Baseball 板


皇家队在今天公布新球场计画最新的内容 The Kansas City Royals will build the team’s new baseball stadium in the Crossr oads district, team owners announced Tuesday. 新球场位置是选在堪萨斯的Crossroads
The Royals’ plans include a baseball stadium, team offices, a hotel, a resident ial and entertainment venue, improvements to Grand Boulevard and a bridge connec ting the stadium to the planned $200 million South Loop Link project. 皇家规划除了球场外,还要盖饭店/娱乐场馆等东西 The 18-acre development spans from Grand Boulevard east to Locust Street, and Tr uman Road south to 17th Street. The stadium will have the capacity for an estima ted 34,000 people, Royals officials said. 整个开发案占地18英亩、球场容量34000人 The Royals said the entire development will require a $2 billion investment, whi ch the team says is the largest public-private partnership in Jackson County. Th e Royals say they will invest $1 billion of private funds into the project. 皇家表示耗资约需20亿美金,它们计画会出10亿镁 The Crossroads location was not on the team’s shortlist of ballpark locations l ast fall. At that time, the Royals were choosing between a new stadium in downto wn Kansas City’s East Village or in North Kansas City. The team decided to revi sit a possible Crossroads site in November. Crossroads原先不在去年公布的决选二地内 The Royals' proposed new downtown baseball stadium would occupy the space where the abandoned Kansas City Star printing press is. 皇家新球场位置目前是堪萨斯城星报废弃的印刷厂 球队提供的预览图

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: zxc906383:转录至看板 MLB 02/14 14:03
1F:推 ninis2340: 不晓得着名喷泉会不会保留 02/14 14:07
2F:推 ILOVEWAVE: 那个天桥好像大巨蛋散场姚蚊子有提过 02/14 14:12
3F:推 delhuang: 嗄 皇冠大面板造型没有保留喔 02/14 14:46
4F:推 jeamgogo: 天桥连接的T-mobile center目前没有NBA及NHL球队进驻 02/14 15:23
5F:→ jeamgogo: 为什麽这2个联盟过去有搬家意愿的球队都不会想来Kansas? 02/14 15:25
6F:→ cobras638: 不晓得着名喷泉会不会保留 02/14 19:58
7F:→ cobras638: 那个很有特色 02/14 19:58

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