Accounting 板


此篇转录於Reddit(美国PTT)/Accounting 原文: 上礼拜在Reddit会计版有篇四大经理PO的面试指南被热烈讨论, 五天内就有1600个以上的推,以下以原文及翻译交叉呈现, 英文不太好,有不通顺或错误的地方再麻烦指正: ======================================================= I'm a Big 4 Manager; I recently received all interview questions/guidelines/criteria. I am now providing them to you. 我是四大的经理,最近我拿到面试时用的所有问题/指南/标准,现在分享出来给大家。 So I am not going to provide any proof here. I am rewording everything and summarizing every question so you get a good idea of what we're asking for. I am not going to expose myself to help you guys. Many of you won't be surprised, but here it is: 我在这里不会提供任何证据,我会重新措辞所有内容并汇整所有问题,以便大家可以对於 我们所要的是什麽有个基本的了解,我不会暴露自己的身份去帮助你们,大部分内容你不 会感到惊讶,但总而言之: ---------------------- *Pre-Interview (when you speak to lower level staff before interviews) Your interview absolutely begins the moment you walk into the room/office. Each staff is provided with a notes sheet and a predetermined list of interviewees to rate. Interviewees are rated with the following: ‧Capability to uphold and maintain a conversation ‧Knowledge of the company/role you are applying to ‧Personality and demeanor - was the interviewee positive? Fearful? Arrogant?  Etc. ‧List any major red flags that were noticed. Interviewees will be asked a few questions, but none of the answers are judged or rated. Staff members can ask any question they'd like in any order. The staff member role is to ensure the interviewee feels comfortable and loosened prior to the interview, and to provide a slight judgment to help with difficult decisions. Staff Member judgments have approximately 0 to 20% impact of the final decision. This depends entirely on the actual interviewer (manager to partner levels). *面试前(在面试前当你与较低层级的员工说话时) 你的面试在你走进面试场地或办公室就已经开始了,各个员工会被提供一个便条纸和事先 决定好要评比的面试者清单,面试者会以下面的标准被评分: ‧维持对话的能力 ‧对要应徵的公司或职位的了解 ‧人格特质与态度,面试者是否正向?感到害怕?傲慢?等等。 ‧列出任何他们注意到的危险讯号 面试者会被询问一些问题,但是这些回答不会被评比或评分,公司员工可以依自己喜好的 顺序来询问问题,他们的角色是确保面试者在正式面试前是舒适且放松的,并提供一点评 价以协助较难的决定。 员工对面试者的评价大概影响最後录取与否0~20%,这完全取决於实际的面试官(经理到合 夥人层级)。 ---------------------- *Interview Questions -Technical Capabilities ‧Depends on the position ‧Interviewers may ask questions that are harder and more difficult than the expected level of expertise required for interviewees. ‧Trying to bullshit an answer is an easy way to get a failure rating in this section. If you do not know, just say I do not know, but explain that you are more than willing to learn. Adding in a story about how you learned something quickly and applied it in a high-stakes setting is very beneficial. ‧"Tell me about a situation where you had to use authoritative literature to solve a real accounting problem" ‧"Tell me how you applied your knowledge in a real-life working and/or project scenario." *面试问题 -技术能力 ‧取决於面试职缺 ‧面试官可能会询问超过面试者应具备专业能力难度的问题 ‧在这一关如果你试着去唬烂答案,很可能得到很糟的评分,如果你不知道,就说你不知 道,但记得要解释你很愿意去学习,适时增添一个你如何快速学习某样东西并将它应用在 高风险情境上的故事会很有帮助。 ‧「告诉我一个你必须用权威文献去解决实务上会计问题的情况」 ‧「你如何将你的知识应用在实际工作或专案上」 -Industrial Knowledge ‧I'm not including anything here because the questions are too specific... but just know that your industrial / market / sales skills do matter depending on your job function. -产业知识 ‧我没打算在这边说什麽,因为这些问题太特定了,但要知道你的产业/市场/行销能力( 取决於应徵职位上)是很重要的。 -Communications ‧"Tell me about a time where your listening skills helped you excel." ‧"Tell me when you made an effort to go above and beyond in understanding the needs of another (in a business situation)" ‧"Tell me about a time where you have to give devastating and/or bad news to someone" ‧"Tell me about a time where you had to enforce a scheduling change due to overwork/difficulties keeping with the schedule" ‧"Tell me about a time when you worked with a team and/or a group to establish scope, expectations, etc. for a project." ‧"Tell me about a time where you worked with significant time constraints and exceeded client expectations." ‧"Tell me about a time where you worked with difficult and/or non-responsive team members." ‧In this section, there are no wrong answers, but it's about the attitude you have. ‧Big 4 managers do not look for success here... they look for lessons learned. Your goal should not be "I did everything perfectly and I am amazing." It should be "I faced a difficult situation, and maybe I did something wrong, but I learned from it." -沟通 ‧「你是否曾因你的倾听技巧而帮助你成长?」 ‧「你是否曾付出超越一般的努力去了解其他人的需求(在商业情境下)?」 ‧「你是否曾必须通知别人一件很震惊且/或很糟糕的事情时,你是怎麽做的?」 ‧「你是否曾因工作的过量或是困难导致你必须调整时程以让工作进度不会落後,你是如 何应对的?」 ‧「你是否曾有与你的团队成员一起为例如一个专案,共同建立愿景的经验?」 ‧「你是否曾有在很紧的时间压力下,仍达成超越客户预期的成果,当时情况是?」 ‧「当你与猪队友合作时,你是怎麽做的?」 ‧在这一部分并没有绝对正确或错误的答案,重要的是你的态度。 ‧四大经理在这里并不是想听到你成功的经验,而是你从中学到什麽,你的回答不应该是 :「我将所有事情做得很完美,我超棒的。」而应该是:「我遇到一个棘手的情况,我可 能做错了一些事情,但我从过程中学到一些经验。」 -Managerial Skills ‧If you are a new hire (college grad), your questions will be more focused on managing up. Meaning helping managers with their job, and responding properly to managers. ‧If you are an experienced hire, you will be asked both managing up and managing down. ‧"Tell me about a time where you actively sought out advice from others to help you make a decision." ‧"Tell me about a time where you used another person's perspective or ideas to create a better final product." ‧"Tell me about a time where you were able to express your needs and ideas to a team and it led to success." ‧"Tell me about a time where you had to provide negative feedback to a team member." ‧"Tell me about your time management skills and capability to handle multiple projects and tasks at once." ‧"Tell me about a time where you improved team morale." -管理能力 ‧如果你是无经验的应徵者(应届毕业生),对你的问题会比较针对於向上管理,意思是你 如何配合你的上级一起工作,并对上级的要求有适当的回应。 ‧如果你是有经验的应徵者,你会同时被问到向上与向下管理。 ‧「你是否曾有主动地向他人寻求建议以协助你做决定的经验?」 ‧「你是否曾采纳他人的想法或点子以完成一个更好的产品?」 ‧「你是否曾有传达你的需求或主意给你的团队,而因此最後有成功结果的经验?」 ‧「你是否曾有必须给你的团队成员负面回馈的经验?」 ‧「你是否曾用你的时间管理能力去同时处理多个专案或任务?」 ‧「你是否曾有提振团队士气的经验?」 -Self ‧The remaining questions are just self-based questions that are standard to most other interviews. ‧Things like greatest weakness/strength, dealing with failure, working with others, organization skills, etc. ‧This part literally has no guidelines on the interview sheet. Interviewers would just make up whatever they want, if they want. -自己 ‧剩下的问题都是跟自身相关的,而这些问题通常会与其他面试者差不多。 ‧例如你的优缺点、如何面对失败、如何与他人合作与组织能力等。 ‧这部分在面试表上并没有指南,面试官随便想怎麽问就怎麽问。 Keep in mind that these are all just options that interviewers can use. They are required to ask at least one question from each area, but they are allowed to add in new questions or new areas if they choose. Also keep in mind that partner-level people might not use any of this and do their own thing. 记住上列这些都只是面试官可以询问的选项,他们被要求每个区块都至少要问一个问题, 但他们可以自己加新的问题或新的区块,另外合夥人层级的面试官可能完全不会用到这些 ,并按照自己的方式面试。 ---------------------- *Post-Interview Evaluations Candidates are given a rating of 1-5 in each of the interview sections above. There is also a "personality" area that focuses similar to the pre-interview area. There is a section for "Hire" where a candidate can bypass the "pool." As in, if a candidate doesir own thing. Otherwise, they'll be analyzed together, and a big discussion is held to determine which candidates work best. YMMV for number of hires though. *面试後评价 面试者在上面各个部分会被给予1-5分的分数,另外也有「人格特质」的区块,这区块与 面试前着重的点类似。 在面试表上有个区块「雇用」可以让面试者绕过面试结果候选人名单,例如如果面试者表 现得很好,让所有人都很满意,他们基本上不久後就会拿到offer。 否则的话,这些候选人会一起被分析,会有一场大的讨论去决定哪个人表现得最好,但对 於要录取的人数没有一定一样的结果。 ---------------------- Let me know if you guys have any questions, but keep in mind that I will be quite vague to avoid attributing this material to any company. Everything I'm giving you is pretty consistent throughout the B4 (I worked for 3/4 of them). EDIT:* I am in advisory, but this applies to tax, audit, advisory, and consulting. Consulting/advisory will focus more on industry and technical though. For consulting, maybe a bit more managerial stuff. Tax and advisory work might ask you for marketing/selling experiences if you are applying for a senior/manager position. 如果有任何问题请让我知道,但请记住我会回覆得很模糊以避免将这份资料归属於任何公 司,我写的这些在四大间是很一致的(我待过其中三间)。 编辑: 我在顾问部门,但这些可用於税务、审计、顾问及谘询部门,顾问/谘询部门会比较着重 於产业与专业技能。应徵谘询部门的话,可能会有比较多有关管理的问题;应徵税务及顾 问部门的话,如果你是应徵资深或经理的职位,可能会问你有关行销/销售的经验。 --

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