Baseball 板


来源: Scouting grades: Fastball: 80 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 60 | Overal l: 65 After two years at Air Force and two summers pitching for Team USA, Skenes trans ferred to Louisiana State for his junior season, helping lead the Tigers to a Me n's College World Series title in 2023. A former two-way player who reached doub le digits in wins and home runs with Air Force in 2022, Skenes' focus on pitchin g helped cement him as the best college pitching prospect since Stephen Strasbur g. So did an other-worldly junior campaign that earned him SEC pitcher of the ye ar honors while leading all Division I pitchers in strikeouts, K/9 and WHIP. The Pirates set a Draft record by giving him a $9.2 million bonus as last year's No . 1 overall pick and let him get his feet wet with a handful of professional out ings that ended in Double-A. Skenes’ velocity started to spike during the fall at LSU. It carried over to hi s incredible spring in Baton Rouge, averaging 98 mph and topping out at 102 mph with his fastball, with a flat approach angle and carry that make it very diffic ult to hit, as evidenced by a 30 percent miss rate on it last spring. His slider turned into the best secondary pitch in the class. In the Minors, it's thrown l argely in the upper 80s with sharp break that elicited ridiculous swing-and-miss rates (62 percent). His 89-93 mph changeup might be his third pitch, but don’t be surprised if it’s a third plus pitch as a pro as he learns to land the fadi ng offspeed offering in the zone more consistently. At 6-foot-6 and 235 pounds, Skenes brings an imposing presence to the mound. A f ormer catcher, he’s athletic on the hill, repeating his delivery well and filli ng the strike zone exceedingly well, especially given his premium stuff. He has all the makings of a frontline starter, one who should not take very long to mak e his presence felt in Pittsburgh. 大致上提到 空军官校读两年以後转学LSU,转学前是二刀流,拿过两位数胜投跟全垒打的纪录。转学後 专心当投手成为天才小史以後最好的大学投手新秀。海盗队去年用状元签选他并给他破纪录 的920万镁签约金,之後让他在职业层级稍微试一下水温。 速球均速98英哩+极速102英哩并带有难以击中的尾劲,去年春天(在大学)有着30%的挥空 率。滑球被评为同届选秀最好的变化球,球速近90英哩且变化锐利,在小联盟有着荒谬的62 %挥空率。第三好的武器是89-93英哩变速球,也有plus等级。 身高6尺6寸体重235磅,站在投手丘上展现惊人的气势。作为一名前捕手他也展现不错的运 动能力,能固定住投球动作并且把球丢到好球带中。整体来说有着所有成为前段轮值投手的 素质,应该不需要花太久就能让匹兹堡球迷感受到他的存在感。 大概是这样 --

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1F:→ b99202071: 05/09 12:19
2F:→ b99202071: 二缝被Statcast记录成Splitter 故称Splinker 05/09 12:20
3F:推 ct13579: 连补手都守过,也能投打二刀流,投打补三拍子天才 05/09 12:20
4F:推 iecq: 这速差有点可怕 05/09 12:23
5F:→ tomlin121283: 看到球速很快的投手都怕怕的 感觉迟早换韧带 05/09 12:27
6F:推 mouz: 签约金吓死人 05/09 12:32
7F:→ Puye: 换韧带稀松平常了 05/09 12:35
8F:推 a94037501: 只能换一次吧 05/09 12:36
9F:推 Hawky: 换两次的人也有啊 05/09 12:37
10F:推 alex8725: 好像没有当年小史夸张 05/09 12:38
11F:→ b99202071: 05/09 12:39
12F:→ polanco: 多了一颗被判定成指叉的二缝线? 05/09 12:41
13F:推 honey4617912: 挥空率62%是什麽鬼.. 05/09 12:59
14F:推 amos30627: 均速99.9 太猛了 05/09 13:01
15F:推 yaes111: 给到80是真的强喔 05/09 13:36
16F:推 Roshiel: 当年小史的球速也是顶天的 05/09 14:06
17F:推 hijodedios36: 声势好像没当初小史那麽夸张 05/09 14:55
18F:推 davidwawa: 均速100MPH的SP终於要降临了 05/09 15:13
19F:推 Serpi6217: 99.9是什麽鬼 05/09 15:37
20F:推 kenro: 因为现在破百的变多了,小史那时还是稍有差些 05/09 18:00
21F:→ lover19: 80好像就满分吧 05/09 19:06

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