AntiVirus 板


大陆人整理的 在工作管理员处理程序中若发现跟下列项目不一样的 就有可能是病毒啦 来源: 系??程列表 1、system process - system process - Process Information Process file: system process or system process Process Name: Windows Memory Handler System Process Description: The Windows Memory Handler System Process zeroes any free pages o f RAM and is the only process with priority 0 Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 2、alg - alg.exe - Process Information Process file: alg or alg.exe Process Name: Application Layer Gateway Service Description: The Application Layer Gateway Service is Used for Internet Connec tion Sharing Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 3、csrss - csrss.exe - Process Information Process file: csrss or csrss.exe Process Name: Client/Server Runtime Server Subsystem Description: The Windows Client Server Runtime Subsystem handles Windows and G raphics Functions for all Subsystems Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 4、ddhelp - ddhelp.exe - Process Information Process file: ddhelp or ddhelp.exe Process Name: DirectDraw Helper Description: DirectDraw Helper is part of DirectX and is used for graphics rel ated services Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 5、dllhost - dllhost.exe - Process Information Process file: dllhost or dllhost.exe Process Name: DCOM DLL Host Process Description: The DCOM DLL Host process supports DLL based COM objects and is u sed by many Windows programs Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 6、explorer - explorer.exe - Process Information Process file: explorer or explorer.exe Process Name: Program Manager Description: The Windows Program Manager or Windows Explorer handles the Windo ws Graphical Shell including the Start-menu, Taskbar, Desktop and File Manager Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 7、inetinfo - inetinfo.exe - Process Information Process file: inetinfo or inetinfo.exe Process Name: IIS Admin Service Helper Description: InetInfo is Part of Microsoft Internet Infomation Services (IIS) and is used for debugging Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 8、internat - internat.exe - Process Information Process file: internat or internat.exe Process Name: Input Locales Description: The Input Locales Traybar icon is used to change regional setting s such as Keyboard type, Currency or Date Format Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 9、kernel32 - kernel32.dll - Process Information Process file: kernel32 or kernel32.dll Process Name: Windows Kernel Process Description: The Windows Kernel provides System Services for managing Threads, Memory, and Resources Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 10、lsass - lsass.exe - Process Information Process file: lsass or lsass.exe Process Name: Local Security Authority Service Description: The Windows Local Security Authority Server Process Handles Windo ws Security Mechanisms Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 11、mdm - mdm.exe - Process Information Process file: mdm or mdm.exe Process Name: Machine Debug Manager Description: The Machine Debug Manager is used for Debugging Applications and is Installed by the Microsoft Script Editor which is included in Microsoft Off ice Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 12、mmtask - mmtask.tsk - Process Information Process file: mmtask or mmtask.tsk Process Name: Multimedia Support Task Description: The Windows Multimedia Background Task Support Module handles mul timedia services like MIDI Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 13、mprexe - mprexe.exe - Process Information Process file: mprexe or mprexe.exe Process Name: Windows Routing ProcessThe Windows Routing Process Routes incomi ng network requests to the appropriate network provider Description: Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 14、msgsrv32 - msgsrv32.exe - Process Information Process file: msgsrv32 or msgsrv32.exe Process Name: Windows Message Server Description: The Windows Message Server Loads Windows Drivers and the Program Manager at start up Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 15、mstask - mstask.exe - Process Information Process file: mstask or mstask.exe Process Name: Windows Task Scheduler Description: The Windows Task Scheduler is used to schedule tasks such at back ups or updates to run at certain times or dates Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 16、regsvc - regsvc.exe - Process Information Process file: regsvc or regsvc.exe Process Name: Remote Registry Service Description: The Remote Registry Service allows Access to the Windows Registry from Remote Computers Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 17、rpcss - rpcss.exe - Process Information Process file: rpcss or rpcss.exe Process Name: RPC Portmapper Description: The Windows RPC portmapper process handles RPC-calls (Remote Proc edure Calls) and maps them to the appropriate service provider Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 18、services - services.exe - Process Information Process file: services or services.exe Process Name: Windows Service Controller Description: Managers Windows Services Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 19、smss - smss.exe - Process Information Process file: smss or smss.exe Process Name: Session Manager Subsystem Description: The Session Manager Subsystem initializes system environment vari ables, MS-DOS devices names such as LPT1 and COM1, loads the kernel for the Wi n32 subsystem, and starts the Windows Logon Process Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 20、snmp - snmp.exe - Process Information Process file: snmp or snmp.exe Process Name: Microsoft SNMP Agent