Baseball 板

LINE lease extension was struck in a Tuesday meeting with Oakland and Alameda County officials, though the city said Wednesday it offered a deal Tuesday in which the team would pay $60 million over three years to stay put. A’s representatives m et Wednesday with officials in Sacramento, where they were greeted more positive ly. 奥克兰政府最终报价,从97M降到60M Vivek Ranadivé, owner of the NBA’s Sacramento Kings and Triple-A Sacramento Ri ver Cats, is a good friend of Fisher and would love to own an MLB team, not just a minor-league team. By hosting the A’s for three seasons, Ranadivé not only is doing a favor for Fisher but would be auditioning Sacramento as a future MLB expansion candidate. 国王队老板和绿帽老板是好朋友 并且国王老板本身也是想要拥有一支MLB球队的 所以这不只是帮好朋友一个忙 也能让沙加缅度评估扩编的可能性 As a result of the move, the A’s alerted its front office Thursday morning in a zoom call that a staff reduction would be coming in November, president Dae Ka val said With a new partnership involving both the Kings and River Cats, the pla n would be for employees in Sacramento to assume some of the A’s front-office r oles. 然後绿帽已通知员工他们将在11月裁员 要让当地员工加入 Kaval said the A’s will share Sutter Health Park with the River Cats, who gener ally play a weeklong series and travel on Mondays. The A’s would play in Sacram ento when the River Cats are on the road. An industry source suggested the River Cats could play some games at the Coliseum and even Oracle Park, but Kaval said that won’t be the case. 至於要和巨人3A共用球场 业界表示巨人3A可能有些场次要去奥克兰打XDD 虽然绿帽是说不会 Sutter Health Park has a capacity of just 14,014, and the agreement for the A’s to play in a minor-league facility would first need to be signed off by the Maj or League Baseball Players Association. That includes having the clubhouses, wei ght rooms, field conditions and all the amenities required at an MLB facility up to big-league standards. 只不过要在3A球场打球要经过和球员工会的协商 因为应该大部分条件不符合大联盟标准 看来缺很多东西
The scorching summer heat in Sacramento also will be a factor. Union chief Tony Clark told the Chronicle during spring training that factors to consider in such a move include “assuring that the health, safety and well-being of the players , regardless of the ballpark they are in, are adhered to.” 然後沙加缅度夏天很热也是一个问题 The Chronicle reported last week that the A’s have been in talks to revise thei r NBC Sports California contract to make it work in Sacramento. It wasn’t expected to be as lucrative as it was in Oakland — the A’s received $67 million last season from the regional sports network deal — but in Sacrame nto, Fisher avoids paying rent at the Coliseum and can hold onto his half of the Coliseum property, which the A’s are buying from the county. 绿帽正在和NBC Sports California 重谈转播合约 预期不可能和原本的一样金额了 去年绿帽从NBC领了6700万镁地区转播金 — 绿帽老板:等不及看法官在沙加缅度敲全垒打了

