Soft_Job 板


2024-05-03 Update: 因为公司改变资金运用方式,主管临时决定关掉这个职缺, 对已投递的 12 位应徵者感到非常抱歉, 并已全数透过 email 通知。 如果您没有收到我的回覆,请站内信跟我说。 -- 2024-04-30 Update: 已回覆全数应徵者,谢谢大家! 如果您有来信但没有收到回覆,请站内信跟我说,谢谢哟~~ -- 公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填) (Company Name): Lumo Inc. 公司地址(填写详细至号) (Company Address): 427 Mendocino Ave, Suite 100 Unit #119, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, USA 职缺 (Position): Senior Firmware Engineer (Remote) 职缺能力经历要求 (Required Qualifications): * Passion for Innovation: Genuine enthusiasm for innovation and embedded systems development. * Professional Experience: 4+ years of experience in firmware or embedded system development. * Technical Expertise in Programming: Strong, demonstrable skills in C and C++ programming. * Design and Development Proficiency: Extensive experience in software feature design, development, rapid prototyping, hardware bring-up, and interpreting schematics. * Knowledge of Communication Interfaces: Proficiency with standard bus interfaces such as I2C, SPI, UART, USB. * RTOS Acumen: Experience with Real-Time Operating Systems, including OpenRTOS, FreeRTOS, Zephyr, etc. * Communication Experience: Experience with mesh network communications is preferred. Familiarity with BT/BLE is a plus. * Compilers and toolchains: Well-versed in compilers and toolchains is a plus. * Lab Tool Proficiency: Experience using laboratory tools, including oscilloscopes, power supplies, and multi-meters. * Interpersonal and Team Skills: Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work collaboratively in multifunctional teams with minimal supervision. * Startup Experience: Preference for candidates with prior experience working in startup environments. * Manufacturing Experience: Candidates with experience in providing factory tools and familiarity with manufacturing processes are preferred. * Language Skill: Proficiency in English is required, with the ability to effectively communicate work-related concepts in both spoken and written forms. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) (Equipment Provided): * Computer: We will provide a 16" MacBook Pro for daily use. * Lab Tools: Candidates are expected to procure standard lab tools independently. 补充说明: 如果可以到台北上班的话,我们可以合租办公室,共享我有的工具。 薪资(月薪) (Monthly Salary): 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目) (Annual Salary): * Salary: Annual salary starting at NT$2 million, with notable room for negotiation, paid monthly. * Bonuses: There are no regular bonus payments. 年终奖金计算方式 (Regular Yearly Bonus): N/A 工时 (Daily Working Hours): 每日工作时间 (Daily work schedule): 每周工作时间 (Weekly working Hours): We expect you to work no more than 8 hours per day and no more than 5 days per week. Ideally, you should have at least 3 hours overlapping with teammates in CA. 加班费制度 (Overtime Pay): No, but we don't expect you to work more than 40 hours a week. 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍 (Work Environment and Team Introduction): * Remote Position: This is a fully remote role. * Team Culture: Our team is easygoing and highly responsive, fostering a collaborative and supportive atmosphere. * Management Style: We prioritize transparency in all management practices. * Travel Requirements: The role may require annual travel to the U.S. or Argentina for team building activities, and to China for supervising manufacturing processes. 工作福利 (Benefits): The company policy does not define a limitation on paid leave. 公司分红与奖金 (Stock Options and Dividends): N/A 公司介绍 (Company Introduction): Lumo is a smart irrigation system that helps growers save water, improve crop quality and reduce costs. Smart valves with built in flow meters provide automation, control and advanced reporting that closes the loop between planned and actual water consumption - no complicated scheduling, logging or manual configuration is required. Since Lumo is cloud-managed, it can be controlled and monitored from anywhere, reducing the number of required site visits and time spent on-site, thereby reducing labor costs. Finally, growers can easily irrigate with precision, so they can achieve profitability with every drop. 补充: 我们老板前一间 startup 创立 7 年後被收购,所以我们有 startup 的成功经验。 我们现在的产品极具创新性,可以从只花 40 几天就申请到美国的专利侧面验证。 人资或徵才联络方式 (Contact): Please send your resume to my work email at [email protected] 注: 此为新兴工作型态,碍於二国法规,我国法律上视为自营作业者,美国视为顾问。 可自行至相关职业工会加保劳健保。 详细说明: --
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1F:推 meokay: 赞赞 推推 04/23 08:36
2F:推 j0958322080: fw怎远端 04/23 09:54
绝大部分时间是写 code 开发 feature
3F:推 yamakazi: 把板子寄到你家啊,焊枪LA很便宜可以自备。OSC应该用不 04/23 10:54
4F:→ yamakazi: 到 04/23 10:54
确实 OSC 和逻辑分析仪目前我都还没用到, 所以可以需要时再买或借,总之能完成工作就好。
5F:推 Mike1109: 远端 推 04/23 12:27
6F:→ wulouise: 不是说劳务产生在台湾一样算境内? 04/23 12:45
感谢说明! 我们是提供了可以旅外工作 (数位游牧) 的选择,可参考:
7F:推 hegemon: 楼上,这个就是会不会被抓到的问题了 04/23 13:22
我们不鼓励违法逃漏税。 是远端工作使得这个职务的人可以旅外因而免税, 不是鼓吹剑走偏峰。 另外这是暂时的,主要是因为我们只是 startup,所以还没有在台湾设立 branch。 但我们前一间 startup 成立三年後有在台湾设立分公司,请见板上 Flo 的徵才文。 Flo 後来被同为美商的 Moen 收购,所以我们有成功的经验。 我们绝对会符合当地法规。 之前是委托仁爱路上的大型律师事务所成立分公司, 当时我是 team manager + branch manager + 负责人。 我会同意当负责人,主要是律师说,还是台湾人当负责人比较简便。 但如果老板或公司不可靠,我也不会接受。 总之我们是正派经营的!
