ASES-Taiwan 板


是不是常常想找创业知识资讯却毫无头绪呢? 想不用花钱买杂志就可以得到许多创业密诀呢? 想知道创投创业家脑到在想什麽呢? 现在ASES为您提供现今热门的网路创投、创业网站资讯。从国内到国外,有名创投到现 今最大资讯收集部落格,每天定期更新、发布新文章。除了可以得到最新最前卫的创业资 讯、创投价值观,也使大家有几个吸收创业知识的好去处呢!以下大家就定期浏览,看看 各个不同的创业知识和观点吧! ☆创投观点☆ ◎Mr.jamie看网路与创投 ﹡网路创投金童appWorks Ventures创办人Mr.Jamie!从热门创投看网路创业与价值观! §About The Author§ Jamie本名林之晨,是台大化工系毕业的工程学士,辅修经济(台大学长!!!)。接着 进修纽约大学史腾商学院(NYU Stern School of Business)企管硕士(MBA),主修财务、 经济与创业。现为appWorks之初创投共同创办人。 从大三开始至appWorks之前,Jamie曾多次创业,从电脑零售网站、中文知 识管理领导品牌「硕网资讯」,到北美着名旅游社群Sosauce.com和游戏网站Musegames.c om。他也曾参与许多网站的发起、策略、规划等工作,像是:Frenzoo, WhoWhatWhy等等 。除此之外,Jamie也曾先後服务於 HSS Ventures以及All Asia Partners等创投基金。 他经手的第一个增资案,就是後来成功挂牌上市的富乔工业。这些经历使他拥有独特的眼 光来看网路创业以及创投,甚至是创业的价值观。 §About The Blog§ 一个写给所有网路人和创业人的网志,存在的目的是激发思考辩证。这个部落格写了很 多他对创业的价值观,很值得大家来欣赏他的文章! ◎Both Sides of the Table ﹡外国创投网志,Mark Suster独特的经历使他对於科技产业也有独特的见解,欢迎大 家一同浏览! §About The Author§ Mark Suster is a 2x entrepreneur who has gone to the Dark Side of VC. He joined GRP Partners in 2007 as a General Partner after selling his company to He focuses on early-stage technology companies. §To Himself§ I joined Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) in Los Angeles to build computer systems for large corporations after graduating from high school. I focused mostly on computer networking but had stints with programming, database design and then system modeling and testing. In 1994 when most of my friends were leaving system integration to start companies in Silicon Valley I chose a dif- ferent path. I transferred within Accenture to their technology center of exc- ellence in Sophia Antipolis, France and lived in Antibes and then Cannes. I started my first company in 1999 and was headquartered in London. We were a SaaS platform for large-scale engineering & construction projects including the London Underground, Thames Water, BNP Paribas and all of the top German construction firms. We had offices in 7 countries and I personally traveled to India to help establish our “captive” development center in Pune. I left this company in 2005 and sold it to a publicly traded French services company. I moved home in 2005 and founded my second company, Koral, in San Mateo (I lived in Palo Alto). We sold this company to where I became VP Product Management. This company now forms what is known as Salesforce Content. I joined GRP Partners in 2007 as a General Partner. I focus on early-stage technology companies – usually looking at Series A or seed investments. ☆网路趋势☆ ◎Inside ﹡Inside分享许多不同的主题,从苹果贾伯斯、社群网站等网路讯息到财经新闻评论, 甚至也有求才资讯,是一个五花八门的网站喔! §About The Website§ 社群媒体、行动网路、网路行销、技术与创业 Inside成立於2009年11月底,系由一群热爱网路的人所成立的共笔部落格。 我们阅读、观察、思考并分享。针对新媒体的过去、现在与未来,分享新知、讨论个案 、研讨技术。 以下是我们主要重视的项目,竭诚欢迎您跟我们一起关心、讨论与分享。 ‧ 社群媒体(social media) ‧ 行动网路(mobile internet) 开发/行销 ‧ 大陆、日本、韩国与美国网路发展 ‧ 电子阅读器、数位内容 ‧ 创新网站服务 ‧ 网路创业探讨 ◎TechOrange科技报橘 ﹡早餐咖啡配短文,十分钟了解最新科技资讯!学习知识轻松无负担! ★TechOrange makes it happen!★ §About The Website§ TechOrange,专门追踪全球网路产业的科技网志。提供网路创业者、行销人员、媒体人 员关於网路的资讯与知识是我们的任务。文章轻薄短小,吸收科技新知没负担,每天大概 花吃颗橘子的时间来浏览就够了。