18 12:47
8F:推 Atkins13: 更希望的是棒运拓荒 有打的国家多多益善07/18 12:51
9F:推 gn00152097: 老实说真的蛮猛的 而且还没用到啦啦队大决07/18 12:53
10F:→ userYuEyUe: 道奇怎麽反而下降07/18 12:54
11F:→ userYuEyUe: 卖更贵了吗07/18 12:54
12F:→ zxc906383: 扣掉首尔战会是持平 微升吧07/18 12:55
13F:→ zxc906383: 道奇票房本来就到顶了 没啥成长空间07/18 12:56
14F:推 lity3426: 道奇一直每年都是接近满场吧 被首尔战拉下去了 07/18 12:56
15F:→ laking: 道奇利润是赚的吧07/18 12:58
16F:→ b99202071: MLB男女收视不知道比例多少07/18 13:01
17F:推 huangjyuan: 道奇本来人数就到顶了 没什麽差别 然後主席有料07/18 13:04
18F:推 AhCheng: 真的成长好多07/18 13:05
19F:→ tenshou: 道奇是被首尔拖累07/18 13:05
20F:推 evan09900966: 真心觉得改革成果很厉害07/18 13:07
21F:推 menShow: 还不是靠大谷~07/18 13:10
22F:推 tenshou: 缩时真的最有帮助07/18 13:12
23F:推 CMPunk: 运动家有够惨07/18 13:12
24F:推 strayfrog: 金鸟真的未来可期07/18 13:12
25F:推 nctufish: 台湾就尽量抄吧07/18 13:13
26F:→ GABA: 搭配女啦啦队 球员应援曲 起码再多20%07/18 13:15
27F:→ jack86326: 内文没写今年全垒打大赛创十年来新低,不知是否因为赛07/18 13:23
28F:→ jack86326: 前唱国歌的放送事故影响收视?07/18 13:23
我上一篇有写原因了 #1cc8q46D (Baseball) 第一次撞到共和党大会+川普遇刺 ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 07/18/2024 13:36:49
29F:推 q16941153: 没有啦啦队,上限还没到 07/18 13:57
30F:→ kongsch: 太空人有啦啦队结果有成长吗 07/18 14:17
31F:推 befly10015: mlb最高殿堂要什麽啦啦队 只有票房不利要靠美色吸引 07/18 14:53
32F:→ befly10015: 猪哥的才需要啦啦队 07/18 14:53
33F:推 steven88669: 选秀今年也比较多版面 07/18 16:21
34F:推 cuze: 美国没有冰冰秀 07/18 21:55

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