Aboriginal 板


※ [本文转录自 IA 看板 #1KC-jrtJ ] http://goo.gl/IFdkyu The Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报 Ecuador Minister to Apologize Publicly to Indigenous People Over Oil Project 厄瓜多司法部长因钻油计画,公开向原住民道歉 By Mercedes Alvaro Sept. 30, 2014 4:48 p.m. ET QUITO, Ecuador—Justice Minister Ledy Zuniga will offer a public apology to a community from the Sarayaku indigenous group on Wednesday over the development of an oil project in their ancestral lands almost two decades ago, which an international court said was a violation of their rights. 厄瓜多司法部长 Ledy Zuniga 将在周三(10/1),为了近二十年前在原住民传统领域里的 一个钻油计画,向 Sarayaku 地区的原住民道歉,因为美洲人权法院认为该计画侵犯了原 住民的权利。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This is a great step forward for the indigenous peoples' battle to defend their rights and their ancestral lands," Felix Santi, the head of the Sarayaku people, said in an interview. "This day will be recorded in the memory and the history of the Kwichua people." The Kwichua community of Sarayaku is located in the Ecuadorean Amazon in Pastaza province. 「这是原住民在悍卫权利及土地的战斗中,非常重要的一大步」Sarayaku 当地领袖 Felix Santi 接受采访时说道。「这一天将会被记录在 Kwichua人的记忆及历史中。」 Kwichua人是一支居住在 Sarayaku 地区的原住民族群,位於厄瓜多东南部亚马逊地区的 帕斯塔萨省(Pastaza province)。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The apology will be offered by Ms. Zuniga in the Kwichua language and Spanish in a public ceremony at the Sarayaku's central plaza. Three other ministers, including Environmental Minister Lorena Tapia, are expected to attend. 道歉声明将由司法部长 Ms. Zuniga 以 Kwichua语及西班牙语在 Sarayaku 的中央广场, 以公开的仪式发布。其他三位政府首长,包括环境部长 Lorena Tapia,也预计会出席。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ But observers say the apology won't do much to defuse potential conflicts between indigenous peoples and companies that want to explore for oil in the Amazon. 但观察家表示,这个道歉并不会化解原住民与亚马逊地区的石油公司两者之间 所存在的潜在冲突。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "New conflicts can still arise with new oil projects, especially in the southeast as under the current law the government is obliged to carry out prior consultation, but results are not binding," said Fernando Santos, a lawyer who works in the oil sector. "That means that although there may be community opposition, the government can develop projects." 「新的冲突仍会伴随着新的钻油计画而产生,特别是在东南部,政府因现行法律规定, 必须先向当地居民确认意愿,但结果并不具约束力」一位在石油部门工作的律师 Fernando Santos 说。「这意味着,虽然当地族群表示反对,政府仍能进行开发计画。」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In July 2012, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that Ecuador must apologize, consult, and compensate the Sarayaku community for violating their rights with the development of the Block 23 concession in Pastaza. It also said the government must accelerate the safe removal of 1.4 tons of explosives that an oil company left in their land. 2012年七月,美洲人权法院(Inter-American Court of Human Rights)判决厄瓜多政府 因为在帕斯塔萨省开发 Block 23 钻油计画,必须向 Sarayaku 当地原住民族道歉及赔偿 ,美洲人权法院并表示,厄瓜多政府必须加速安全地移除石油公司留在原住民领域土地上 的1.4公吨炸药。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In 1996, during the government of conservative President Sixto Duran Ballen, Argentina's Compania General de Combustibles obtained a license to develop Block 23. About 60% of the land belongs to the Sarayaku community and the remaining to other indigenous groups. 1996年,在 Sixto Duran Ballen 总统任内,阿根廷 Compania General de Combustibles 公司获得了 Block 23 计画的开发执照,但该计画的百分之六十土地是属於 Sarayaku人 的传统领域,剩下的也分别属於许多其他的原住民族。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The court said that Ecuador didn't seek consent from the Sarayaku community in accordance with international standards. 美洲人权法院表示,厄瓜多政府当时并不符合国际规范,没有向 Sarayaku 当地族群寻求 同意。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The court said this was a violation of the Sarayaku's rights, including its cultural identity and indigenous communal property. 这侵犯了 Sarayaku 当地人的权利,包括文化认同及原住民的共有财产。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The community sued Ecuador's government in 2003. Last year, the Sarayaku people received compensation of $1.4 million, but the government still needed to remove the explosives left in the land. 原住民族於2003年控告厄瓜多政府,去年 Sarayaku人收到了一百四十万美元的赔偿金, 但政府仍必须移除留在该领域上的炸药。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sarayaku population totals about 1,200. Since the 1980s, it has publicly fought against oil activity in its territory. Sarayaku 的人口大约有1200人,自1980年代以来,该领域即出现许多对抗探油活动的战斗 行为。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This is the first time that a Latin American state has gone to an indigenous community to offer apologies for something it did poorly," said Mario Melo, a lawyer for the Sarayaku community. "This could be an example for other communities not only in Ecuador, but the entire region." 「这是第一次,一个拉丁美洲国家因为错误的政策,向原住民道歉」一位替 Sarayaku人 辩护的律师 Mario Melo 说道。「这不仅是对厄瓜多其他族群的一个示范,对全世界的 原住民而言,更是一个指标。」 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/IA/M.1412688757.A.DD3.html

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: shinshong (, 10/08/2014 10:33:18 ※ 编辑: shinshong (, 10/08/2014 10:33:35

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