作者paulyanzi (消失)
标题[问题] Freight of 2000 kg
时间Tue Sep 29 06:10:54 2009
We are writing you because we need your help. We have just concluded a big
order, and therefore we need to ship 2,000 kg og electronics from Oslo in
Norway to Hamburg in Germany.
We do hope we can count on you to help us. Please consider our offer, and
join us for negotiation
Goods 2,000
Goods type Electronics Hardware
Route Oslo - Hamburg
Distance 710 km
Current offer $ 15,000
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: paulyanzi 来自: (09/29 06:11)
1F:推 tuoba:两倍左右的价格 09/29 06:15
2F:→ paulyanzi:这样会亏钱耶 我刚租飞机就50000 = = 09/29 06:16
3F:推 Skx:租一次20天,20天内会有好几次.. 09/29 06:24
4F:推 yodi:电子用品.水果等最高价格就两倍... 没有办法再喊高 09/29 06:34
5F:推 StormyMing:如果接到哥伦比亚的...记得要看一下阿 颗颗 09/29 06:56
6F:推 eugenelu:电子类 $15000,然後输入 30000,是这样吗? 09/29 10:49
7F:推 eugenelu:如果自己没航程那麽远的飞机,要租的话划得来吗? 09/29 10:53
8F:推 StormyMing:要接这种一定是要租的~~ 09/29 11:57
9F:推 StormyMing:租一次二十天~油要从自己油箱扣! 09/29 11:57
10F:推 StormyMing:基本上是可以小赚啦 09/29 11:57
11F:推 eugenelu:所以要找最省油的租? 09/29 12:45
12F:推 StormyMing:一开始没啥钱~也没啥货可以载 租DC-3就好 09/29 12:49
13F:推 eugenelu:那也得有人叫飞机载货呀,我两家公司,只有一家有人叫... 09/29 22:08