每天出门前浏览一篇,为全新一天注入知识能量! ◎TechCrunch ﹡TechCrunch收集独家科技新闻、介绍网路产品、分析趋势,全方位知识分享给大家, 外国网路科技最新消息一手掌握! §About The Website§ TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Founded in June 2005, TechCrunch and its network of websites now reach over 12 million unique visitors and draw more than 37 million page views per month. The TechCrunch community includes more than 2 million friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and other social media. CrunchBase, TechCrunch's open database about start-up companies, people and investors, has become the leading statistical resource for technology compani- es and transactions. The company hosts major conferences and events, including the Disrupt series,The Crunchies Awards, and various meet-ups worldwide serving as commun- ity platforms for industry conversation and collaboration. ◎Mashable ﹡全世界最大独立新闻来源,激发全世界的创新能量!浏览新闻同时挖掘自己潜在的创 业潜能吧! §About The Website§ Mashable is the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digit- al culture, social media and technology. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world. Mashable’s 13 million monthly unique visitors and 4 million social media followers have become one of the most engaged online news communities. Numerous studies and leading publications have declared Mashable the most influential online news outlet and a must-read site. Mashable also syndicates its content to top publications including ABC News, CNN, Forbes, Metro, USA Today and Yahoo! News, amplifying its reach to many millions of additional readers each month. Pete Cashmore founded Mashable in 2005 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. His pass- ion for sharing how web tools and social networks were transforming human interactions and reshaping cultures drove him to create what would become Mashable. Mashable is headquartered in New York City, with an office in San Francisco. Mashable's growing team can also be found across the United States, United Kingdom and in Eastern Europe. ◎Mr.6–趋势.创业.网路.生活! ﹡Mr.6与他的工作团队为大家持续更新网路最新趋势,也分享许多创业的价值观与感想 !持续的全新文章使我们能够和网路一样天天Update!!! §About The Website§ Mr.6团队成立於台北市,一开始只是几位有缘份的年轻人,在咖啡厅里一起工作。 2006年以来,Mr.6在他的部落客里长期观察网路趋势,一直深信网路还有新的方向。我 们以介绍给客户最新的行销概念为主要工作,我们综合最新的成功案例为灵感,为客户发 想一些新点子,渐渐累积了可贵的执行经验。 尽管来信众多,我们最多只慎选接五~六个案子,养活自己,只希望好好的将最新的题 材运用到我们的客户的需求,三年来,团队接案无数,终於於去年夏天,因应facebook行 销需求量爆增,Mr.6团队进入了较有规模的组织,但原则不变,我们希望以最正统的方式 ,为客户导入最精华的社群行销。 客户的需求有许多不同,我们坚持完全的客制化,但也教育客户,行销应该以长期为考 量,在短战的时候,也要注意长期的铺路,如果能将短期的投入,在未来可以重覆使用该 有多好! ☆点子构想☆ ◎TED (Ideas worth spreading) ﹡现今热门的点子分享网站,让全世界和你同步分享自己的创意构想!在众多创意中找 寻属於自己的创业好点子! §About The Website§ TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984 ) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize. Our mission: Spreading ideas. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other. This site, launched April 2007, is an ever-evolving work in progress, and you're an important part of it. Have an idea? We want to hear from you. 以上的网站会持续更新增加,ASES同时会在每周固定从这些网站转录几篇文章来跟大家 分享,让大家一同讨论! 想要先睹为快创业资讯吗?那就点阅上面网站跟上时代潮流吧!或许下一位成功创业家 就将会是你喔! --

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◆ From: ※ 编辑: ASESer 来自: (08/30 19:52) ※ 编辑: ASESer 来自: (08/30 19:54) ※ 编辑: ASESer 来自: (08/30 22:17)
1F:推 Poppert:水喔!! 09/01 00:52
2F:推 DeViL34:Nice!XD 09/01 21:21
※ 编辑: ASESer 来自: (09/19 23:24) ※ 编辑: ASESer 来自: (10/01 21:04) ※ 编辑: ASESer 来自: (10/06 20:21)
3F:推 pttnewi:整理好详尽 07/24 14:11
4F:推 f4701778: 推一个! 03/22 17:16

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