Agriculture 板


: 如同台湾现在的蝴蝶兰,文心兰,菊花.........等等 : 原生种台湾并不多,但台湾为他们研究的有多深入,我想你可以去了解一下 : "很多口号是真的用喊的很好说 : 但实际上用做的可是很难的 " : 虽然我对中华人民共合国的农业有信心 : 但是要真的在短期内能跟上台湾,超越日本,美国 : 除非有很多外国研究人员愿意前往 : 如台湾的相关人员去协助研究(因为种源相似,在研究上易互通) : 在农产品的产後处理上,也是一个问题 : 这都是需要克服的 放心啦 农产品处理上不是问题 泰国早就被他们用奸诈的手法加上政治手段,强迫倾销大量农产品了 当然,种源的确是优势 可是原生种根本就没有经济价值,柿子原生在中华人民共和国 学名 Diospyros kaki L 却是日文 悲哀阿 台湾没有西瓜番茄种源 可是台湾农友种苗公司却是世界属一属二的蔬菜育种机构 育出的红妃种番木瓜品质佳耐病性亦佳 得奖纪录 AAS 2005 Tomato F1 ugary? 小蜜 Vegetable Award Winner ugary.? The name says it all. Judges raved about the sweet tomato flavor. The half-ounce dark pink fruit has a sugar content of 9.5%, higher than most others. The fruit is produced in clusters like grapes and can be eaten like them. ugary?tomatoes have a distinct shape; they are oval with a pointed blossom end. In addition to the flavor, ugary?plants produced a high yield with a noticeable lack of cracked fruit. Look for ripe fruit on the strong semi-indeterminate vines within 60 days from transplanting into warm, prepared garden soil or large containers. Plants are vigorous and may need pruning to contain growth. ugary?should set a new standard for herry?size tomatoes with sweet flavor. 2004 Melon F1 'Amy' 阿英 Vegetable Award Winner There is a trend for gardeners to grow the most flavorful, exotic vegetables from around the world. 'Amy' is one of these new improved vegetables and an AAS Winner. 'Amy' exhibited improved qualities such as earliness and higher yield when grown next to similar "canary" type melons. 'Amy' melons are eye-catching. They are bright golden yellow with smooth skin; without netting or sutures. The radiant color indicates when the melon is ready for harvest. Cutting open the mature melon will release the distinctive melon aroma. There is a small seed cavity surrounded by moist, white flesh noted for its sweet flavor and firm texture. 'Amy' plants will produce melons in 70 to 80 days from transplanting. The vigorous spreading vines need 6 feet of garden space or they can be trained up a trellis. 2004 Watermelon F1 'Sweet Beauty' 甜美人 Vegetable Award Winner Nothing says summer like watermelon, and everybody wants a sweet slice. 'Sweet Beauty' offers consistently sweet flavor and crisp texture. It was praised by AAS Judges for its superior eating qualities. 'Sweet Beauty' melons are 5 to 7 pounds, an oblong shape with dark green skin and medium green stripes. Described as an "ice box" type, it means 'Sweet Beauty' is a single-serving size. Improved for earliness, 'Sweet Beauty' melons can be harvested in about 77 to 80 days from sowing seed directly into the garden. The vigorous plant spreads vines about 8 to 10 feet. 2003 Melon F1 'Angel' 洋香瓜 凤仙 Vegetable Award Winner An early Mediterranean-type melon, 'Angel' has a heavenly flavor. All melon sugars are scientifically measured as a brix count. 'Angel' measured 16% to 19%, which indicates a very sweet flavor. The 2- to 3-pound melons have a white interior with a crisp texture. 'Angel' helps the gardener know when to harvest. The lightly netted melon skin turns creamy yellow when mature; about 60 days from planting young 'Angel' plants into the garden. 'Angel' vines will spread 6 to 7 feet and are resistant to fusarium wilt races 0 and 2. 2001 TOMATO Jolly 娇女 1999 WATERMELON New Queen 凤兰 1991 WATERMELON Golden Crown 宝冠 1975 WATERMELON Yellow Baby 金兰 --

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1F:推 ahamin:泰国得了大好处,他们的大米在大陆就像国产大米一样销售 06/27 10:06
2F:→ ahamin:还在各大城市开水果直销点,榴莲山竹也就被人熟悉了 06/27 10:07
3F:→ ahamin:为什麽日韩以前对热带水果不感兴趣,而现在确大量进口? 06/27 10:08
4F:→ ahamin:因为以前热带水果不能直接进入日韩,其国民也不熟悉 06/27 10:09
5F:→ ahamin:而通过在大陆市场上多年的推广,人们也逐渐喜欢这些水果 06/27 10:11
6F:→ ahamin:这其中也包括大量日本人、韩国人 06/27 10:12
7F:→ ahamin:泰国水果还进入北京奥运会,他们说相当於中了1000块金牌 06/27 10:13
8F:→ ahamin:榴莲山竹直接面对西方人,那过几年泰国人的腰包还不更鼓 06/27 10:14
9F:→ satasumi:先生,日韩不感兴趣的原因在於病虫害太多 06/27 14:10
10F:→ satasumi:日本一直都进口台湾的香蕉等水果,请记得香蕉是热带水果. 06/27 14:10
11F:→ satasumi:真的发现,你真的没常识也真的没知识,只会转文跟自圆其说 06/27 14:11
12F:→ deoxyribonuc:为什麽我在泰国听到的情形是弊多於利呢? 06/28 10:31

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