作者hkw (风中柳絮)
标题Re: [问题] 关於香港/新加坡的教职?
时间Tue Mar 31 08:57:56 2009
※ 引述《LordHamlet (-.-)》之铭言:
: 香港和新加坡的税後薪水是可以和美国不错的州立相竞争,
have you considered housing and education allowances, etc.?
from what I learned, the total $ for a fresh assist. Prof. (science)
is around USD 100K+ and the tax rate is around 10%. Granted that
in the US you may be paid by a 9-mo rate, and this gives you a chance
to boost up your overall pay with your grants....but how many can
do it now? I don't know.
on the other hand, while the salary in Taiwan may look low (~33% of those
in SG or HK), you can enjoy the pension system (of course when
everything goes well). If you live long enough, the overall pay will
be certainly NO less. Research support in a major Taiwan Univ is
amazingly good when you are in the system, too.
Recently some opportunities in the mid-east also come up....in case
you are willing to go to live in the desert for the sake of science.
Good salary + benefits + constant funding support without the need
of writing proposals....
: 在某些热门领域,可能给薪还可以接近一流欧美名校(多是商学院)。
: 以新加坡为例,tenure的程序和要求跟美国不错的州立大学类似,
: 但是要funding的压力会小很多,
: 一来学生由学校出钱养,一开始不用浪费宝贵时间写proposal,
: 二来即使要写proposal要钱,难度也较美国小的多。
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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