作者linlin57 (linlin)
标题[问题] 请问在台湾可以用ecobrick盖房子吗?
时间Sun Oct 21 08:10:02 2018
It’s taken me nearly three weeks to fill one bottle with un-recyclable plasti
c. Every week we were having to throw out so much plastic that couldn’t be re
cycled which in my eyes is just criminal. Our world is being destroyed by plas
tic and our wildlife killed. It’s not right. When I found out about ‘Ecobric
ks’ I immediately got on board. All you have to do is fill an empty water bot
tle with clean, dry un-recyclable plastic and these can then be used to build
indoor furniture, gardens, structures... the list goes on. The amount I have c
rammed in to this one bottle is crazy!! Would be amazing for as many people as
possble to get on board and start making ecobricks too, we need to all take r
esponsibility for our wonderful world and do our bit to make a positive change
Info on how to get involved and a full list of the currently available drop of
f locations is available on the ‘Ecobricks UK’ Facebook page. Please have a
look and give them a like!
*The website www.ecobricks.org has currently crashed due to such a high volume
of people trying to access it since my post, so please be patient - the team
are working on it.
All info is posted on the ‘Ecobricks Uk’ Facebook page. Since my post went v
iral they have had a sudden influx of new members so it’s taking the admin me
mbers some time to get all the FAQs set up. There is a full list of the curren
tly available drop off points across the UK on the Facebook page.
Remember, to make a good quality ecobrick, fill it with clean, dry and un-recy
clable plastic ONLY and make sure you jam pack it all in to make it as heavy a
nd dense as possible.
Make changes to your weekly shop by reducing the amount of plastic you buy whe
re possible. It’s best not to buy any plastic at all in the first place howev
er, this is extremely difficult in this day and age I know!! So, buy as little
plastic as possible and recycle whatever you can before making your ecobrick
(lots of plastics that usually get thrown in the bin can be recycled at most o
f the big supermarkets) eg/ plastic carrier bags, freezer bags, stretchy plast
ic, the bags the toilet rolls come in, plastic bread bags, plastic magazine wr
apping, thin bags for fruit and veg - please recycle these where possible and
just use the non recyclable plastic for your eco brick.
If you are planning a school/community project once you have enough filled eco
bricks, there is a lot of ideas available on google images if you do some sear
I hope all this helps you on your ecobrick journey!
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Architecture/M.1540080605.A.CE9.html
1F:推 BigSuckTube : 非结构体你想要用什麽包都可以 10/21 11:43
2F:→ BigSuckTube : 建议外墙用铁丝笼包覆 可插取类似宝特瓶 10/21 11:43
3F:→ BigSuckTube : 也可供行人路人随意放置补充xddd 10/21 11:43
4F:推 ls4444 : 台湾建管的承办非常保守 所以奇怪的东西就不用想了 10/23 17:52
5F:→ BigSuckTube : 承办就是照法规 法规没影响的人家也不会怎样 10/24 09:49
6F:推 davidarch : 可以参考花博 有个馆是小智研发设计的 10/26 08:53