作者Killercat (杀人猫™)
标题[问题] Apache Tika library
时间Sat May 21 00:18:23 2011
目前手边有一个专案要用到Apache Tika来解析一些文件
Android内涵了一些Apache的library 不过似乎不包含Tika
[2011-05-20 16:35:54 - test2] Dx warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for
an anonymous inner class
(com.sun.syndication.feed.impl.ToStringBean$1) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
[2011-05-20 16:35:55 - test2] Dx
trouble processing "javax/xml/stream/EventFilter.class":
Ill-advised or mistaken usage of a core class (java.* or javax.*)
when not building a core library.
This is often due to inadvertently including a core library file
in your application's project, when using an IDE (such as
Eclipse). If you are sure you're not intentionally defining a
core class, then this is the most likely explanation of what's
going on.
However, you might actually be trying to define a class in a core
namespace, the source of which you may have taken, for example,
from a non-Android virtual machine project. This will most
assuredly not work. At a minimum, it jeopardizes the
compatibility of your app with future versions of the platform.
It is also often of questionable legality.
If you really intend to build a core library -- which is only
appropriate as part of creating a full virtual machine
distribution, as opposed to compiling an application -- then use
the "--core-library" option to suppress this error message.
If you go ahead and use "--core-library" but are in fact
building an application, then be forewarned that your application
will still fail to build or run, at some point. Please be
prepared for angry customers who find, for example, that your
application ceases to function once they upgrade their operating
system. You will be to blame for this problem.
If you are legitimately using some code that happens to be in a
core package, then the easiest safe alternative you have is to
repackage that code. That is, move the classes in question into
your own package namespace. This means that they will never be in
conflict with core system classes. JarJar is a tool that may help
you in this endeavor. If you find that you cannot do this, then
that is an indication that the path you are on will ultimately
lead to pain, suffering, grief, and lamentation.
[2011-05-20 16:35:55 - test2] Dx 1 error; aborting
[2011-05-20 16:35:55 - test2] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 tomap41017:真的觉得转dex有点讨厌~~有些jar都不能用 05/21 00:26
2F:→ tomap41017:有人愿意分享为何不相容的原因吗? 05/21 00:26
3F:→ Killercat:有人是建议这种有src的东西拿src rebuild看看 05/21 01:22
4F:→ Killercat:毕竟pre-build executable jar问题都很多... 05/21 01:22
5F:→ Killercat:还真的rebuild一次就搞定了,不过这种做法仅限於有原始 05/21 11:15
6F:→ Killercat:码的专案,只有jar的大概就完蛋了 05/21 11:15
7F:推 tomap41017:之前有试着把google data api rebuild好像也不行 05/22 22:11
8F:→ Killercat:其实失败不外乎是名称冲到阿(.jar跟自家namespace冲) 05/23 03:46
9F:→ Killercat:还是jar本身就怪怪的阿 = = 这问题颇无解 05/23 03:47