Baseball 板


来源: 随便翻 Ippei Mizuhara agreed Wednesday to plead guilty to federal charges of felony ban k fraud and submitting a false tax return after authorities found that he stole nearly $17 million from Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani in order to pay off gambling debts to an illegal sportsbook. 水原一平昨天同意认罪(银行诈欺重罪与缴交不实税务申报表),此前有关当局发现他偷了 大谷将近1700万美金以偿还债务。 Mizuhara, 39, who had been Ohtani's longtime interpreter, is expected to enter h is guilty plea in the coming weeks. His arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. 水原曾长期担任大谷翻译,预计将在未来几周内认罪,他排定在下周二於地方法院受审。 A sentencing date has not been set. The total maximum sentence Mizuhara could re ceive for both crimes would be 33 years imprisonment and fines of $1.25 million, but in exchange for his plea -- outlined in the agreement released Wednesday -- prosecutors would recommend a reduced sentence. 判决日期还未确定,水原这两项罪名最多可以判处33年刑期以及125万镁罚金,但作为认罪 协商的交换条件,检察官会建议较低的刑期。 The plea agreement says Mizuhara will be required to pay full restitution, or $1 6,975,010, to Ohtani. A spokesperson for Ohtani declined to comment, as did the Dodgers. 认罪协议称水原需要支付全额赔偿($16,975,010)给大谷。 大谷的发言人以及道奇队皆拒绝回应。 Federal authorities filed the complaint against Mizuhara on April 11, just three weeks after an ESPN investigation detailing wire transfers of $500,000 from Oht ani's bank account to the bookmaking operation. Mizuhara initially told ESPN Oht ani had sent the money to help him pay his debts but later changed his story to say Ohtani had no knowledge of his gambling or the wire transfers. Ohtani's atto rneys alleged the slugger had been the victim of a "massive theft." 联邦当局於4/11起诉水原,就在ESPN开始追查大谷帐户有一笔50万镁被转帐到非法博彩公司 的三周後。水原最初告知ESPN那是大谷帮他还债,随後改变说法称大谷对此一无所知。大谷 的律师声称他的客户是大规模窃盗的受害者。 "The extent of this defendant's deception and theft is massive," said United Sta tes Attorney Martin Estrada in a press release. "He took advantage of his positi on of trust to take advantage of Mr. Ohtani and fuel a dangerous gambling habit. " 检察官在新闻稿中表示水原的欺骗以及盗窃行为规模庞大,他利用大谷对自己的信任助长了 险的赌博行为。 Also in the statement, IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent in Charge Tyler Hatcher said, "Mr. Mizuhara exploited his relationship with Mr. Ohtani to bankro ll his own irresponsibility." IRS刑事调查特别负责人在同一篇声明中表示水原利用他跟大谷的关系为自己不负责任的行 为提供资金。 The documents filed Wednesday further detailed a relationship of trust in which Ohtani, who did not speak English, relied on his Japanese translator to help him with everything from answering questions at press conferences, transacting with financial advisors and sports agents, and opening bank accounts. 昨天公布的文件进一步详细地说明两方的信任关系,大谷不会英文所以需要日本翻译协助他 处理一切事务,包含接受媒体采访,与财务顾问和经纪人进行交流以及开设银行帐户。 Mizuhara began placing bets with an illegal bookmaker in September 2021, and as his losses quickly mounted, he began to exploit his access to Ohtani's financial accounts to pay off his debts. 水原於2021年九月开始进行非法投注。随着损失快速增加,他开始利用接触大谷帐户的机会 来偿还债务。 