AntiVirus 板


乳题 在小软体版看到的 Sophos停止了这个Sandboxie这个产品(应该是赚不太到钱吧 但因为他们又觉得很可惜 所以决定把sandboxie变成免费软体 并预计未来转成开源软体 原文: Sophos is excited to announce that we are making Sandboxie a free tool, with plans to transition it to an open source tool. This new evolution of Sandboxie is one we are enthusiastic about, but that does not mean this was an easy decision to make. Sandboxie has never been a significant component of Sophos’ business, and we have been exploring options for its future for a while. Frankly, the easiest and least costly decision for Sophos would have been to simply end of life Sandboxie. However, we love the technology too much to see it fade away. More importantly, we love the Sandboxie community too much to do that. The Sandboxie user base represents some of the most passionate, forward thinking, and knowledgeable members of the security community and we didn’t want to let you down. After thoughtful consideration we decided that the best way to keep Sandboxie going was to give it back to its users – transitioning it to an open source tool. We will release more information about the open source project as we continue to work on the details. Until the open source transition is completed we have decided to make all restricted features of Sandboxie completely free. 消息来源: 心得: 虽然我已经在这阵子转到linux阵营 不过当初买了三人版的永久授权其实觉得满好用的 未来变成开源後希望会有厉害的大大继续维护 -- 旅游带定焦镜会错过很多镜头 但拿变焦镜也会错过很多镜头 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: liumang ( 台湾), 09/11/2019 10:55:55
1F:推 meicon5566: win10 1903都有内建沙盒 就索性免费了吧? 09/11 11:19
2F:推 DPP48: 惨,当初还买3人授权 09/11 11:54
3F:推 kaorucyc: 之前不就可以免费使用了 不过只能开一个 09/11 12:43
4F:推 gwofeng: 没人维护的话就GG了,感觉还是比内建的好用阿 09/11 18:45
5F:→ whatisapity: 就越来越没存在意义啊 09/11 20:13
6F:→ whatisapity: 主流的浏览器和文书处理软体几乎都在沙盒里跑了 09/11 20:13
7F:→ lecod: 这个很好用啊,测试软体或者有些不想装在里的程式 09/12 08:58
8F:推 estupid: 我都直接用VM罗 09/12 09:37
9F:推 gwofeng: 阿里旺旺跟百度网盘的程式我都装在沙盘 09/12 10:52
10F:→ gwofeng: 不爽被常驻一堆莫名的程式 09/12 10:53
11F:→ fatstan: sandboxie没有防偷资料 请小心 09/12 11:10
12F:→ cys070: 开源後可能就趴,毕竟需要勤快维护 09/12 11:54
13F:→ cys070: win10或是chrome和一些软体更新,可能相容性又需要修正 09/12 11:55
14F:→ cys070: 除非有很多热心人士主动维护 09/12 11:55
15F:推 vincent8914: 没人维护就gg了 之前chrome都开不了 等几天才修好 09/12 17:55
16F:推 norlan17m: 当初也买了一套说,鳗好用的 09/12 21:59
说到这突然想到 不晓得原作者听到这消息有什麽想法 ※ 编辑: liumang ( 台湾), 09/12/2019 23:18:46
17F:→ y3k: 这个开源有搞头阿 应该不少高手都想帮他们修补增强的 09/13 13:10
18F:→ dennisxkimo: 1903运作沙盒的代价偏高,还是这套好用 09/13 21:00
19F:推 APM99: 那等win10更新後不就掰了... 09/16 11:56
20F:推 cg6445: 之前有买给推,希望之後开源可以发扬光大 09/17 02:42
21F:推 mysterydream: 因为认证伺服器用不好吧 之前停卖写信去问 他们说的 09/28 08:27
22F:→ mysterydream: 後来看讨论区也是一堆人问 搞了好几个月.. 09/28 08:28
23F:推 is1128: 惨~买了三人授权 10/23 10:34
24F:推 hollen9: Sandboxie之前拿来挂多帐号CSGO箱子超好用 02/23 14:56
25F:→ hollen9: VM会有显示卡跑3D图形的问题 02/23 14:56

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