SFGiants 板


※ [本文转录自 Baseball 看板 #1ZAq2IEp ] 作者: zxc906383 (无无) 看板: Baseball 标题: [情报] Buster Posey 成为巨人队老板之一 时间: Thu Sep 22 00:49:19 2022 https://twitter.com/sfgiants/status/1572571727250739202 Today, the #SFGiants announced three-time World Series Champion and seven-time A ll-Star Buster Posey has become a member of the ownership group. This marks the first time that a former player has joined the organization as a principal partn er and member of the Board of Directors. https://i.imgur.com/Z6hOuUA.jpg
旧金山巨人今天宣布,Buster Posey 将成为球队老板群之一(第31位) 并且成为董事会成员 目前董事长是巨人老板的儿子Greg Johnson https://i.imgur.com/vFhO3TS.jpg
https://twitter.com/extrabaggs/status/1572652272286597121 Buster Posey's seat on the Giants board of directors is a new addition to what h ad been a five-member group. He's not replacing anyone. 五人董事会直接加一人变六人 所以Posey没有取代任何人 去年球季结束,巨人原本要执行他今年2200万美金的选择权 但Posey 选择放弃+退休 — San Francisco Baseball Associates LLC Chairman: Greg Johnson Vice Chairman: Rob Dean Principal Partners Arctos Sports Partners Larry Baer Aneel Bhusri Alex Byer Philip Byer William Chang Trina Dean George Drysdale Daniel Geller Trust Philip Halperin Tori Humphrey David Jenkins Charles B. Johnson Rupert H. Johnson, Jr. Duane Kurisu Deborah Magowan Jeffrey Mallett Philip D. Morais Lawrence Nibbi Nancy Olsen Buster Posey Arthur Rock Daniel Scheinman David Schnell John Scully Scott Seligman Robert L. Sockolov Jed Walentas David S. Wolff Paul Wythes, Jr. Jerry Yang --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1663778962.A.3B3.html
1F:推 dacrazy777: 巨人比较需要他来接球09/22 00:50
2F:→ xo1100: 叫你老板出来打09/22 00:50
3F:推 victor87710: 叫你老板出来打www09/22 00:51
4F:推 Morning5566: 叫你董A出来打09/22 00:52
5F:推 Edison1174: 人生胜利组09/22 00:52
6F:推 a10304025: 可以叫老板蹲捕吗09/22 00:52
7F:推 eapcy: 叫你头家出来捕09/22 00:54
8F:→ nakayamayyt: 叫你董A粗来蹲09/22 00:56
9F:推 super009: 真的超胜利 整个生涯顺成这样09/22 00:57
10F:推 TrueTears: 叫你老板出来打09/22 00:57
11F:推 penchiman: 肥猫缺09/22 01:02
12F:推 zxvf: 叫你董A出来打wwwwwwww09/22 01:03
13F:推 stevejack: 叫你老板出来蹲!09/22 01:04
14F:→ PaulAllen2: 我本来以为波西会直接当巨人队总教练了结果当老板09/22 01:06
15F:推 slamblock15: 小波有料09/22 01:06
16F:推 mepass: 波西生涯成就+109/22 01:08
17F:推 Dimitre: 我记得他也有公司经营 应该不缺2200万镁09/22 01:10
18F:推 sesd: 叫你老板出来打09/22 01:11
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 09/22/2022 01:13:12
19F:→ acergame5: 叫你老板出来改规则09/22 01:13
20F:推 Drzowy: 有够帅09/22 01:20
21F:→ petshopboys: 能当老板谁还在土里蹲 哈哈 09/22 01:24
22F:推 cobras638: 波西 09/22 01:29
23F:推 Arjui: 能超越叫你总仔的只有叫你老板出来打了 09/22 01:34
24F:推 WanYC: 叫你老板出来蹲 09/22 01:35
25F:推 lostguy: 生涯巨人,连退休都是 09/22 01:35
26F:推 ppony: 最後一个杨致远? 09/22 01:42
27F:推 eddy12357: 叫你老板出来打啊 09/22 01:42
28F:→ ppony: William Chang 不知道是谁 09/22 01:43
29F:→ zxc906383: https://i.imgur.com/3tDSW4q.jpg 09/22 01:46
30F:推 sioprr: Japanese American 姓张? 09/22 01:49
31F:推 KLC24: 叫你董欸出来蹲 09/22 01:49
32F:推 Adam6613: 可能爸爸是华裔美国人妈妈日本人吧 09/22 01:51
33F:推 kano2525: Posey是BodyArmor最早期的投资人之一,BodyArmor卖给可 09/22 01:51
34F:→ kano2525: 口可乐之後他就财富自由了,不差这22M 09/22 01:51
35F:推 hexokinase: 好帅 好胜利 09/22 02:03
36F:推 kojo1234: 叫你老板出来打 09/22 02:08
37F:推 Kai877: MLB姆斯 09/22 02:10
38F:推 ludoren: 当总教练太苦了,还要跟随球队,承担球队胜负,比赛後还要 09/22 02:27
39F:→ ludoren: 开记者会,当老板还比较快活 09/22 02:27
40F:推 app20165: Posey除了受伤那几年之外 好像没有低潮过09/22 02:29
41F:推 x6073123: 老板看比赛看不下去会亲自下场吗xD09/22 02:41
42F:推 c251970: 叫你老板出来打XD09/22 02:58
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 09/22/2022 03:08:57
43F:推 Chia2323: 一日巨人终身巨人 09/22 03:09
44F:推 SFGiants: Forever Giants! 09/22 03:24
45F:推 wugi: 叫你董仔出来打 09/22 03:27
46F:推 Stojakovic16: 会不会巨人捕手接不好 然後球迷呛说董事都比你会接 09/22 03:33
47F:→ Stojakovic16: 球 09/22 03:33
48F:推 glenliu: 波董好 09/22 04:06
49F:推 CowBaoGan: 叫你老板出来打 09/22 04:17
50F:推 dknymaster: 记你老板出来 09/22 06:54
51F:推 bingreen: 很欣赏波西的! 09/22 07:14
52F:推 ckpioneer: 又帅又强 09/22 07:22
53F:推 a731984625: 人生胜利组 09/22 07:22
54F:推 kevin2002013: 哇 好猛 09/22 07:40
55F:推 AhCheng: 叫你老板出来蹲 09/22 08:08
56F:推 gama: 捕手接不好老板亲自下场示范接球 09/22 08:11
57F:推 DPP48: 22M镁是可以这样说不要就不要的吗?没错,就是可以... 09/22 08:39
58F:推 kenco: 有钱运动成绩好长的又帅,简直就是偶像剧的霸总 09/22 08:44
59F:推 mstar: 以前有个电影,继承爷爷球队的小孩子指派自己当总教练。 09/22 08:52
60F:推 littleboar: 人生胜利组 09/22 09:02
61F:嘘 dufflin: 温馨 尊敬 祝福 09/22 09:18
62F:→ PaulAllen2: 以波西的人气要当巨人总教练应该是早晚会发生的事 09/22 09:24
63F:→ saidon: 当总教练要看gm老板脸色还随时会被火 直接当老板多爽 09/22 10:04
64F:推 sdforce: 老板拜托出来蹲捕 FB之前都靠你 09/22 10:20
65F:推 JamesChan51: 叫你董A出来打 09/22 10:33
66F:推 wonderverge: 董仔亲自教蹲捕 09/22 10:38
67F:推 JeremyKSKGA: 借转巨人板 09/22 10:41

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: JeremyKSKGA ( 台湾), 09/22/2022 10:41:50

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