作者yellchiu (新一)
标题[十一] Together & Forever 十一周年问答题-Q20
时间Sun Aug 20 22:40:38 2017
Q20. 请回答出太阳论文的完整题目
∮yellchiu● ● ●
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/BIGBANG/M.1503240045.A.F25.html
1F:推 Pettitte46: BIGBANG MADE TOUR对韩流持续性的疯狂影响 08/20 22:41
2F:推 jalinchang: 以KPOP韩流与海外表演的关联为中心,论述BIGBANG 2015 08/20 22:41
3F:→ jalinchang: MADE TOUR对韩流持续性的疯狂影响 08/20 22:41
4F:推 hsuan0505: BIGBANG MADE TOUR对韩流持续性的疯狂影响 08/20 22:41
5F:推 yamaryo1025: BIGBANG MADE TOUR对韩流持续性的疯狂影响 08/20 22:41
6F:推 weitu: BIGBANG MADE TOUR对韩流持续性的疯狂影响 08/20 22:42
7F:→ Pettitte46: BIGBANG2015年世界巡回演唱会 [MADE] 对韩流热风延续 08/20 22:42
8F:→ Pettitte46: 性的影响-以韩国流行音乐风潮及海外演出之间的关系为 08/20 22:43
9F:→ Pettitte46: 依据 08/20 22:43
10F:推 yamaryo1025: The Influence of BIGBANG 2015 WORLD TOUR [MADE] 08/20 22:44
11F:→ yamaryo1025: on the Sustainability of Korean Wave 08/20 22:44
12F:推 SAkili: The Influence of BIGBANG 2015 WORLD TOUR [MADE] on the 08/20 22:44
13F:→ SAkili: sustainability of the Korean Wave 08/20 22:44
14F:推 hui0104: The Influence of BIGBANG 2015 WORLD TOUR [MADE] on th 08/20 22:45
15F:→ hui0104: e Sustainability of the Korean Wave 08/20 22:45
16F:推 jalinchang: The Influence of BIGBANG 2015 World Tour [MADE] on 08/20 22:45
17F:→ jalinchang: the Sustainability of 08/20 22:45
18F:→ jalinchang: the Korean Wave 08/20 22:45
19F:→ hui0104: -based on the connection between K-POP Wave and Overs 08/20 22:46
20F:→ hui0104: eas Performance 08/20 22:46
21F:→ yamaryo1025: -based on the connection between K-POP 08/20 22:46
22F:推 hsuan0505: The influence of BIGBANG WORLD TOUR [MADE] on the S 08/20 22:46
23F:→ hsuan0505: ustainability of the Korean Wave-based on the conne 08/20 22:46
24F:→ hsuan0505: ction between K-POP Korean Wave and Overseas Perfor 08/20 22:46
25F:→ hsuan0505: mance- 08/20 22:46
26F:推 raining1128: ===================================→ Pettitte46: 08/20 22:47
27F:推 hoteleir12: 主标:the influence of BIGBANG 2015 WORLD TOUR [MA 08/20 22:47
28F:→ hoteleir12: DE] on the Sustainability of the Korean Wave 08/20 22:47
29F:→ hoteleir12: 副标:based on the connection between K-POP Korean 08/20 22:47
30F:→ hoteleir12: Wave and Overseas Performances 08/20 22:47
The influence of BIGBANG WORLD TOUR [MADE] on the Sustainability of the
Korean Wave-based on the connection between K-POP Korean Wave and Overseas
BIGBANG2015年世界巡回演唱会 [MADE] 对韩流热风延续性的影响
※ 编辑: yellchiu (, 08/20/2017 22:52:47