Mizuhara took many steps to deceive Ohtani, including changing contact informati on on the baseball player's bank accounts so communication would come to Mizuhar a. He even impersonated Ohtani on the phone with calls to the bank, which he did at least 24 times, according to the plea agreement. 水原使用许多手段欺骗大谷,包含更改帐户的联络资讯。根据认罪协议,他甚至冒充大谷用 电话与银行联络,这样的行为至少发生过24次。 In one such attempt, on Feb. 2, 2022, Mizuhara called a representative of a bank -- referred to as Bank A -- for help getting a wire transfer for what Mizuhara said was a "car loan" and verified the transaction with a six-digit code sent vi a text message, which went to Mizuhara's phone as he had already changed the inf ormation on the account. 在2022年2月2日的一次尝试中,水原致电A银行的代表请求帮助转帐一笔名义为汽车贷款的 汇款,并使用了六位数代码验证交易。由於水原更改了帐户资讯,简讯被发送到他的手机。 In September 2023, Mizuhara told Ohtani he needed $60,000 for dental work, which Ohtani arranged to give him via a check drawn from a business account. However, Mizuhara pocketed that money and instead used Ohtani's debit card to pay the $6 0,000 dental bill. 在2023年9月,水原告诉大谷自己需要6万镁用於牙科治疗。大谷提供了支票,但水原拿这笔 钱中饱私囊并且用大谷的签帐金融卡付帐。 The agreement also states that Mizuhara filed a false tax return for tax year 20 22, noting multiple inaccuracies such as failing to report $4.1 million, accordi ng to the plea agreement. For that, he owes an additional $1.15 million in taxes . 根据认罪协议,水原还提交了2022纳税年度的不实申报资料并指出多项不正确之处,例如少 申报410万镁,因此他还欠了额外115万的税款。 大概是这样 --

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1F:推 AV771118: 牙科要到60000镁?05/09 06:05
2F:→ laking: 美国看医生很贵啊05/09 06:06
※ 编辑: polanco ( 台湾), 05/09/2024 06:07:38
3F:推 somanyee: 金流这麽多哪有可能精准报税05/09 06:08
4F:→ thermo409: 六万镁就算是在这看牙齿也算太多了 单纯钱太多没问XD05/09 06:10
※ 编辑: polanco ( 台湾), 05/09/2024 06:10:58
5F:推 plauge: 要零用钱+偷钱 这好像是小学生会对外婆做出的行为05/09 06:11
※ 编辑: polanco ( 台湾), 05/09/2024 06:12:00
6F:推 chyng1202: 6万镁的牙齿是镶钻了吗 05/09 06:12
7F:推 kenro: 他应没钱赔吧,但这个和棒球已经没什关系了 05/09 06:13
8F:推 RicFlair: 美国的牙医就是贵到你说你矫正牙齿花6万镁别人也会信 05/09 06:14
9F:推 choobii: 以美国的医疗费6万镁还真有可能05/09 06:14
10F:→ RicFlair: 不过6万真的还是离谱XD05/09 06:14
11F:→ laking: 他当翻译一年才多少钱肯定赔不了 05/09 06:15
12F:推 lmf770410: 6万美金还真的有可能 如果好几次的话05/09 06:18
13F:推 liusim: 而且是当大谷的翻译年薪才那麽高 从世界最高薪翻译跌到谷05/09 06:18
14F:→ liusim: 底啊05/09 06:19
15F:推 thermo409: 这里植牙或牙冠一颗就3K-5K 他全口植牙XD?05/09 06:19
16F:推 plauge: 卖器官 卖屁股 去抓帝王蟹 什麽工作有办法赚到16m05/09 06:19
17F:→ laking: 只能再赌博了XD05/09 06:21
18F:推 daisyung: 道奇医疗保险不包牙科啊?XD05/09 06:22
19F:推 Adam6613: 原本翻译界PR99.9一手好牌打成这样 可怜哪 05/09 06:23
20F:推 nigatsuki: 总共拿一千七百万美金,台币五亿多….. 05/09 06:28
21F:推 danieljaw: 好奇要怎麽还? 05/09 06:31
22F:推 a49061854: 赶快止损 赔掉的赚回来就好了...赌博真可怕05/09 06:31
23F:→ Suntia: 薪水小偷(物理) 05/09 06:35
24F:推 chyng1202: 可能在狱中写书才有可能赚回来吧 05/09 06:39
25F:推 sodabing: 希望出狱後 可以向台湾球迷说声抱歉05/09 06:40
26F:推 Parazicecum: 6万镁即使在美国可信度也很低吧 尤其道奇这种球团肯 05/09 06:53
27F:→ Parazicecum: 定也有牙医保险 说大谷太专注在棒球所以会信还差不多05/09 06:53
28F:嘘 laking: 看牙医的时候大谷还在天使 05/09 06:56
29F:推 nuclearbomb: 来台湾赚钱赔大谷啊,20年来经济最好的时候呢~ 05/09 06:58
30F:推 H122859603: 大谷对他真的没话说 05/09 06:59
31F:推 yoseii: 谷黑:不管啦,都水原帮大谷顶罪05/09 06:59
32F:推 goury: 台湾人真的不要再抱怨生活困难了,看看美国牙科要花6万镁,05/09 07:01
