Aviation 板


以下是ICAO发布的文件,供大家参考: ATTACHMENT to State letter AS 8/11-06/100 Confidential SECURITY CONTROL GUIDELINES FOR SCREENING LIQUIDS, GELS, AEROSOLS, ETC. RECOMMENDED AS INTERIM MEASURES BY THE ICAO COUNCIL The following security control guidelines for screening liquids, gels, aerosols, etc. are recommended to States for implementation not later than 1 March 2007: a) All liquids should be required to be carried in containers with a capacity not greater than 100 ml (or the equivalent in other volumetric measurements, e.g. fluid ounces). Liquids carried in containers larger than 100 ml are not to be accepted, even if the container is only part-filled; b) Containers should be placed in a transparent re-sealable plastic bag of a maximum capacity not exceeding 1 litre. The containers must fit comfortably within the transparent plastic bag, which should be completely closed; c) The plastic bag should be presented for visual examination at the screening point. Only one transparent plastic bag per passenger should be permitted; and d) Exemptions should be made for medications, baby milk/foods and special dietary requirements. An appropriate and proportionate means of verifying the nature of such liquids will need to be available. In addition, States may also wish to consider exemptions in respect of liquids purchased either at airport duty free shops, or on board aircraft, on the condition that the liquid is packed in a sealed plastic bag that is both tamper-evident and displays satisfactory proof of purchase at airport duty free shops, or on board aircraft, on the day(s) of he journey for departing as well as transfer passengers. To facilitate screening and avoid a cluttered x-ray image, such plastic bags containing liquid containers should be presented apart from other cabin baggage, coats and jackets or laptops for separate x-ray screening. — END — 看来的确是有这个规定,可是除非是塑胶袋大得离谱.... 否则应该不会有人闲到去量你塑胶袋的大小.... 塑胶袋太大顶多就是换塑胶袋而已... by the way,中华民国航警局的英文的确是该加强了..... -- fabg@台北飞航情报区 航空铁道交通生活部落格 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/fabg --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 hicker:我在想 如果机场安检设备除了X光机外 再加上分子分析仪 02/28 07:57
2F:→ hicker:是否就能把这繁文缛节给抵销掉?? 02/28 07:57
3F:→ hicker:简单说 就是用加强机场安检设备来取代这些麻烦规定 02/28 07:58
4F:推 Chiardy:好像没有分子分析仪这种东西,大家只能多忍耐了。 02/28 11:41
5F:→ Chiardy:只能说老美坏事做尽担心抱负和报应,却把责任转嫁全世界。 02/28 11:43
6F:推 globalhawk:看毫米波(还是次毫米波)的检测仪器何时会出现吧 02/28 12:23

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