AntiVirus 板


下载页面: ------------------------------------------ Hi All, I would like to announce the availability of COMODO Firewall Pro 3 at There are many improvements/changes but here are a few: What is New in CFP 3? ---------------------------- NEW! Windows Vista and 64 bit OS support NEW! Patent-pending Host Intrusion Prevention System(HIPS) a.k.a Defense+ - Virtually Bulletproof protection against root-kits, inter-process memory injections, key-loggers and more; - Authenticates the integrity of every program before allowing it to load into your computer’s memory; - Alerts you every time an unknown or untrusted applications attempts to run or install; - Blocks Viruses, Trojans and Spy-ware before they can ever get onto your system; - Prevents unauthorized modification of critical operating system files and registry entries. - Detects the significantly high percent of unknown malware with its advanced behavior heuiristics NEW!Intuitive Graphical User Interface Summary screen gives an at-a-glance snapshot of your security settings; Easy and quick navigation between each module of the firewall; Simple point and click configuration – no steep learning curves; New completely redesigned security rules interface - you can quickly set granular access rights and privileges on a global or per application. The firewall also contains pre-set policies and wizards that help simplify the rule setting process. NEW! ‘Training Mode’ Introduced the leaning mode which enables the gamers as well as novice users to configure their firewalls easily IMPROVED! Reengineered Network Firewall Engine Comodo Firewall Pro has always offered the highest levels of perimeter security against inbound and outbound threats – meaning you get the strongest possible protection against hackers, malware and identity thieves. Now we’ve improved it again by adding new features such as Stealth Mode to make your PC completely invisible to opportunistic port scans; Wizard based auto-detection of trusted zones; Password protection of firewall settings; Diagnostics to analyze your system for potential conflicts with the firewall and much more. IMPROVED! Security rules interface Version 3.0 gives offers more control over security settings than ever before. Users can quickly set granular internet access rights and privileges on a global or per application basis using the flexible and easy to understand GUI. This version also sees the introduction of pre-set security policies which allow you to deploy a sophisticated hierarchy of firewall rules with a couple of mouse clicks. Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) Q: I am using CPF 2.4. Can I update my firewall using automatic updates? A: Yes. As soon as the updates are available, your CPF should update itself. Or alternatively, you can download the new firewall from the web and install it manually Q: Does CFP 3.0 support Windows 2000 ? A: No. Windows 2000 users should continue using the 2.x series. Q: Does CFP 3.0 have multilanguage support? A: Not yet. But it is on the way. Since it has been completely redesigned, the multilingual versions will follow the main release shortly. Q: Can I migrate my rules from 2.4 to 3.0? A: No. 3.0 is a completely reenginered product with its own logic. Q: How different CFP 3 from its predecessors? A: CFP 3.0 is a completely new anti-malware product whereas 2.x series is leak-proof firewall product Q: What is the effects of CFP 3.0 on the system performance? A: In most computers, it should be very light on the system resources. Average RAM usage shoul be between 6MB-20 MB. Acknowledgements We would like to thank our BETA testers (smart hackers) in this forum who helped us to improve our products. They deserve as much credit as the development team behind CFP 3.0. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 lineer:但目前还没中文版~ 不然好想装~ 11/21 11:51
2F:推 croczoar:推~ 试用中 11/21 19:11
3F:推 mecca:变成白色的盾~~~~~感觉比较没有质感..= = 11/23 18:51

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