Baseball 板

LINE The @SiouxCityXs were without a starting pitcher on Saturday night. The solution? Give Iowa State Representative J.D. Scholten a call See the full thread (1/3)
独联美国协会的苏城探险家 在周六时先发投手因故没办法投球,加上两场比赛已经使用了十位投手 所以总教练决定打电话搬救兵 那就是44岁爱荷华州众议员J.D. Scholten Scholten 本身就是棒球员出身 打过多个独立联盟 2006-2007更是效力於苏城探险家 生涯在美国、加拿大、比利时、德国、法国、荷兰、古巴都打过球 最近一次打联赛是在2023年 当时他和荷兰联赛队伍奥斯特豪特双城队签约 The first-term legislator, and former professional pitcher, announced early Thur sday he'd signed a contract to play professional baseball in the Netherlands wit h the Oosterhout Twins, a team in the "Honkbal Hoofdklasse," an eight-team Dutch league with a schedule running from April through September. Scholten said the team, which plays in the southern town of Oosterhout, needed a n additional pitcher because of injuries and an issue with a Japanese player's v isa. 当时球队投手受伤+日籍外援visa有问题 签他去救火 With respect to his job as a legislator, Scholten said he doesn't anticipate any disruptions. "I’ve been on Zoom calls, helped a constituent via email and have a phone plan that allows me to be like I am in Sioux City," he said. 至於立法工作,他是靠Zoom远端持续XD 2023荷兰联赛成绩 IP:26.0 ERA:4.50 WHIP:1.12 当天接到电话後,J.D. Scholten就答应来救火 面对密尔瓦基送奶人投出一场优质先发XD
目前他计画再替球队先发一场 sent me the lineup card, it had all the players’ names on there, and the n it had a question mark on there where the pitcher’s name would be,” Explorer s Director of Broadcasting and Media Dan Vaughan said. “A big question mark and you’re like ‘who is it going to be?’ It was a big question mark. I’ve never seen a lineup card in all the years I’ve done this that had a question mark. T hat was the official lineup… two hours before game time.” 这场赛前转播员拿到的先发阵容,投手还是打问号XD “I saw I had like ten missed calls and Montgomery texting me saying ‘Call me, ASAP,'” Scholten said. “That turned into less than three hours later getting t he starting nod and pitching. I wasn’t at top shape, but I said now or never, a nd when they needed me I said I’ll give it my best. I don’t know what I’ve go t, but I’ll give it my best.” Scholten接到电话时,离开赛只剩几个小时了
三点被登录到球队名单 六点上场 --

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1F:推 Bystander21: 感觉就像是黄平洋当议员当到一半被叫回去打棒球概念 07/09 22:35
2F:推 koppe: 太酷了吧 07/09 22:36
3F:推 huan0: 完整春训必要性不存在 打勾 07/09 22:37
4F:推 virginmary: 换局时开会.真的很有趣 07/09 22:37
5F:推 jschen01711: 叫你们民代出来投 07/09 22:37
6F:推 ivo88114: 好猛 07/09 22:38
7F:推 asxc530530: 斜杠 07/09 22:38
8F:推 shields5566: 44岁耶... 07/09 22:39
9F:推 f9968106: 好强XD 07/09 22:39
10F:推 hsnut27: 三振+1,选票-1 07/09 22:42
11F:推 dusted: 超帅,运动底蕴 07/09 22:42
12F:推 hcastray: 很强 07/09 22:43
13F:推 FantasyChopi: 太强了吧 44岁欸 07/09 22:50
14F:推 huangjyuan: 美国那个全民运动的国家真的不意外 改天支援四分卫也 07/09 22:53
15F:→ huangjyuan: 可能 07/09 22:53
16F:推 YMSolJack: 超强 07/09 22:55
17F:→ newsnew: XD 07/09 23:00
18F:推 teata: 超强 07/09 23:00
19F:推 a40558473: 超强 07/09 23:04
20F:推 biosphere: Respect 07/09 23:07
21F:推 Aminoacid: 全世界政治人物来一场大乱斗 胜利的大概还是美国人 07/09 23:10
22F:→ MK47: 屌XDDDD 07/09 23:10
23F:推 laxmo: 叫你众议员出来打 07/09 23:19
24F:推 blue1994t: 好强XDD 07/09 23:24
25F:推 frank901212: 好猛 07/09 23:42
26F:推 zxc70227: 美国民代不用跑摊顾基层吗? 好羡慕可以单纯立法喔 07/09 23:44
27F:→ Arodz: 好屌 07/09 23:51
28F:推 a555444: 不愧是美国,选民服务还有这款的 07/09 23:54
29F:推 sox46: whip1.12,ERA4.5 ! 打到都长打? 07/09 23:58
30F:推 witcherysky: 太强啦 07/10 00:07
31F:推 cuhappy: 议员来开球的吗?不是喔,我是来先发的 07/10 00:16
32F:推 adwn: 哇靠,这也太强了吧 07/10 00:16
33F:推 earnformoney: 太有趣了推一个哈哈哈哈 07/10 00:48
34F:推 viola1893: 这个太有趣了有够强 07/10 02:42
35F:推 beauman002: 还行啦 我们之前重金属乐团缺人也是可以叫国会议员 07/10 03:13
36F:推 salkuo: 这个体格真的蛮好的 有在维持球技吧 07/10 03:58
37F:推 MELOEX: 这也算是在跑摊顾基层阿XD 07/10 05:06
38F:推 a09619508: 这算选民服务吗? 07/10 07:04
39F:推 tw168: 陪选民打球 07/10 07:35
40F:推 u087111: 好强www 07/10 08:40
41F:→ tovshang: wow 07/10 08:41
42F:推 ryrp: 观众:今天的议员怎麽开完球还没下场 07/10 10:13

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