Description: The Windows Simple Network Managment Protocol (SNMP) Agent is a p roxy that listens for requests and hands them off to the appropriate network p rovider Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 21、spool32 - spool32.exe - Process Information Process file: spool32 or spool32.exe Process Name: Printer Spooler Description: The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is ready Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 22、spoolsv - spoolsv.exe - Process Information Process file: spoolsv or spoolsv.exe Process Name: Printer Spooler Service Description: The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is ready Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 23、stisvc - stisvc.exe - Process Information Process file: stisvc or stisvc.exe Process Name: Still Image Service Description: The Still Image Service handles scanners and digital cameras and is installed by Windows if a Scanner or Camera is connected to the computer Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 24、svchost - svchost.exe - Process Information Process file: svchost or svchost.exe Process Name: Service Host Process Description: The Service Host Process is generic host process for services tha t are run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 25、taskmon - taskmon.exe - Process Information Process file: taskmon or taskmon.exe Process Name: Windows Task Optimizer Description: The Windows Task Optimizer monitors how often you use a program a nd is used by defrag to optimize the harddisk for loading commonly used progra ms Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 26、tcpsvcs - tcpsvcs.exe - Process Information Process file: tcpsvcs or tcpsvcs.exe Process Name: TCP/IP Services Description: The TCP/IP Services Application supports network and internet com munication through TCP/IP Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 27、winlogon - winlogon.exe - Process Information Process file: winlogon or winlogon.exe Process Name: Windows Logon Process Description: The Windows NT Logon Utility handles user logons Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 28、winmgmt - winmgmt.exe - Process Information Process file: winmgmt or winmgmt.exe Process Name: Windows Management Service Description: The Windows Management Service handles requests for Windows Manag ement Instrumentation data (WMI) from client applications Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 普通?程: 1、absr - absr.exe - Process Information Process file: absr or absr.exe Process Name: Backdoor.Autoupder Virus Description: This Process is create by the Backdoor.Autoupder Virus Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 2、agentsvr - agentsvr.exe - Process Information Process file: agentsvr or agentsvr.exe Process Name: OLE automation server Description: OLE Automation Server is a Part of Microsoft Agent Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 3、aim - aim.exe - Process Information Process file: aim or aim.exe Process Name: AOL Instant Messenger Description: AOL Instant Messenger is an Online Chat and Instant Messaging Cli ent Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 4、airsvcu - airsvcu.exe - Process Information Process file: airsvcu or airsvcu.exe Process Name: Microsoft Media Manager Description: The Microsoft Media Manager loads at Startup and Indexes Files an d Folders on the Harddrive. It can be disabled from the Control Panel. Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 5、alogserv - alogserv.exe - Process Information Process file: alogserv or alogserv.exe Process Name: McAfee VirusScan Description: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 6、avconsol - avconsol.exe - Process Information Process file: avconsol or avconsol.exe Process Name: McAfee VirusScan Description: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 7、avsynmgr - avsynmgr.exe - Process Information Process file: avsynmgr or avsynmgr.exe Process Name: McAfee VirusScan Description: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 8、bcb - bcb.exe - Process Information Process file: bcb or bcb.exe Process Name: Borland C++ Builder Description: Borland C++ Builder Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 9、calc - calc.exe - Process Information Process file: calc or calc.exe Process Name: Calculator Description: Microsoft Windows Calculator Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 10、ccapp - ccapp.exe - Process Information Process file: ccapp or ccapp.exe Process Name: Symantec Common Client Description: The Symantec Common Client Application is included with Norton An tiVirus 2003 and Norton Personal Firewall 2003 Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 11、charmap - charmap.exe - Process Information Process file: charmap or charmap.exe Process Name: Windows Character Map Description: The Microsoft Windows Character Map Utility Helps you find unusua l Characters Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 12、cidaemon - cidaemon.exe - Process Information Process file: cidaemon or cidaemon.exe Process Name: Microsoft Indexing Service Description: The Indexing Service runs in the background and catalogues files so that you can search for files containing a specific text string Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 13、cisvc - cisvc.exe - Process Information Process file: cisvc or cisvc.exe Process Name: Microsoft Index Service Helper Description: The Microsoft Index Service Helper monitors the memory usage of M icrosoft Indexing Service (cidaemon.exe) and automatically restarts cidaemon.e xe if it uses more than 40Mb of memory Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 