Aromatherapy 板


1F:推 antioxidant : A酸存在肝脏可长达2年之久..02/21 13:06
2F:推 mandychou : 惊!!!请问楼上的论点从何而来,谢谢...02/21 14:11
A酸应该是以A醇的结构储存在肝脏才对...=.= 找了2篇文章,一篇是文献,一篇是书,2篇都各有引用的文献 以下指的都是口服A酸,外用A酸似乎没有这些困扰.. 1.Ramos-e-Silva M, Hexsel DM, Rutowitsch MS, Zechmeister M. Hydroxy acids and retinoids in cosmetics. Clin Dermatol. 2001 Jul-Aug;19(4):460-6. 463页 Meals, particularly those with fat content, improve retinoid absorption. Because of its lipid solubility, etretinate has extensive and prolonged storage in fat resulting in a serum half life of 80–160 days. Upon discontinuing the drug, a low level may be detected in the blood for 2 years or more[1]Retinol released from the liver is carried in the circulatory system by plasma retinol-binding proteins. 从肝脏释放出的A醇在结束口服治疗2年或更久时间後,仍有少量能在血液中被检测到。 2.T. Krieg et al. (eds.), Therapy of Skin Diseases:A Worldwide Perspective on Therapeutic Approaches and Their Molecular Basis, 2010 80页 Women of childbearing potential who have been treated with acitretin must continue using contraception for 3 years in view of its teratogenic effects [2] . 有怀孕可能的女生在中止口服acitretin治疗後,最好持续避孕3年 83页 One major side effect of all retinoids is teratogenicity, especially in early pregnancy which can persist for up to 2 years after cessation of orally administered retinoids such as etretinate which may persist in the body for several years. 所有A酸有致畸性,在口服A酸中止後,A酸留在身体里的时间可能长达2年,etretinate甚 至可能更久。 引用文献: 1. Saurat JH. Systemic retinoids. What's new? Dermatol Clin. 1998 Apr;16(2):331-40. 2. van de Kerkhof PC (2006) Update on retinoid therapy of psoriasis in: an update on the use of retinoids in dermatology. Dermatol Ther 19(5):252–263 --

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3F:推 Olalalalala : 专业推02/21 19:06
4F:推 sarah32kimo : 专业推02/21 21:41
5F:→ sleepmilk : 推,原来A酸如此可怕。02/21 22:15
6F:推 flawlessday : 推。A酸的致畸是指胎儿吧,所以使用口服A酸一定要避02/21 22:20
7F:→ flawlessday : 孕;但比起A酸,我觉得深海鱼的重金属累积或是作物 02/21 22:20
8F:→ flawlessday : 农药残留更可怕…02/21 22:20
9F:推 yhy : 给楼上F大 所以要均衡摄取各种毒素(?)02/21 22:26
10F:推 umunya : 擦的会比吃的好吗02/21 23:42
擦的有皮肤屏障阻隔,经皮吸收进入身体的量较少,研究显示和正常人一样,但也不排除 有些人对A酸极敏感,有怀孕计划停用是最安全的。
11F:推 purple0226 : 口服才会存在这麽久吧?02/22 00:39
我没看到外用的追踪存在体内多久的研究,不过理论上,口服存在比外用久没错。 补充一下,胎儿的生长和A酸有关,A酸的过量和缺乏都可能致畸,维持正常范围是最好的 。在预定期间内停用A酸,然後平常从食物摄取胡萝卜素和A酯,这2样可在体内转成A酸, 应该就不用太担心了。
12F:推 marchi : 好专业,刚好提供给朋友参考,感谢分享 02/22 09:55
※ 编辑: antioxidant (, 02/22/2017 15:33:47
13F:推 machin : 专业推,好懒得查文献~哈哈^^" 02/22 19:01

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