8F:→ SkankHunt42: 劳务产生也要看你在台湾待多久 还有你有没有诚实申报 04/23 15:16
9F:推 yangyr: 要自己买示波器484就亏大了XD 04/23 17:01
10F:推 gmoz: 推推纯远端 04/23 17:30
11F:推 WisdomOrLie: overlapping需求有点困难 QQ 04/23 18:59
12F:推 WisdomOrLie: travel那项也QQ 04/23 19:06
我们确实有一个 headcount 要补, 如果最後完全没有人能部分兼容时差,我们也只能接受。
13F:→ leveler: travel to Argentina 有点惨 04/23 19:41
那是 team building event,通常一年一次, 不是年年都在阿根廷,在加州的可能性也很高, 当然也可以选择不去啦!
14F:推 pacino: 没有劳健保,有点亏。 04/23 19:47
可以到职业工会加保,一样会有劳健保,额度是一样的。 差别主要有二点: 1. 雇主方的保险费也要自己缴 2. 劳退最多只能提拨 6% 而不是 12% 费用可参考: 这是这份工作产生的 overhead,可以作为薪资协商的基础之一。
15F:推 wayne0530: 就是自己赌会不会被抓到,抓到就是有你受的 04/23 20:42
16F:推 gino0717: 有实体机器的产品 远端真是难以想像 04/23 21:09
每个人都会有机器可以在 local 开发,不会让人隔空抓药。
17F:→ peter98: 你税务有问题 低调点 04/23 21:13
18F:推 codehard: 板子寄来寄去,飞线弄掉就要自己搞,家里还要有一整个 04/24 08:55
19F:→ codehard: 房间搭成实验室摆产品跟工具。这个工作适合非常资深, 04/24 08:55
20F:→ codehard: 而且习惯跨时区工作的人,最好单身没家累的人。 04/24 08:55
21F:推 open522222: 这薪水 还有一堆小设备要自行买。 04/24 11:20
22F:→ open522222: 不予置评 04/24 11:20
23F:推 questionboy: 纯推远端 200万应该是可以从系统厂挖到人 04/24 12:39
24F:→ jeff40108: 劳健保跟劳退要自己缴,工作又没有台厂稳定,怎麽 04/24 12:53
25F:→ jeff40108: 可能挖得到XD 04/24 12:53
26F:推 ho83leo: 蛮有趣的,写FW 当初WFH 带一堆设备回家,烦死... 04/24 13:49
27F:推 achen0928: 曾有朋友以个人签约提供劳务的方式领美金,等於是美国 04/24 14:37
28F:→ achen0928: 公司的个人外包商,据说不必在美国报税。 04/24 14:37
29F:推 j0958322080: 看下来还是 SW 比较能 WFH,还好还没投履历 04/24 14:53
30F:→ peter98: 个人签约看哪里,美国的话是违法的,提供劳务都会有税单 04/24 19:14
31F:→ peter98: 你朋友只是没先被预扣税而已,他隔年一样会收到税单,没 04/24 19:14
32F:→ peter98: 缴美国税是因为它可能是外国人身分最後不用缴,但这样代 04/24 19:15
33F:→ peter98: 表他要向台湾缴税,两边都不缴就违法了。 04/24 19:15
34F:→ peter98: 美国正式员工拿W2,个人签约大机率是拿1099-MISC,这些都 04/24 19:18
35F:→ peter98: 是税单,如果你朋友没拿到税单,要嘛是寄丢了,要嘛是那 04/24 19:18
36F:→ peter98: 间公司......嘻嘻 you know 04/24 19:18
37F:推 achen0928: 不确定他有没有收到税单,他说反正有六百万海外收入免 04/24 19:33
38F:→ achen0928: 税额,报了也不用缴税(台籍住台) 04/24 19:33
39F:→ peter98: 所以他已经违法了,低调点~ 04/24 19:46
40F:→ peter98: 他那个不是海外收入 04/24 19:47
41F:→ peter98: 要算台湾境内收入,这是台湾税法规定,自己去看就知道惹~ 04/24 19:49
42F:→ chaos1993: 做bmc? 04/24 22:31
43F:→ chaos1993: 哦乾 看太快 04/24 22:32
44F:推 claymath: 有缺测试吗?我可以唷XD 04/28 16:52
45F:推 s678131: 就BSP啊,除了仪器 还要有不会摆烂的HW 04/28 23:30
※ 编辑: changyuheng ( 台湾), 05/03/2024 03:48:42

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