14、cmd - cmd.exe - Process Information Process file: cmd or cmd.exe Process Name: Windows Command PromptMicrosoft Windows Command Prompt. Unlike t he old, cmd.exe is a 32bit command prompt used in WinNT/2000/XP Description: Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 15、cmesys - cmesys.exe - Process Information Process file: cmesys or cmesys.exe Process Name: Gator GAIN Adware Description: The Gator GAIN Adware is installed by certain free softwares and is an advertising spyware which runs in the background and displays advertisem ents Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 16、ctfmon - ctfmon.exe - Process Information Process file: ctfmon or ctfmon.exe Process Name: Alternative User Input Services Description: Handles Alternative User Input Text Processor (TIP) and the Micro soft Office Language Bar. Ctfmon.exe provides text input support for speech re cognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard, translation, and other alternati ve user input technologies Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 17、ctsvccda - ctsvccda.exe - Process Information Process file: ctsvccda or ctsvccda.exe Process Name: Create CD-ROM Services Description: Creative Services for CD-ROM Access service in W9X Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 18、defwatch - defwatch.exe - Process Information Process file: defwatch or defwatch.exe Process Name: Norton AntiVirus Description: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 19、devldr32 - devldr32.exe - Process Information Process file: devldr32 or devldr32.exe Process Name: Create Device Loader Description: Creative Device Loader is a Create Soundblaster Driver Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 20、directcd - directcd.exe - Process Information Process file: directcd or directcd.exe Process Name: Adaptec DirectCD Description: Adaptec DirectCD is used to write/read files to/from DirectCD for matted CDs directly using the Windows Filemanager Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 21、em_exec - em_exec.exe - Process Information Process file: em_exec or em_exec.exe Process Name: Logitech Mouse Settings Description: The Logitech MouseWare Trayicon from which you can access the Con trol Panel Mouse properties and the MouseWare help Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 22、findfast - findfast.exe - Process Information Process file: findfast or findfast.exe Process Name: Microsoft Office Indexing Description: The Microsoft Office Indexing process is Used by Microsoft Office applications to index Office Documents to speed up search operations Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 23、gmt - gmt.exe - Process Information Process file: gmt or gmt.exe Process Name: Gator Spyware Component Description: The Gator Spyware Component is installed with Gator and is starte d when you open Gator Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 24、hh - hh.exe - Process Information Process file: hh or hh.exe Process Name: Windows HelpThe Windows Help Program is used to open Help files and Documentation included with many Windows Programs Description: Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 25、hidserv - hidserv.exe - Process Information Process file: hidserv or hidserv.exe Process Name: Microsoft Human Interface Device Audio Service Description: Backround Service which provides support for USB Audio Devices an d USB Multimedia keyboards Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 26、iexplore - iexplore.exe - Process Information Process file: iexplore or iexplore.exe Process Name: Internet Explorer Description: The Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser is used to Browse the World Wide Web through HTTP Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 27、irmon - irmon.exe - Process Information Process file: irmon or irmon.exe Process Name: Windows Infrared Port Monitor Description: The Windows IRMon Process Monitors the Infrared port activity Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 28、loadqm - loadqm.exe - Process Information Process file: loadqm or loadqm.exe Process Name: MSN Queue Manager Loader Description: The MSN Queue Manager Loader is installed with MSN Explorer and M SN Messenger. It can somtimes use a lot of system resources Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 29、loadwc - loadwc.exe - Process Information Process file: loadwc or loadwc.exe Process Name: Load WebCheck Description: Load WebCheck customizes some of the settings in Internet Explore r, adds, removes, and updates subscriptions and propagates settings for user p rofiles Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 30、mad - mad.exe - Process Information Process file: mad or mad.exe Process Name: System Attendant Service Description: The System Attendant Service for Microsoft Exchange Server runs i n the background and is needed by Microsoft Exchange Server. It loads DLLs for Microsoft Exchange, writes log messages and generates the offline address boo ks Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 31、mcshield - mcshield.exe - Process Information Process file: mcshield or mcshield.exe Process Name: McAfee VirusScan Description: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 32、mgabg - mgabg.exe - Process Information Process file: mgabg or mgabg.exe Process Name: Matrox BIOS Guard Description: Matrox BIOS Guard Process Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 33、mmc - mmc.exe - Process Information Process file: mmc or mmc.exe Process Name: Windows Disk Defragmenter Description: Windows Disk Defragmenter is used to Defragment fragmented Harddr ives for increased