Ambrose 板


TO ALL MY LOVING FANS AMBROSE ambrose_ (10/19/2002 1:43:28 PM) First of all I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support for such a long time...and I am very very touch that there are so many people wrote messages to me saying Happy birthday...I will try to make this message short because my company people told me that I always say too much!!! For this past year I have realize and think about a lot of my career, my family , my dream, people around me, all the people who loves me like all of you and my company people, I realize that you will never know what can happen in your life. There are times in my life that is not happy because of my career in Hong Kong, but I rather look at it as a training...and now a year later I am in Taiwan having all of you loving me, care about me, right now I do feel very very very 幸福...sometime words are never good enough to express how glad you guys are still next to me...hope that my 幸福 is not 瞬间...for the future I promise you all I will do the best I can to do more good music and movies but I hope I can put more time in my music!!! Hope you all can be with me all the way until the day there are no one likes me anymore!!! I always worry that there won't be a AMBROSE anymore next for all of you , for my family, for all my company people I promise I will work as hard as possible to not to let any of you down!!! So for all the good and bad times we had I hope we all look back and look at them as a training class... And for the past year I also look at most of you all grow....I hope we all can grow up together so when I am 40 like ANDY we all can have a 40 years old birthday party ^_^ ..ok I really say too much...but last thing "I LOVE YOU ALL" I seriously do!! Not because I want you all to buy my CDs..I really do not care you buy my CDS or not most important is "FRIENDSHIP" ..I really glad I have all of you around me just like a my family!!!! 英翻中 首先,我要说的是:非常谢谢各位长久以来的支持。有这麽多人留言祝我生日快乐,我非常感动。我会尽量长话短说,因为公司的人都说我太多话了:-p 过去这一年来,我体会了许多,也想了许多事,关於我的事业,家人,梦想,身边周遭的人,和你们一样爱护我的人及公司的同事。我知道我们永远无法预知生命中会发生什麽事。我也曾数度因在香港时期的事业低潮而感到挫折。但,我宁可将它视为一种磨练。而,一年後的现在,我在台湾,有你们这样爱护支持我,我真的感到非常幸福! 有时,一般语言并不能完全表达我对你们的心意,希望,我的幸福不是瞬间。 在未来的日子里,我向各位保证,我会尽全力去做好的音乐及电影。但我希望能将多数重心放在音乐上。希望你们大家能一直陪伴我直到我无人能及的地步。我一直担心也许明年,Ambrose就消失不见了。所以,为了你们,我的家人,我公司的同事,我保证我会一直不断地努力,不让你们失望。 这一路上所经历好的或坏的时光,在我们回顾时,就把它们看成是一种训练吧。而过去的一年,我看着你们成长,希望我们能再一起成长,然後,当我像Andy那样, 能和你们一起举办四十岁的生日会。^_^ 好了,我真的又说太多了......但最後一件事:”我爱你们”,真的!不是因为我想你们去买我的CD..这真的不那麽重要! (No, no, no...Ambrose, this is very important for us. That's the best way we can show you our support!! heehee ^__^) 真正重要的是”友谊”...我很高兴能拥有你们这些像家人一般的朋友!!! --

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