Aviation 板


补充与修正几处 ※ 引述《sigur (Bull Black Nova)》之铭言: : Brazilian officials said the plane disappeared over the Atlantic somewhere : between a point 186 miles northeast of their coastal city Natal and the Cape : Verde islands off Africa. The area is known as the “horse latitudes,” where : the tropics of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres mix, sometimes creating : violent and unpredictable thunderstorms that can rise to 55,000 feet, higher : than commercial jetliners can go. : 巴西官方表示,飞机消失的地点约於Natal北方186哩与the Cape Verde islands off : Africa之间的某处。这个南北半球交界的热带区块以「horse latitudes」闻名,有时候 这就是气象学上着名的的「马纬度」 : Pilots are trained to go over or around thunderstorms rather than through : them. Brigitte Barrand, an Air France spokeswoman, said the highly : experienced pilot, a 58-year-old Frenchman, had clocked 11,000 flying hours, : including 1,100 hours on Airbus 330 jets. : Brigitte Barrand,一名经验老道的机长表示,机长们都被训练要绕过雷雨云而不是穿越 : 它。 Barrand 是法航发言人,不是「经验老道的机长」, 後面的飞时指的是失踪班机机长的经验。 : By some estimates, jetliners are typically hit by lightning at least once a : year. But the strike normally travels across the plane’s aluminum skin and : out the tail or a wingtip. Passengers are insulated in the nonconductive, : largely plastic interior, and vital equipment is shielded. : 根据估计,客机每年至少会被雷打到一次,但正常来说,电流会通过飞机铝制的外壳,之 : 後从机尾或机翼导出。绝缘的塑胶内层会将乘客隔离,并且同时启动必要的装置。 非也,此处乃指重要设备有雷击 的防护。 : Large hailstones created by some thunderstorms have been known to break : windshields or turbine blades, though pilots would be likely to rapidly : report something like that. : 雷云带来的大型冰雹,可能会造成机体损坏,纵使机长可能会尽快反应报告 这段是指,如果冰雹击碎驾舱玻璃或是损坏发动机叶片, 飞行员应会立即报告。 言外之意也就是,不太可能是这些原因导致失事。 : On both Qantas flights, the planes’ inertia sensors sent faulty information : into the flight computers, making them take emergency measures to correct : problems that did not exist, sending the planes into sudden dives. : 先前失事的Qantas flights就是这种机型,飞机内部的感应器接收到错误的讯息,自动 : 更改飞行状态采取必要措施应对「不存在的错误」,会造成飞机突然的下降 那两班 Qantas 只是 severe loss of alititude, 应该没有失事啦。 : If the inertia sensor told a computer that a plane was stalling, forcing it : to drop the nose and dive to pick up airspeed, and there was simultaneously a : severe downdraft in the storm turbulence, “that would be hard to recover : from,” Mr. Weber said. : 内部的感应器告知电脑飞机熄火,强迫飞机的机头下潜以回复速度,假如同时机尾有强 : 烈的乱流,「就没救了」,Mr. Weber表示 stall 是失速,不是熄火。 电脑误判飞机失速,所以压机头加速。 同时又遇上雷雨中的下沉气流 (downdraft), 结果就是飞机向下急速俯冲,无法拉回。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: squawk 来自: (06/03 00:51)
1F:推 sigur:感谢指正 06/03 00:57
2F:→ squawk:一同切磋 :) 06/03 01:01
3F:推 Kazamatsuri:马纬度无风带~ 06/03 01:15
4F:推 kooma:马纬无风带 06/03 01:53
5F:推 tnaflyer:有提到"压力降低"的讯号发出~~有没有想过是复合材料遇到 06/03 05:49
6F:→ tnaflyer:强烈乱流造成的结构损坏? 06/03 05:49

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