33F:→ goury: 一堆普通阶层劳工,年薪都没有到6万... 05/09 07:01
34F:嘘 jjooee1428: 人渣05/09 07:03
35F:推 Guoplus: 认罪协商条件是还钱 他哪来钱可以还 再赌两把吗05/09 07:06
36F:推 redcardo: 这样也能扯05/09 07:07
37F:推 yang826: 1.写书 2.出狱凑资金自导自演把这事件翻拍电影05/09 07:15
38F:推 safyrose: 跟Netflix自告奋勇愿意饰演水原一平 反正演技也够力05/09 07:18
39F:推 leofu100: 没大谷翻译工作 能还钱机率趋近005/09 07:27
40F:→ leofu100: 人生基本判死05/09 07:27
41F:推 wenhh88: 五亿怎麽还?不如死去 05/09 07:28
42F:推 Ferrari360: 五亿一平传..... 05/09 07:39
43F:推 orze04: 认罪协商这个条件根本无法履行 05/09 07:41
44F:推 nalaculan: 五亿翻译:一平传05/09 07:44
45F:推 amgdaaaa: 出书跟翻拍电影 大谷团队聪明点 应该会要求一平不得以 05/09 07:44
46F:→ amgdaaaa: 任何影射或编写形容大谷 05/09 07:45
47F:推 iwinlottery: 美国牙医六万镁我会信耶,看过美国底层都看不起牙医05/09 07:48
48F:→ iwinlottery: ,很惨 所以他们生活建议特别有平常一定要刷牙这项 05/09 07:48
49F:推 Syoshinsya: 赌狗的末路05/09 07:49
50F:推 pinky841118: 如果认罪协商的条件是要偿还偷走的大谷的钱,那这个 05/09 07:52
51F:→ pinky841118: 条件根本不可能啊,因为水原已经没工作了,也不可能 05/09 07:52
52F:→ pinky841118: 再从事棒球的相关工作,他要拿什麽还 05/09 07:52
53F:推 chenyoyo: 去年9月不就大谷受伤後?他真的是吃定大谷耶!05/09 07:53
54F:推 s5894143: 感谢翻译05/09 07:54
55F:推 IKnowWhy: 他又赔不起 05/09 07:55
56F:推 lmf770410: 一堆欠钱的最後都是双手一摊:啊我就没钱了啊05/09 07:56
57F:嘘 melissalewis: 不是去年9月,是2021年05/09 07:56
58F:推 lunav: 诈骗加欠税,可以判到33年,如果台湾也判这麽高,诈骗集团05/09 07:59
59F:→ lunav: 会不会少一点?05/09 07:59
60F:推 asdfg5435: 原本大好前程 活该啊05/09 08:00
61F:推 mstar: 台湾的牙科诊所,都有遇过矫正牙齿跟我报价 24 万台币的,05/09 08:01
62F:→ mstar: 美国牙医用到六万镁感觉也不算太离谱。05/09 08:01
63F:推 nigatsuki: 其实牙医材料用好的+如果要做复杂手术,六万美金应该是 05/09 08:02
64F:→ nigatsuki: 合理 05/09 08:02
65F:→ Bf109G6: 小赌一平 05/09 08:02
66F:→ laking: 他这个不是小赌是大赌05/09 08:05
67F:推 xhung: 毛骨悚然 05/09 08:08
68F:推 lin740810: 都有朋友拔智齿飞回台湾拔再飞回去了 05/09 08:09
69F:推 sylviehsiang: 我2013年在澳洲根管一颗就收我70005/09 08:13
70F:→ sylviehsiang: 够我来回台湾了 05/09 08:13
71F:推 ramirez: 老婆怎麽办@@05/09 08:14
72F:推 chen1983: 台湾应该重判三个月吧… 05/09 08:16
73F:推 ct13579: 这钱他余生拼命也还不起吧,人生GG 05/09 08:18
74F:推 benboy: 6万镁在美国应该是也是有可能? XDD 05/09 08:20
75F:推 Carrarese: 台湾好像3年以上10年以下05/09 08:22
76F:推 JHENGKUNLIN: 有看过棒球大联盟应该也知道美国医疗很贵05/09 08:27
77F:推 best2218: 水平:我要贪,就贪五亿!05/09 08:30
78F:→ TheoEpstein: 看到IRS三个字我抖了一下05/09 08:39
※ 编辑: polanco ( 台湾), 05/09/2024 08:58:34
79F:推 jmao: 说台湾判三个月是造谣吗 05/09 09:07
80F:推 xaxa0101: 卖剧本给好莱坞吧 05/09 09:07
81F:→ Tiger23: 五亿翻译:一平传 05/09 09:19
82F:推 trifluro: 怀疑6万镁的人真的是被台湾的廉价医疗宠坏了 05/09 09:34
83F:推 Leo0923: 推翻译 很好奇1700万还不出来会如何? 大谷呆帐?算了? 05/09 09:41
84F:推 maverik: 惹到不就还好他在加州 不然在合法赌的地方 我看大谷年薪 05/09 10:02
85F:→ maverik: 大概剩1000万镁 05/09 10:02
86F:推 Demi520: 怀疑的人应该只是没常识而已 05/09 10:02
87F:推 Dino14124: 水原关到漏尿结局 05/09 10:29
88F:→ ct13579: 他在合法赌的洲也会因窃盗炸欺被关到屎 05/09 11:31
89F:推 Destery: 只能去合法赌场赌一把了 05/09 11:31
90F:推 qazzaq3977: 赌光了要赔什麽? 05/09 11:54
91F:推 hsgreent: 米国看牙要价6万镁还真的是不无可能 我觉得一平牙齿应 05/09 13:50
92F:→ hsgreent: 该是有去用 年初翻译的时候有觉得他的牙是不是去做全瓷 05/09 13:50
93F:→ hsgreent: 冠 05/09 13:50
94F:→ gswsb: 美国政府有谷黑懂吗? 05/09 15:41
95F:推 asd1: 他有弄牙齿 看原文更清楚 他是A了大谷开的张6万镁支票 05/09 16:01
96F:→ asd1: 然後再用大谷的签帐金融卡去付6万镁的牙医费用 05/09 16:01
97F:推 mizuhara: 我都赌债满身了,哪里去生钱赔大谷?(咦 05/09 16:48
98F:推 wakuwaku: 一堆人因为全世界牙医都跟台湾一样便宜在大惊小怪 05/09 20:39

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