Aviation 板


※ 引述《hicker (会飞的独行侠)》之铭言: : 至於航权的取得方面 因为航权属国家所有 : 所以通常是要两国的民航主管机关去谈出来的 并且要签航约才算数 : 但台湾的环境比较特殊 也有不少航权是由"台北航空商业同业公会"去谈出来的 : 但我记得 好像也有由机场出面去谈航权的 : 在航约之下(通常是第三/四/五航权的航约) 也会约定双方要怎样飞 : 包括双方班次数 座位数 货运量等等 : 签订之後再分配给各航空公司来飞 http://www.europarl.eu.int/factsheets/4_5_5_en.htm Nine Negotiated Airline Freedoms 九种国际航空权 Under current law, and especially 依据现行法律以及 the 1944 Chicago Agreement, 1944 年芝加哥协议规定, international air transport is 国际航空运输 governed by the principle of national 原则上受国家主权支配, sovereignty, and this places legal restrictions 有其法定限制。 on air traffic. To remove these restrictions, 为消除此类障碍, liberalisation involves establishing 便利国际空运, a number of "freedoms", 乃制定数种「航权」, as defined in legal literature 载於相关法律, and, in some cases, 亦或一般国际协议中。 international agreements. These freedoms are usually identified 航权定义一般皆以数字列出, by an ordinal number, rising according to the 依航权大小, degree of liberalisation. 由小至大顺序排列。 a. a. Technical freedoms 技术航权 established by the international 由国际空运协议所制定 agreement on the transit of air services (Chicago, 7 December 1944) (1944年12月 7日於芝加哥) First freedom 第一航权 The right to pass over the territory 允许本国航空器不着陆飞越他国。 of the signatory States without landing. Second freedom 第二航权 The right to land in the territory of 允许本国航空器以非营运目的降落他国 the signatory States for non-commercial reasons (for a technical stop-over). (为修护或添加燃料等,暂时停降)。 b. b. Commercial freedoms 商业航权 laid down in a draft international 见於一份尚未生效之国际航空协议之草稿 air transport agreement, which has not come into force Third freedom (to) 第三航权 (飞往他国) The right to set down passengers, 允许一国之航空公司 mail and freight taken up in the 自其国籍国家载运客货邮件至他国。 territory of the State in which the aircraft is registered. Fourth freedom (from) 第四航权 (飞回本国) The right to take on passengers, 允许一国之航空公司 mail and freight destined for the 自他国载运客货邮件至其国籍国家。 territory of the State in which the aircraft is registered. Fifth freedom (Intermediate & beyond) 第五航权 (中间点权或延远权) The right to take on passengers, 允许一国之航空公司 mail and freight destined for the 在他二国间载运客货邮件, territory of any other 且其航线起点或终点为其国籍国家。 contracting State and the right to set down passengers, mail and freight originating in the territory of any other contracting State. These commercial freedoms are 此三类商业航权目前为国际法上 recognised in international law 双边协议所采用, by bilateral agreements and within the EU by Community law. 欧洲共同体法亦采认之。 c. c. Freedoms defined by legal literature 法律定义之航权 Sixth freedom 第六航权 The right to provide 允许一国之航空公司 transport services between 在他二国间载运客货邮件, two countries other than the country in which the aircraft is registered across the territory of that country. 且途中经过其国籍国家。 A sixth freedom is effectively 第六航权为第三与第四航权之结合。 two sets of third and fourth freedoms. Seventh freedom 第七航权 The right to operate completely 允许一国之航空公司 outside the territory of the 在他二国间载运客货邮件, State of registration 且其航线完全在其国籍国家境外。 and to set down or take on passengers, mail or freight originating in or destined for a third State, which is not the State of registration. Eighth freedom (Cabotage) 第八航权 (境内营运权) The right to transport 允许一国之航空公司 passengers, mail or freight 在他国境内两地间载运客货邮件。 from one point to another within the same State, which is not the State in which the aircraft is registered on a flight which originates 且其航线起点或终点为其国籍国家。 in the airline's home country. Ninth Freedom 第九航权 (境内营运权) The right for an airline to originate 允许一国之航空公司 a flight at and carry traffic from one 自他国境内一地载运客货邮件 point in the territory of a country to another point in the same country. 至另一地。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 hicker:第八第九航权的差别在於?? 11/30 11:29
2F:→ hicker:应该说 第五/七/八/九航权的差别在於?? 11/30 11:49

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