Anti-Cancer 板


来回报後续进度 马上回诊高医胸腔外科李医生 李医生看了在高医的照片跟我用手机的健保快易通看荣总的照片 他觉得看起来没什麽差异性(包含结节不太像以及看起来胸膜增厚应该也不像异常) 他说荣总诊断像肿瘤或是胸膜外脂肪 只是因为只看图片就必须给予类似的状况都写上去 所以不代表一定是 但他看我们父子俩有点紧张 所以就安排断层扫描 但因为父亲後续眼睛视网膜剥离需要去趴 所以安排五周後的检查并马上看报告 五周过後,於是照完断层扫描後 李医生马上讲解报告 他说看起来没有胸膜增厚 然後肺里面都有痰 XD 以及荣总原本说右肺有结节,但看却没有,反而左肺是有, 但也许一段时间就消掉了 於是开立了六个月後再回诊照观察该结节有无变化即可(医生觉得应该还好) 所以我们就比较开心地回去了 回去看了健保快易通後续的报告(放射科的医生报告) 写的真的满多的 但是除了满多都已经知道的以外 甲状腺有结节? 双侧有淋巴肿大? 这些我就不太了解有无风险? (我知道父亲趴了一个月,肩膀是有不舒服) 报告如下: 120952 Imaging findings: CT of the chest: Clinical information; lung nodule Comparison: chest CT, nil The high resolution axial imaging, unenhanced axial imaging and post-enhanced axial and reformatted imaging are obtained.. The dilated bronchi, plate-like opacities, small nodule and increased linear densities are noted in the left lower lobe of lung. Lymph nodes are noted at the bilateral supraclavicular regions, mediastinum and bilateral axillae. The trachea and both main bronchi are patent. The cardiac size is normal. The focal sclerosis is noted at T-7. Spur is noted on the cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine. Adrenal glands show unremarkable. Impression : 1) Segmental bronchiectasis/bronchial plugging and small nodular opacities (<6 mm) in the left lower lobe of lung. (Se/Im: 302/80, 159) 2) A small right thyroid nodule. (<1 cm, Se/Im: 301/22) 3) Nonspecific lymph nodes (< 1cm in short axis) at bilateral supraclavicular regions (Se/Im: 301/25) 4) Athersclerosis of the tortuous aorta and coronary arteries. 5) Cholelithiasis. 6) Cysts in liver. 7) A left renal cyst. 8) Spondylosis deformans of cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine. 9) Probably bone island (enostosis) at T-7 希望大家未来都平平安安 知道报告上面有要提点我注意的什麽也请各位大大可以分享 ※ 引述《a1010 (无言)》之铭言: : 标题: 胸部X光疑问 : 时间: Sat Mar 16 14:37:18 2024 : : 因父亲要去开刀(视网膜剥离) : 所以前几天去做胸部X光(在高荣作) : : 报告如下: : : No previous chest radiograph for comparison. Left lateral pleural focal thickeni : ng, differential diagnosis: pleural tumor, extrapleural fat hypertrophy. A nodul : ar opacity in the right middle lung field, the nature is to be determined. Borde : rline-sized cardiac silhouette. : : 怎麽看起来好像状况不太好, : 但因为要入院前应该不会要我再怎样, : 只是看了有点担心! : : 我去翻去年2023年2月也有做视网膜剥离手术前做胸部X光,在高医做的 : : 报告如下: : : Imaging findings: : Chest X-ray showed : : There is no focal lesions appreciated within : the mediastinum. : There is no active lung disease noted in this CXR film. : The heart size was within normal limit. But atherosclerotic change of aorta was : noticed. : The thoracic cage was unremarkable. : No remarkable pleural effusion was noticed. : Spondylosis and scoiliosis with osteophyte formation along thoracolumbar spine w : as noticed. : Impression: : 1) No active lung lesions. : 2) Atherosclerosis of aorta. : 3) Spondylosis and scoliosis of spine. : 4) Bilateral shoulder OA osteoarthritis osteophyte formation change : 5) Gallstones : : 然後2021年11月也有做 : 报告跟2023年2月好像没有落差多少 : 2021/11月报告如下,也是高医视网膜剥离手术前的 : : Imaging findings: Chest X-ray showed : There is no focal lesions appreciated wi : thin : the mediastinum. There is no active lung disease noted in this CXR film. The hea : rt : size was within normal limit. But atherosclerotic change of aorta was : noticed. The thoracic cage was unremarkable. No remarkable pleural effusion was : noticed. RUQ radio-opaque densities collection was identifed. Spondylosis and sc : oiliosis with osteophyte formation along thoracolumbar spine was noticed. Impres : sion: : 1) No active lung lesions. : 2) Atherosclerosis of aorta. : 3) Spondylosis and scoliosis of spine. : 4) Gallstone collection : : 想问大大,前几天在高荣做的,这个有没有很有问题,高医大概连续前两年都有做,但报告 : : 差异满大的,有点担心 : ---- : Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 13 : : -- :

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
: ※ 文章网址: : → a1010: 手机贴文有些英文会自己断行跑掉,请见谅 03/16 14:38 : 推 Mithra: 找间医院挂胸腔科,从这个报告无法猜出风险高或低 03/16 19:44 : 推 lalala1220: 在左胸膜有局部增厚,可能是胸膜肿瘤或是胸膜外脂肪 03/16 20:15 : → lalala1220: 肥厚的情况。 03/16 20:15 : → lalala1220: 在右肺有像结节的模糊区域,结节有良性或恶性,要进一 03/16 20:15 : → lalala1220: 步检查。 03/16 20:15 : → lalala1220: 看医生怎麽说吧,放宽心。 03/16 20:15 : 推 carlchang: 去看胸腔内科吧!让医师帮你当面解读给你听。也可能还 03/18 09:51 : → carlchang: 要排进一步检查的。 03/18 09:51 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:

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