Baseball 板


最近滑推特的 看到俄勒冈州立大学的澳洲籍内野手Travis Bazzana
他有望成为澳洲首位MLB选秀首轮新秀 翻了一下目前大联盟官网2024新秀排行榜 他高居第三 官网球探报告 Hit: 55 Power: 60 Run: 60 Arm: 50 Field: 50 Overall: 60 几个月前大联盟官网有撰文介绍他 ory Williams got the chance to watch Bazzana's development up close, too. Bazzana ma de his debut in the Australian Baseball League for the Sydney Blue Sox at the ag e of 15 -- the youngest player in the league that year. Though he made it into j ust one game, the season provided invaluable experience as the teenager had to p lay with men 10-to-15 years older than him 当初他15岁就站上澳职雪梨蓝袜的赛场 是当年澳职年纪最小的球员 虽然只出赛一场 That would be the latest in a series of big moments for Australian baseball, whi ch has never had a player drafted in he first round. Australian-born players aren't eligible for the MLB Draft, unless they've moved to the United States, Canada or a U.S. territory such as Puerto Rico 过去澳洲球员从未在大联盟选秀首轮入选过 当然这大部份也是因为澳洲球员多半走国际业余球员方式加盟美职 除非跑去美国读书 "I've represented my country in juniors a couple of times and it's been great," Bazzana said. "And then just seeing the World Baseball Classic and the level of competition and playing in the Tokyo Dome, and things of that sort, it's been a dream of mine. I really want to bring Australian baseball to the map again and I think the World Baseball Classic is a great opportunity for that." 他也梦想替澳洲打国际赛 That's not just talk, either: When he represented Australia for the U-18 World C up in 2019, he made a note in his phone with what the projected roster for Team Australia would look like before the 2026 World Baseball Classic 他2019年替澳洲出战U18时
他就在手机记事本写下他预测将来的WBC澳洲队阵容XD He put himself at second base and in the leadoff spot of the batting order. It's given him a goal to aim for as he looks to both showcase both himself and Austr alian baseball on a global stage. 他把自己放在一棒二垒手
高中就读雪梨的Turramurra高中 2022赴美读大学打球
话说今天他也尻了双响炮 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 TopGun2: 反观02/19 11:11
2F:推 Edison1174: 未来可能是台湾的劲敌02/19 11:11
3F:→ gh34163: 反观 02/19 11:11
4F:推 AceClown: 屌打台湾 02/19 11:16
5F:推 ccl007: 留美(O) 旅美(O)02/19 11:16
6F:→ ccl007: 不用反观 棒球两种分别都有 兼具就靠未来小朋友 有天会出02/19 11:17
7F:推 polanco: 卡仔:02/19 11:18
8F:推 abc12812: 澳洲人去美国念书的不多吧02/19 11:18
9F:→ abc12812: 又不是像台湾一样 大学学历不被美国公司认可02/19 11:19
10F:推 lavine0639: 反观台北02/19 11:19
11F:推 AAaaron: 2019 U18 中华队夺冠诶~ 不知中华队球员对他有印象吗02/19 11:19
12F:推 joshtrace: 台湾每年送一堆天才高中生旅美,至今为止每个都是陪打02/19 11:20
13F:推 polanco: 哪来每年送一堆02/19 11:22
14F:推 ccl007: 那是篮球 棒球还有日本留学会分走人才 YOH跟***是成功范例 02/19 11:23
15F:→ ccl007: 日本留学读书+旅日职棒工作 因为某位冲撞组版上特别开始钉 02/19 11:24
16F:推 AAaaron: 查了一下刚好是对上林昱珉,3支0,1K,七局12:0提前结束02/19 11:27
17F:→ AAaaron: 看能不能在大联盟再对决02/19 11:28
18F:推 CornyDragon: 要反观什麽 你没去那边读又不能规则4选秀02/19 11:31
19F:推 bxxl: 那是人家来挖的吧 台湾哪有送?02/19 11:33
20F:推 allen0118: 不趁机臭一下台湾可能哪里会痛吧02/19 12:04
21F:→ PlayStation3: 一年出的去的一只手数的出来好吗02/19 12:06
22F:→ KasugaMirai: 日本也没有出过首轮选秀啊XD02/19 12:06
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 02/19/2024 12:07:11
23F:推 shark64: 卡仔接电话 02/19 12:15
24F:→ WasJohnWall: 台湾只有顶级才出的去 02/19 12:16
25F:推 kenro: 有时候不是顶级也有啦,就当福袋做业绩 02/19 12:21
26F:→ b99202071: 澳洲越来越强罗 02/19 12:26
27F:→ hans7192: 台湾现在精品外销原因:1.中职环境2.MLB签约金改制 02/19 12:26
28F:→ WasJohnWall: 现在会出去的至少拿30万 02/19 12:32
29F:推 easton123: 台湾根本没几个去选秀的 跟澳洲一样都是国际球员 02/19 12:43
30F:推 phix: 台湾天赋低 上不去 02/19 12:49
31F:推 sttyuio5083: 有啊台湾小钢炮蔡镇宇自己去读大学 然後就XDD 02/19 13:14
32F:推 ryan21100879: 台湾去选秀的只有林家正一人吧 02/19 13:21
33F:推 heiiow10: 这成绩真猛 02/19 13:28
34F:推 Wolverin5566: 才一个而已 02/19 13:32
35F:→ instill8: 澳洲的人材库也是两千多万人 不过人家篮球超强 02/19 14:00
36F:推 abc5555990: 台湾有MVP候选卡仔 澳洲还差的多 02/19 14:18
37F:推 dodo212: 人家不止篮球强,多项运动也是世界顶尖国家实力 02/19 14:22
38F:→ chdc: 去选秀(x) 被选上(o) MLB选秀不是报名制是资格制 02/19 16:34
39F:→ chdc: 台湾去美国念高中/大学打棒球的不只这两个啊 02/19 16:36
40F:推 enkidu0830: 好像又是个小个头的 02/19 16:38
41F:推 enkidu0830: 182公分,也满高的,power真的强 02/19 16:42
42F:→ TB89: 15岁打澳职认同感跟卡仔这种暑假才回来看外婆的哪可能一样 02/19 17:15
43F:推 lsp33: 02/19 20:12
44F:推 YuenYang405: 澳洲大部分都是打击不错 守备很烂 不然就投手有球速 02/19 23:04
45F:→ YuenYang405: 没控球 其实也不是多强 02/19 23:04

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