Orl-Magic 板


这是banchero在3月初接受Taylor Rooks的采访,我觉得这段心路历程蛮有趣的,但之前太 忙,最近才比较有时间翻译,所以现在才发出来。 我想说翻了那麽久删掉有点可惜,加上我很喜欢P5的这个采访,就发在魔版好了XD Taylor Rooks:Had that really beautiful moment when you hit the game-winner again st the Pistons and you had the emotional post-game. But what stuck out to me in it is, I remember you kept saying how frustrated you were because you played bad ly. And I remember thinking, I wonder how much of this emotion and the tears is actually that he's upset with himself mixed with the fact that he hit the game w inner. 你在对活塞的比赛中投进了绝杀球後,赛後的情感流露是很美好的时刻。但让我印象深刻的 是,我记得你一直说你很沮丧,因为你觉得自己打得不好。我当时在想,你流露出的这些情 感和眼泪有多少是源於对自己的沮丧,又有多少是因为投进了绝杀的反应。 Paolo Banchero:No, it was.it was more of that. I mean, because, like, that whole game, I was just battling myself in my head because I was really sick. But my m entality was like, look, I'm out here. Like, no, like, mind over matter. Like, I got to, like, we got to win this. I got to play. Like, forget being sick. Like, I got enough in me to be out here, so I got enough to have a, you know, a solid , decent game. And my body just wasn't responding. Like, I remember I airballed, I took a wide-open three, airballed it completely. I think I drove one time, ha d like a shot right in front of the rim, airballed it, and I was like, what the hell? Like, I ain't never airballed a layup. It's just, and, like, my body just wasn't responding to me. So the whole game, I'm just shaking. Like, I just could n't believe it. I'm just like, man, this is bad. Like, I can't, I can't even bar ely be out here right now. And so they ended up coming back. We were up the whol e game, and so the fourth quarter they ended up coming back, and you could just feel our vibe as a team was sinking. And so, you know, and I was out of it. I ca n't lie. And so my teammates and coaches, like, they seen me, and they just kept , you know, telling me, like, you're good. You're going to make a play. Like, st ay with it. You're going to make a play. You're going to make a play. And I wasn 't sure, honestly. Like, I was like, man, I don't know, like, not how I'm feelin g right now. P5:不,更多的是对自己不满。因为整场比赛,我都在跟自己的内心战斗,因为我真的很不 舒服。但我的心态是,既然我上场了,那就要不顾一切的去打,我们必须赢得这场比赛,我 必须忘记自己生病这件事。我既然能上场,那就说明我有足够的力气打出一场像样的比赛。 但我的身体就是不听使唤。我记得我投了一个空档的三分球,结果投了一个三不沾。我记得 有一次切入,上篮时球就在篮筐前,结果居然也投了一个三不沾。我当时想,这怎麽可能? 我从来没投过三不沾的上篮。而且我的身体就是不听我的指挥。整场比赛我都在颤抖,难以 置信。我就想天哪,这太糟糕了,我现在几乎撑不住了。 结果他们最後逆转了。我们整场比赛都领先,但第四节他们开始追上来,你能感受到我们整 个队的气势在下滑。而我真的不在状态,我不能撒谎。我的队友和教练看到我这样,不断鼓 励我,告诉我说你没问题的,你会有好表现的,坚持住你会有好表现的。老实说我真的不确 定。我当时就想,天哪我不知道,我现在这种状态,我真的不知道能不能做到。 Paolo Banchero:And so when the game got to where it was a tie game, like, Coach was like, you're taking the last shot. And I was like, all right. And so in my h ead, I'm just like, look, all this energy that you haven't had, just give me one play. Like, give me this one shot right here. Because I had just missed two fre e throws in the clutch. Yeah, to put the game away. We were up two, and I missed two free throws, and they came back and scored. So I was already, like, messed up, like, God, I just missed these free throws. Like, this is bad. Like, I don't even, like, every time I get some clutch free throws, I knock them in. So the f act that I missed them was, like, already messing with me. So when I got the cha nce to take the last shot, and then just the way it all happened, like, it went in, it was an and-one. Like, it was super emotional. And, like, I damn near almo st was about to cry right after. Like, it was that emotional. Like, I was just s o, had so much pent-up, you know, emotion through that game. And when I had to d o the interview, I was like, please don't, please don't cry. But it was just, it was too much to hold in. So, yeah, you know, a lot of people hit me because eve ryone that knows me knows I don't cry about nothing, let alone in front of some cameras. So people were hitting me like, man, is everything all right? Like, are you going through something? And I was like, man, I just, I'm just sick as hell . Like, that's all it is. P5:所以当比赛打到平手的时候,教练说”你来投最後一球”。我当时就想,好吧。所以我 在心里对自己说,所有这些你一直未能释放出的能量,就这一球,给我这一次机会。因为我 刚刚在关键时刻罚丢了两个可以锁定胜局的罚球。我们领先两分,如果罚球命中就能结束比 赛,但我却投丢了,他们又追平了。所以我已经很沮丧了,心想天啊,我刚刚居然罚丢了这 两球,这太糟糕了。我关键时刻的罚球每次都能投进,所以这次罚丢对我打击很大。 所以当我有机会投最後一球,整个过程就像是命中注定一样,球进了,还打成了一次 and-o ne,当时真的非常激动。我当下就差点哭出来,真的太激动了。整场比赛累积的情绪一下子 释放了出来。所以当我接受采访的时候,我心里想,拜托别哭。但实在太难忍住。所以很多 人给我发消息,因为认识我的人都知道我平时不会哭,更不用说是在镜头前。大家都来问我 是不是发生了什麽事,我只能说,我只是病得很严重而已。 https://youtu.be/RT3u5-y9pII?si=i4lj61JxXyDOaums
心得:P5在这次访谈除了谈到绝杀活塞的心路历程之外还谈到了第一次进明星赛的经历,进 联盟第二年心态上的转变,休赛季跟KD一起训练,以及面对到媒体对魔术过少关注度的想法 ,蛮多内容的都蛮值得一看。 下面是对活塞的绝杀影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJGq0UUgFqg