Performance Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 34、mobsync - mobsync.exe - Process Information Process file: mobsync or mobsync.exe Process Name: Microsoft Synchronization Manager Description: Part of Internet Explorer which runs in the background and handle s the View Pages Offline" feature Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 35、msbb - msbb.exe - Process Information Process file: msbb or msbb.exe Process Name: MSBB Web3000 Spyware Application Description: The MSBB Web3000 Spyware Application is included with some adware products and is started from the registry when Windows is loaded Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 36、msdtc - msdtc.exe - Process Information Process file: msdtc or msdtc.exe Process Name: Distributed Transaction Coordinator Description: The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator handles transac tions across multiple servers and is installed by Microsoft Personal Web Serve r and Microsoft SQL Server Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 37、msiexec - msiexec.exe - Process Information Process file: msiexec or msiexec.exe Process Name: Windows Installer Component Description: Windows Installer Component which is used to install new programs that uses Windows Installer package files (MSI) Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 38、msimn - msimn.exe - Process Information Process file: msimn or msimn.exe Process Name: Microsoft Outlook Express Description: Microsoft Outlook Express is an Email and Newsgroup Client includ ed with Microsoft Windows Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 39、msmsgs - msmsgs.exe - Process Information Process file: msmsgs or msmsgs.exe Process Name: MSN Messenger Traybar Process Description: MSN Messenger is an Online Chat and Instant Messaging Client Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 40、msoobe - msoobe.exe - Process Information Process file: msoobe or msoobe.exe Process Name: Windows Product Activation Description: Windows Product Activation is used to Active an Windows XP Licens e Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 41、mspmspsv - mspmspsv.exe - Process Information Process file: mspmspsv or mspmspsv.exe Process Name: WMDM PMSP Service Description: Helper Service needed installed by Windows Media Player 7 Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 42、navapsvc - navapsvc.exe - Process Information Process file: navapsvc or navapsvc.exe Process Name: Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect Service Description: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 43、navapw32 - navapw32.exe - Process Information Process file: navapw32 or navapw32.exe Process Name: Norton AntiVirus Agent Description: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 44、ndetect - ndetect.exe - Process Information Process file: ndetect or ndetect.exe Process Name: ICQ Ndetect Agent Description: The ICQ Ndetect Agent is used by ICQ to detect an Internet Connec tion Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 45、notepad - notepad.exe - Process Information Process file: notepad or notepad.exe Process Name: Notepad Description: The Notepad Text Editor is used to Open Text Documents and is inc luded with Windows Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 46、ntbackup - ntbackup.exe - Process Information Process file: ntbackup or ntbackup.exe Process Name: Windows Backup Description: The Windows Backup Utility is used to backup files and folders Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 47、ntvdm - ntvdm.exe - Process Information Process file: ntvdm or ntvdm.exe Process Name: Windows 16-bit Virtual Machine Description: The Windows Virtual Machine for 16-bit Windows and Dos programs i s used to run dos programs and old Windows programs inside a virtual machine Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 48、nvsvc32 - nvsvc32.exe - Process Information Process file: nvsvc32 or nvsvc32.exe Process Name: NVIDIA Driver Helper Service Description: NVIDIA Driver Helper Service is installed by NVIDIA Graphics Card Drivers Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 49、nwiz - nwiz.exe - Process Information Process file: nwiz or nwiz.exe Process Name: NVIDIA nView Control Panel Description: NVIDIA nView Control Panel is installed by NVIDIA Graphics Card D rivers provides desktop layout settings and optimizations Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 50、osa - osa.exe - Process Information Process file: osa or osa.exe Process Name: Office Startup Assistant Description: The Microsoft Office Startup Assistant is loaded at Startup and i mproves performance by handling automation, office fonts, certain office comma nds and Outlook notifications Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 51、powerpnt - powerpnt.exe - Process Information Process file: powerpnt or powerpnt.exe Process Name: Microsoft PowerPoint Description: Microsoft PowerPoint is a Presentation Program included with Micr osoft Office Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 52、pstores - pstores.exe - Process Information Process file: pstores or pstores.exe Process Name: Protected Storage Service Description: The Microsoft Protected Storage Service handles Protected Storage Passwords Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 53、qttask - qttask.exe - Process Information Process file: qttask or qttask.exe Process Name: Quick Time Tray Icon Description: The Quick Time Tray Icon enables you to start Quick Time from the System Tray Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 54、rnaapp - rnaapp.exe - Process Information Process file: rnaapp or rnaapp.exe Process Name: Windows