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※ [本文转录自 NCCU05_GID 看板] o . . . o . o . . . o. . . . . . . ■■□■■□□□□■■■□□□■■□□□□■■□□□□□□■■■□□□□■□□■ 「全球化、区块化与东亚经济整合」国际学术研讨会 International Conference on Globalization, Blocization, and East Asian Economic Integration ■■□■■□□□□■■■□□□■■□□□□■■□□□□□□■■■□□□□■□□■ 时间:民国九十五年三月三十一日星期五(上午九点至下午五点半) 地点:国立政治大学综合院馆五楼国际会议厅 活动议程:http://www.ausstudy.nccu.edu.tw/activity/AgendaMar31-2006.DOC 主办单位:政大国际事务学院与澳大利亚商工办事处 欲报名参加者请将您的中英文姓名、服务单位(英文)、是否用餐(素食者请特别注明) 寄至 [email protected]  详情请查询网站 http://www.ausstudy.nccu.edu.tw/ 如有疑问,请洽校内分机50903 国际事务学院澳洲研究中心 刘德海教授 活动议程: 8:30-9:00am Registration 9:00-9:50am Opening Ceremony Opening Remarks Dr. Bih-jaw Lin(林碧炤), Vice President, NCCU Stephen Waters(华适文), Representative, Australian Commerce and Industry Office (ACIO) Dr. Jiann-fa Yan(颜建发), Chairman, Research and Planning Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA) Congratulatory Message 9:50-10:10am Coffee Break 10:10am-10:50am Keynote Speech Speaker: Stephen Waters, Representative, Australian Commerce and Industry Office (ACIO) 10:50am-10:55am Time Break 10:55am-12:10pm Session I Globalization V.S. Blocization Chairman: Harry Genn(甘海明), Deputy Representative, Australian Commerce and Industry Office Presenter: Gil Merom, Senior Lecturer, School of Economics and Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sydney. Topic: Globalization and Anti-terrorism: Implications for Australia Discussant: Deng-Ker Lee(李登科), Professor, Department of Diplomacy, NCCU Presenter: Mignonne Chan (詹满容), Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Yu Da College of Business Topic: Globalization and East Asian Economic Integration Discussant: Alex Chiang (姜家雄), Associate Prof., Dept. of Diplomacy, NCCU 12:10-1:15pm Lunch Time 1:15-3:15pm Session II Global Trade and WTO Chairman: John Chao(赵国材), Professor, Department of Diplomacy, NCCU Presenter: John J. Kirton, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto Topic: North American Dispute Settlement Mechanisms and their Relevance for the ASEAN FTA Discussant: Tsai-yu Lin (林彩瑜), Professor, Dept. of International Bussiness, Soochow University Presenter: Henry S. Gao, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, and Deputy Director, East Asian International Economic Law and Policy, University of Hong Kong Topic: China's Participation in the WTO Discussant: Huei-Chih Niu (牛惠之), Associate Professor, the Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University. Presenter: To-hai Liou(刘德海), Professor of Diplomacy and Director of the Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, NCCU Topic: Australia-Japan Relations under the Howard Government: Haunted by Rising China Discussant: Dr. Tony English, Senior Lecturer, School of Commerce, Flinders University 3:15-3:35pm Coffee Break 3:35-5:35pm Session III East–Asian Economic Integration Chairman: Dr. Tony English, Senior Lecturer, School of Commerce, Flinders University Presenter: Dr. Biswajit Nag, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade ( IIFT ) and Debashis Chakraborty, Assistant Professor in IIFT, New Delhi Topic: India’s Approach to Asia Economic Integration Discussant: Johnny C. Chiang(江启臣), Acting Director and Associate Research Fellow, Division of International Affairs, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research Presenter: Chao-jen Huang(黄兆仁), Associate Research Fellow, Division of Southeast Asia Economics, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research Topic: ASEAN and East Asian Economic Integration Discussant: Wu, Lin-jun(吴玲君), Associate Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations(IIR), NCCU Presenter: R. Alagu Perumal, Dept. of Diplomacy, NCCU Topic: How to Compare China and India in the Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services Sectors? Discussant: Victor Tsan(詹文男), Managing Director, Institute for Information Industry 5:30pm Closing Ceremony Hosted by In-Ming Li(李英明), Prof. and Dean, College of International Affairs, NCCU 6:30pm Dinner Hosted by Stephen Waters, Representative, Australian Commerce and Industry Office o . . . o . o . . . o. . . . . . . -- 我是可可那坎弟 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 16:57) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 16:57) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 16:57) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 16:58) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:00) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:01) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:01) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:01) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:01) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:02) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:02) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:04) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:04) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:05) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:05) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:06) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:06) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:06) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:06) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:07) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:07) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:08) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:11) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:18) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:21) ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:22) -- 我是可可那坎弟 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: coconutcandy 来自: (03/23 17:23) -- 我是可可那坎弟 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:

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