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Orl-Magic/M.1718545938.A.999.html
1F:推 orlando71: 感谢翻译 06/17 11:36
2F:推 darrendai: 推翻译,越来越喜欢P5 06/17 12:01
3F:推 rbking21: 感谢翻译~ 06/17 13:10
4F:推 arrowsean: 推翻译 06/17 16:19
5F:推 landlice: 翻译推! 06/18 10:39
6F:推 withouttalk: 感谢翻译 06/18 16:32
7F:推 rbking21: 选到大烧肉了! 06/27 12:00
8F:推 withouttalk: 缺控球刚好拿Cole跟篮网换法国小黑的到期约吧 06/27 13:20
9F:→ withouttalk: 自由球员再补2年4000给KCP就差不多了 06/27 13:21
10F:→ withouttalk: 再来续franz/suggs/Isaac就完美等Isaac明年25+的上 06/27 13:23
11F:→ withouttalk: 场时间 06/27 13:23
12F:推 withouttalk: SF满出来了,47希望可以选到Ajay Mitchell/Pelle La 06/27 13:40
13F:→ withouttalk: rsson 06/27 13:40
14F:推 withouttalk: 今年新秀没4成左右3分的就别选了 06/27 13:48
15F:推 withouttalk: 感谢雷霆选走ACL的topic,之前都预估魔术选走,吓死 06/27 14:15
16F:推 withouttalk: 47再加个未来二轮选kolek也很赞 06/27 14:38
17F:→ landlice: Kolek是真的想要,但47肯定没了 06/27 20:13
18F:推 withouttalk: 再加一个未来次轮向上换 06/27 23:27

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