作者robertsss (GTO)
标题Re: [讨论] 没有准则的大学教职
时间Sun Apr 12 18:06:14 2009
※ 引述《robertsss (GTO)》之铭言:
: 看到下面老师的研究~~
: 大概都差不多
: 但有人在国立,有人在私立~~~这应徵真得很没有准则
: 有人说!!!现在教职跟政治一样~~很复杂
: 不是有实力的人可以出头的!!!
: 有些还要走後门@@@
: 有知情内幕的人~~请告知一下!!!
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 正修科大机械系
: http://me.csu.edu.tw/default.asp
: http://me.csu.edu.tw/default.asp
: 高应大机械系
: http://www.me.kuas.edu.tw/INDEX-ME.STAN.htm
二、 期刊、专书论文
1. J.C. Hsiung, R.A. Pearson and T.B. Lloyd, "A Surface Energy Approach for Analyzing Die Attach Adhesive Resin Bleed", J. Adhes. Sci. and Tech. 17 (2003) 1-13.
2. J.C. Hsiung and Y.T. Chou, "Fractal Characterization of Fracture Surface of a High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel", Journal of Materials Science 33 (1998) 2949-2953.
3. R.A. Pearson, T.B. Lloyd, H.R. Azimi, J.C. Hsiung, M.S. Early, and P.D. Brandenburger,"Adhesion Issues in Epoxy-Based Chip Attach Adhesives," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology-Part A. Vol.20, No.1, March, (1997) 31-37.
4. 熊仁洲、刘复龙,超冷处理(Cryogenic Treatment)之简介,金属热处理第35期81年12月,61-65页。
三、 会议、研讨会论文
1. J.C. Hsiung and R.A. Pearson, "Processing Diagrams for Polymeric Die Attach Adhesives," in the Proceedings of 47th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) to be held in San Jose, CA on May 18-21,1997.
2. R.A. Pearson, T.B. Lloyd, J.C. Hsiung, M.S. Early, and S. Phattanarudee, "Moisture Issues in Epoxy-Based Chip Attach Adhesives," in the Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Moisture in Microelectronics, Gailhensburg, MD, October 15-17, 1996.
3. J.C. Hsiung and R.A. Pearson, "Bondability Diagrams for Die Attachment Processes," in the Proceedings of Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) TECHCON '96 Conference, Phoenix, AZ, September 12-14, 1996.
4. R.A. Pearson, T.B. Lloyd, H.R. Azimi, J.C. Hsiung, M.S. Early, and P.D. Brandenburger, "Adhesion Issues in Epoxy-Based Chip Attach Adhesives," in the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Adhesives in Electronics '96, Stockholm, Sweden, June 3-5, (1996) 224-231.
5. R.A. Pearson, J.C. Hsiung, M.S. Early,and P.D. Brandenburger, "Fundamentals of Adhesion, Manufacturability, and Reliability of Epoxy-Based Chip Attach Adhesives," in the Symposium on "Application of Fracture Mechanics in the Electronic Packaging and Materials" at the ASME International Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, November 12-17, 1995.
6. R.A. Pearson, J.C. Hsiung and P.D. Brandenburger, "Relationship Between Processing and Bond Performance in Epoxy Chip Attachment Adhesives," in the 1995 TMS Annual Meeting on February 12-16, 1995.
四、 发明、专利、证照、着作
1. 美国专利:PRACTICE CARTRIDGE (Patent No.: US 6,575,098 B2)
2. 中华民国专利:训练用枪弹(发明第131110号)
3. 中华民国品质学会六标准差领导工程师(黑带)证照
4. 中华民国品质学会六标准差领导工程师(绿带)证照
5. 德国焊接协会铝合金焊接证照
6. 中华民国财团法人中卫发展中心智慧财产权授权实务(训练证明书)
7. 义守大学「行销管理」班(结业证明书)
8. 联勤技术训练中心「劳工安全卫生管理员」训练班(结业证明书)
9. 和春技术学院「积体电路实务培训」班(结业证明书)
10. 国立云林工业专科学校「非破坏检测技术研习」班(结业证明书)
11. 中华民国非破坏检测协会「超音波检测」班(结业证明书)
五、 技术报告、其他
1. 中华民国品质学会高雄市分会品质研究小组副主任委员
2. 中华民国材料学会、中华民国热处理学会及中国机械工程师学会会员
3. 获国防部军备局推荐参加行政院93年度表扬杰出科学与技术人才遴选(民国93年)
4. 获颁中国机械工程师协会优秀机械工程师奖 (民国90年5月)