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: zxc906383:转录至看板 MLB 04/05 12:29
1F:推 Q00863: 来不及了04/05 12:31
2F:→ Yjizz: 运动家 I do not car04/05 12:31
3F:推 BLACKLIONS: 可怜哪04/05 12:32
4F:推 heyhimoly: 晚了我们就不要了04/05 12:32
5F:推 johnbill: 奥克兰没有输 继续情勒04/05 12:32
6F:→ userYuEyUe: 法官XDD甚至是讲别队的04/05 12:32
7F:推 octopus4406: 真 晚了就不要了04/05 12:33
8F:推 jordan1227: 晚了就不要了04/05 12:35
9F:推 Aminoacid: OAK是没有蝙蝠侠的高谭市 市长还是双面人04/05 12:35
10F:推 Giovinazzi99: 借串问绿帽到底为啥要把开季表现不错的Ruiz 下放3A04/05 12:37
11F:推 bmwnyy870915: 急了04/05 12:38
12F:推 Moselle: 晚了就不要了04/05 12:38
13F:推 shlee: 球场问题不好搞 短时间要弄到符合大联盟标准有困难吧 看怎04/05 12:38
14F:→ shlee: 麽协商了04/05 12:38
15F:推 tkubkl: 你不买我不买 明天降20004/05 12:39
16F:推 max011060: 好了啦 美国札幌市04/05 12:39
17F:推 lmf770410: 呵04/05 12:40
18F:推 a10141013: 来不及了04/05 12:40
19F:推 ludoren: 建议奥克兰可以跟札幌市缔结姊妹市 双方一起惺惺相惜04/05 12:41
20F:推 asidy: 市长给老房客面子打6折还不续,太贪婪了04/05 12:41
21F:推 aww525: 急了 04/05 12:42
22F:推 sadmonkey: 晚了就不要了 04/05 12:43
23F:推 WasJohnWall: 可怜啊04/05 12:44
24F:推 a26480924: 砍太多了吧哈哈04/05 12:45
25F:推 SpursTony09: 暖04/05 12:45
26F:→ pikaaco: 急了04/05 12:46
27F:推 michael0419: 降那麽多 那一开始不就开盘子价04/05 12:47
28F:→ Q00863: I do car04/05 12:48
29F:推 oscar456: 奥克兰跟札幌真的可以携手结拜04/05 12:48
30F:推 mix5172000: 12:48
31F:推 a40558473: 急了04/05 12:48
32F:推 jwptt: 你们好歹也有个Rooker可以期待嘛04/05 12:49
33F:→ julianscorpi: 为什麽沙加缅度4904人看起来跟满场1万人差不多04/05 12:50
34F:推 Ke1even: 以前租约1年2.5M 结果开个盘子价5年97M04/05 12:52
35F:推 lovecut: 晚一点再降30M04/05 12:53
36F:→ Chanlin01: 奥克兰不配拥有职业球队 嘻嘻 勇士守护者绿帽都跑了XDD04/05 12:54
37F:推 Dimitre: 这当政者乱搞把职业球队都弄走了 好像三队都离开奥克兰04/05 12:57
38F:推 KingCherry: 突击者吧 守护者在克里夫兰04/05 12:58
39F:→ Chanlin01: 对 突击者 讲错了XDD04/05 12:59
40F:推 s955346: 运动家:早给拒绝了,谁理你们啊04/05 12:59
41F:推 sunnyyoung: 3000万都嫌多04/05 13:03
42F:→ DellSale999: 美国札幌04/05 13:13
43F:→ vgil: 这什麽烂政府 04/05 13:13
44F:推 teata: 法官:黑人问号 04/05 13:14
45F:→ bananacookie: 奥克兰就是垃圾城市,三只运动队伍都跑了04/05 13:16
46F:→ ramirez: 无情的城市!!!!!!!!04/05 13:20
47F:推 four5: 夏天很热?德州佛州不是人?04/05 13:22
所以他们全部是巨蛋球场啊 巨人3A是室外球场 ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 04/05/2024 13:23:58
48F:推 veter: 晚了我们就不要了 04/05 13:27
49F:推 LEEWY: 米国札幌,UCCU 04/05 13:29
50F:推 angus449: 爽啦,继续情勒呀!!! 04/05 13:33
51F:推 alvis000: 奥克兰那个嘴脸跟札幌一模一样 04/05 13:42
52F:推 Lawser1934: 急了 04/05 13:45
53F:→ AhCheng: 来不及罗~ 04/05 13:45
54F:→ b99202071: 滚啦 谁理你 04/05 13:53
55F:推 NXT0614: 奥克兰市府自己不加油 别怪别人离开 04/05 13:53
56F:推 LatteCat5566: 房客起杜兰 房东说什麽都没用了 04/05 13:58
57F:推 tuxie: 奥克兰 超ㄏ 04/05 14:21
58F:推 sss1524: 早说 为何不早说 04/05 14:32
59F:推 ppboy: 晚了我们就不要了 04/05 14:37
60F:推 victor87710: 美国札幌笑死 04/05 16:24
61F:→ cheng31507: 可怜 04/05 18:53
62F:推 fishhy: 知道原本的97M有多盘了吧?现在才降表示你这市政府根本没 04/05 21:04
63F:→ fishhy: 诚意啊! 04/05 21:04
64F:推 cobras638: 运动家:早给拒绝了,谁理你们啊 04/06 00:24
65F:推 duo131: 先涨你十倍租约再说给你打六折就是把你当潘子~本来就没诚 04/06 01:44

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