Baseball 板


Sisak, Croatia, Prepares to Host U-15 Baseball European Championship B Pool Sisak, Croatia, is gearing up to host the U-15 Baseball European Championship B Pool, showcasing its commitment to fostering the growth of baseball in the area. The local organizing committee of the U-15 Baseball European Championship B Pool is working to ensure that the baseball field meets the standards for the tourna ment. 这次要主办其中一组欧洲U-15资格赛的锡萨克(克罗埃西亚) 目前正在整修场地,让球场能符合赛事标准
Efforts include reseeding the grass to ensure a pristine playing surface, cleani ng the outfield fence for improved aesthetics and safety, and digging a water we ll to ensure the field remains well-watered and in top condition. Additionally, new stairs are being installed to provide easier access for fans. 其中包含草皮重种 清洁外野墙,以提高美观性和安全性 观众席也加装楼梯 To further enhance player facilities, the area around the bases is being cleaned and prepared for new clay, and both bullpens are undergoing reconstruction. Inf rastructure improvements also include the installation of a new sewer line to th e clubhouse. 两个牛棚区也正在进行改建 休息室也安装新的排水管 Six national squads will compete in the event, including Slovakia (SVK), Austria (AUT), Bulgaria (BUL), Switzerland (UI), Croatia (CRO), and Belgium (BEL). The schedule for the championship has been previously announced. 克罗埃西亚这组参加国 克罗埃西亚 奥地利 瑞士 保加利亚 比利时 斯洛伐克
WBSC Europe commends the efforts of the local organizing committee in Sisak. Bey ond the competition itself, hosting events like the U-15 Baseball European Champ ionship B Pool allows European baseball and softball fields to undergo significa nt improvements, benefiting local communities and future generations of athletes . 欧洲棒垒联盟对锡萨克当地赛事承办方所做的努力表示赞赏 除了比赛本身之外,举办 U-15资格赛等赛事 还可以使欧洲棒垒球场设施得到显着改善 让当地社区和未来几代运动员受益

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1F:推 ghostl40809: 欧洲这几年好像加强推广棒球了? 05/09 10:40
2F:推 coolboxliu: 难得看到场地可以说台湾屌打的 05/09 10:52
3F:推 Bengold: 巴基斯坦新成立的棒盟 也都说要开放20名欧洲外援名额报名 05/09 10:53
4F:→ Bengold: 还不知道有多少欧洲球员会报名去巴基斯坦参选 05/09 10:54
5F:→ Bengold: 参加徵选 05/09 10:54
6F:推 nuclearbomb: 屌虐台湾的….咦这次没有? 05/09 10:57
7F:→ william8403: 不挖个停车场? 05/09 11:12
8F:→ b54102: 成本多少 12e? 05/09 11:22
9F:推 garrygt4: 这很像台湾状况比较好的河滨 05/09 11:46
10F:推 jeremysam: 反观 05/09 11:47
11F:推 answer49: 其实是欧洲人就算在半他们冷门的运动也很认真 05/09 11:59
12F:→ answer49: 至於有没有加强推广就个别国家有吧 WBC效应下捷克以色列 05/09 12:00
13F:→ answer49: *办 05/09 12:00
14F:推 tn00633778: 小知识:克罗埃西亚人口不到一千万 05/09 12:36
15F:→ tn00633778: 国内职业足球联赛有十支球队! 05/09 12:37
16F:推 Bengold: 克罗埃西亚的全国人口 就相当於新北市 05/09 12:54
17F:推 snocia: 克罗埃西亚长期参与欧洲棒球赛事,虽然球场还不够好,但 05/09 13:50
18F:→ snocia: 是比较有意愿支持棒球发展的国家 05/09 13:50
19F:→ snocia: 2023年欧锦赛排名第10 05/09 13:51

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