5. Awarded the 1997 Motorola -IEEE/CPMT Fellowship for Graduate Research on Electronic Packaging (May 1997).
6. Awarded the 1996 Hoechst Celanese Award, Lehigh University (November 1996).
二、 期刊、专书论文
1. “A Study for the Moisture Content of Graphite/Epoxy Composite with hygrothermal cycling”, Hung-Shyong Chen, Chyouhwu B. Huang, Hung Kwang Kung, Society of Manufacturing Society, Published: Feb 24, 2004, Product ID: TP04PUB47
三、 会议、研讨会论文
1. “The Development of Calorimeter and Experimental Evaluation for Refrigerant Compressor of Automotive Air Conditioning System”, Jeng Nan Lee, Chyouhwu B. Huang, Kuen Jang Jang, Chu Wang Tsai, International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics 2006(IFSM 2006), Dec. 6-8, 2006, Tainan, Taiwan
2. “On the Study of Loop Profiles in Improving the Sweep Stiffness of Wire Bond”, H.K. Kung, C.H. Huang, A.I. Chanyshev, The 8th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2006), Dec 6 - 8 2006, Singapore.
3. “Evaluation for the heat-sink performance of Mirco Porous Ceramics MPC”, Chyouhwu Huang, H. S. Chen, K.H. Kung 2006 Taiwan-Russia Research Cooperation Symposium, Nov. 7, 2006, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
4. “Logistic Regression-based Machine Health Assessment Method on Application of Smart Machine Tool”, Linxia Liao, Chyouhwu Brian Huang, Jay Lee, International Manufacturing Leaders Forum 2006, Oct. 23-25, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
5. “Effect of bond spans and bond heights on the sweep stiffness of wire bond for semiconductor wirebonding technology”, Huang-Kuang Kung, Chyouhwu Huang and Hung-Shyong Chen, IMPAS-Taiwan 2006 International Technical Symposium, June 29-30, Taipei, Taiwan.
6. “The Bending and Twisting Moments Included Sweep Deflections for Semiconductor Package Applications”, H.-K. Kung, S.-M.Wu, J.-M. Jou, C.-H. Huang, The 29th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Dec. 16-17, 2005, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
7. “Performance Evaluation of Multi-functional Silicon Cement (MSC)”, Hung-Shyong Chen, Chyouhwu B. Huang, Hung Kwang Kung, The Exposition of Joint Technological/Vocational Education and Industry Research Program. Nov. 18, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan
8. “A Comparison between the model analysis and experimental data for the moisture content of composite with hygrothermal cycling”, Hung-Shyong Chen, Hung Kwang Kung, Chyouhwu B. Huang, The 14th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-14), July 14-18, 2003, Sandiego, CA.
四、 发明、专利、证照、着作
1. Microsoft Certified System Engineer
2. Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
3. Microsoft Certified Professional
4. Certified Novel Administrator
五、 技术报告、其他
1. 黄秋虎、吴思明,“散热技术应用於高容量输出汽车用交流发电机的开发”,,正研产学字(94)第CS94ER01号,九十四年度教育部推动技专校院与产业园区产业合作计划。进行中。
2. 黄秋虎、陈鸿雄, “孔洞化陶瓷MPC散热性能评估”, 千如电机工业股份有限公司,正修科技大学 工程研究科技中心, 正研建教(93)第048号, 千如电机工业股份有限公司委托,93/09-94/03
3. 陈鸿雄、黄秋虎、龚皇光、吴思明, “多功能特殊矽水泥性能分析”,正修科技大学 工程研究科技中心, ERTC-03-001, 镇源贸易股份有限公司委托,92/6~92/9
4. H.S. Chen, C.B. Huang, H.K. Kuang, S.M. Wu, “Performance Evaluation of the Multi-functional Silicon Cement (MSC)”, technical report prepared for Kang’s Brother Co., Ltd. Under contract No. CSU-RD-2003-011, Sep. 2003.
职 称: 助理教授
电话: ( 07 )-3814526 ext 5323
■美国凯斯西储大学 机械与航太工程学系 博士
■Tsai, L. and Prakash, V. (2005) Structure of weak shock waves in 2-D layered
material systems, International journal of solids and structures, 47, 727-750.
■Yuan, F.; Tsai, L.; Prakash, V.; Rajendran, A.M. and Dandekar, D.P. (2007),
Spall strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites, International Journal
of Solids and Structures, 44, 7731-7747.
■Tsai, L.; Prakash, V.; Rajendran, A. M.; and Dandekar, D. P. (2007), Structure of
shock waves in glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites, Applied Physics
Letters, 6, 90.
■Yuan, F.; Tsai, L.; Prakash, V.; Dandekar, D.P. and Rajendran, A.M. (2008),
Dynamic shear strength of S2 glass fiber reinforced polymer composites under
shock compression, Journal of Applied Physics , 103, 103537.
■Tsai, L. and Prakash, V. (2002). Structure of shock waves in layered
hetrogeneous material systems. Modeling the performance of engineering
structural materials III, Editors: T. S. Srivatsan, D. R. Lesuer, E. M. Taleef, TMS,
OH, pp. 41-60.