Modem Connection Description: The Windows Modem Connection Process handles dial-up modem connec tions Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 55、rtvscan - rtvscan.exe - Process Information Process file: rtvscan or rtvscan.exe Process Name: Norton AntiVirus Description: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 56、rundll32 - rundll32.exe - Process Information Process file: rundll32 or rundll32.exe Process Name: Windows RUNDLL32 Helper Description: The Windows Rundll32 Program is used to run DLLs as programs and is used by many programs to execute functions located in a DLL file Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 57、sndrec32 - sndrec32.exe - Process Information Process file: sndrec32 or sndrec32.exe Process Name: indows Sound Recorder Description: The Windows Sound Recorder is used to play and record sound files (.wav) Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 58、spoolss - spoolss.exe - Process Information Process file: spoolss or spoolss.exe Process Name: Printer Spooler Subsystem Description: The Windows Printer Spooler Subsystem controls despooling of Prin ter data from Disk to Printer Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 59、starter - starter.exe - Process Information Process file: starter or starter.exe Process Name: Creative Labs Ensoniq Mixer Tray icon Description: Tray Icon for opening the Creative Sound Mixer installed with Cre ative Soundcards (Soundblaster) Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 60、systray - systray.exe - Process Information Process file: systray or systray.exe Process Name: Windows Power Management Description: The Windows power management process handles Energy saving functi ons and is loaded at startup Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 61、tapisrv - tapisrv.exe - Process Information Process file: tapisrv or tapisrv.exe Process Name: TAPI Service Description: Background Service which provides Windows Telephony (TAPI) Suppor t Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 62、userinit - userinit.exe - Process Information Process file: userinit or userinit.exe Process Name: UserInit Process Description: The UserInit program runs logon scripts, reestablishes network co nnections and starts the Shell Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 63、vptray - vptray.exe - Process Information Process file: vptray or vptray.exe Process Name: Norton AntiVirus Description: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 64、vshwin32 - vshwin32.exe - Process Information Process file: vshwin32 or vshwin32.exe Process Name: McAfee VirusScan Description: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 65、vsmon - vsmon.exe - Process Information Process file: vsmon or vsmon.exe Process Name: True Vector Internet Monitor Description: The True Vector Internet Monitor is a component of the ZoneAlarm Personal FireWall which monitors internet traffic and generates alerts Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 66、vsstat - vsstat.exe - Process Information Process file: vsstat or vsstat.exe Process Name: McAfee VirusScan Description: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 67、wab - wab.exe - Process Information Process file: wab or wab.exe Process Name: Address BookThe Address Book stored email address and contact in formation and is used by Outlook Description: Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 68、webscanx - webscanx.exe - Process Information Process file: webscanx or webscanx.exe Process Name: McAfee VirusScan Description: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for Viruses Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 69、winoa386 - winoa386.mod - Process Information Process file: winoa386 or winoa386.mod Process Name: MS-DOS Console Description: The Windows MS-DOS Console provides DOS console and script funtio ns in Windows Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 70、winproj - winproj.exe - Process Information Process file: winproj or winproj.exe Process Name: Microsoft Project Description: Microsoft Project is a Project planning program Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 71、winroute - winroute.exe - Process Information Process file: winroute or winroute.exe Process Name: WinRoute Description: WinRoute is a firewall/router/connection sharing software for Win dows Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 72、wkcalrem - wkcalrem.exe - Process Information Process file: wkcalrem or wkcalrem.exe Process Name: Microsoft Works Calendar Reminder Description: The Microsoft Works Calendar Reminders Background process shows p opup reminders for scheduled events in your Works Calendar Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 73、wkqkpick - wkqkpick.exe - Process Information Process file: wkqkpick or wkqkpick.exe Process Name: WinZip traybar icon Description: The WinZip traybar icon allows you to start WinZip from the trayb ar Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 74、wordpad - wordpad.exe - Process Information Process file: wordpad or wordpad.exe Process Name: Wordpad Description: Wordpad is a text editor used to open and edit txt and rtf docume nts Common Errors: N/A System Process: No 75、wowexec - wowexec.exe - Process Information Process file: wowexec or wowexec.exe Process Name: Windows On Windows Execution Process Description: Windows On Windows Execution Support Process provides support for 16-bit Windows applications together with ntvdm.exe Common Errors: N/A System Process: No -- 该醒的时候 你却还想醉 最後只有往幸福门外退~ 别让昨天在你伤口狂妄的洒盐 一碰就痛 一想就悲 爱一遍教人老了好几十岁 别让昨天在你伤口狂妄的洒盐 冲掉心中爱的余味~再活一遍~ --

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