■Tsai, L. and Prakash, V. (2003). Structure of shock waves in layered
hetrogeneous material: Analytical results. Proceedings of the second international
conference on structural stability and dynamics, Editors: C. M. Wang, G. R. Liu,
K. K. Ang, Singapore, pp. 1034-1039.
■Tsai, L. and Prakash, V. (2003) Dispersion and Attenuation of stress waves in
layered heterogeneous material systems. Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Mechanical behavior of materials, Geneva, Switzerland.
■Tsai, L. and Prakash, V. (2005) Shock Response of S2 Glass Fiber Reinforced
Composite. Feature presentation in Plasticity ’05, Kauai, Hawaii.
■Tsai, L. and Prakash, V. (2005) Shock Response of S2 Glass Fiber Reinforced
Composite. Third International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics,
Kissimmee, Florida, USA.
■Tsai, L. and Prakash, V. (2005) Dynamic Response and Spall Strength of S2
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites. 2005 SEM Annual Conference,
Portland, USA.
■Tsai, L.; Wang, D. J.; Perng, S. Y. and Fan, T. C. (2007), Multiple
Quadrupole Magnetic Center Alignment on the Girder, 2007 Particle Accelerator
Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
■Tsai, L.; Chiang, C. C.; Yuo, F. A. and Lin, H. R. (2008), Dynamic Response of
Low Friction, High Strength Hydrogels, 25th Annual Conference of Chinese
Society of Mechanical Engineering, Changhua, Taiwan.
林昭文(Lin Jau-Wen )
职 称: 助理教授
电话: ( 07 )3814526 ext 5346
■奥斯汀德州大学 机械工程 博士
■俄亥俄州立大学 工程力学 硕士
■国立交通大学 土木工程 学士
■国立高雄科学技术学院 机械工程技术系 助理教授 2000/2-迄今
■研能科技股份有限公司 产品开发处 经理 1999/7-2000/1
■大霸电子公司 喷墨列印头开发组 组长 1995/5-1999/6
■鸿海精密工业公司 BM/II 工程分析工程师 1992/10-1995/5
■经济部工业局主导性新产开发计划「压电式喷墨列印头」开发计划合约, 合约编号:8601020807.
■1993, Photoelastic Uisualieaton of contact phenomena between real rtibology surfaces, with and without sliding, Wear, Vol.170, pp.267-279.
■ Subsurface stress beneath a moving beat souree and inclined point foue, 26th Annual Technical meeting, Society of Engineering Science, 1989, September.
■压电式喷墨列印头 (经济部)
计画名称 经费 期限 补助单位 担任职务
压电式喷墨列印头 1,000 85.1~86.12 经济部
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ ne2000:所以呢???? 04/12 18:22
2F:→ marsdaddy:所以呢??? 04/12 22:15
3F:→ foxrose:所以呢???? 04/12 22:18
4F:→ circadian:so what?? 04/12 22:30
5F:→ harlem77:你是不是怀疑该校甄选不公?要码就举证 04/12 23:25
6F:→ loveylynn:真的不知道你要表达什麽 台大资工的大咖还是大同博士呢 04/12 23:37
7F:→ loveylynn:这世上没有公平的 04/12 23:39
8F:→ cakotay:找工作, 多少看运气. 你找工作那年, 好学校就是没缺, 奈何 04/12 23:45
9F:→ robertsss:我只是想说我看不到原则性,有能力的人也不一定出头 04/13 05:35
10F:→ robertsss:努力做研究也不会有好的职位!!! 04/13 05:36
11F:推 prior:运气+做人+实力+背景+时机 = 教职。 04/13 08:41
12F:推 ggg12345:能力通常是成败论英雄,考第一名不保证就有大碗公,不然其 04/13 10:37
13F:→ ggg12345:他人怎活?不然争战怎会有天时,地利,人和之说?将相本无种! 04/13 10:40
14F:→ skyboy:所以呢?... 04/13 10:46
15F:推 ggg12345:有的单位是要找"同事",有的私校要找"枪手",与有荣焉正解 04/13 11:15
16F:推 ewrny:大推楼上的立论...教职真的要各凭本事加上时机及运气 04/13 11:26
17F:→ f0602eric:第一个应该是具有军职背景,所以选择正修 04/13 20:27
18F:→ f0602eric:如果不选私立的,就拿不到终身俸了 04/13 20:28
19F:推 hcf0317:我也看不到鸿海公司的准则..中国海专的是董事长.. 04/15 02:21
20F:→ hcf0317:那在里面的硕士博士不就真的很没能力 04/15 02:22
21F:→ meaning0728:中国海专很威的~手打东南西北,脚踢三开四方~~(误) 04/15 09:15