NBA_Film 板


簡短敘述: 複習【那些難忘的 NBA 時刻】#1 可愛用一記瘋狂的絕殺結束七六人的球季 He needed to get to a spot where he could elevate and get his shot off. Game 7 was tied and there were 4.2 seconds left to play. 在系列戰第七戰最後4.2秒平手時,可愛 (Kawhi Leonard) 需要一個空檔來命中絕殺。 He caught the inbounds pass to the left of the top of the key. Mission accomplished for inbounder Marc Gasol and basically everybody else in the Toronto organization. They got the ball to the right guy. 可愛 (Kawhi Leonard) 從弧頂左側往上空手走位、接住那個關鍵的傳球;而 Marc Gasol 已經把這場比賽他在多倫多暴龍隊最後的一項任務完成,將球傳給最適合處理 致命一擊的人。 “It’s his call from there,” Raptors coach Nick Nurse said afterward. 暴龍隊的總教練 Nick Nurse 說:「球給可愛。」 Leonard still had Embiid on his tail, and as he picked up his fourth dribble and elevated, the big man did a little bunny hop in order to time his final jump and contest the shot. 可愛運了四次球之後,準備投出他的最後一擊,七六人隊的中鋒鉛筆 (Embiid) 堅持 到底追防可愛,並躍起身子、伸長右手極力干擾。 Leonard got the shot off just in time. And in order to get it over Embiid's outstretched right hand, he had to put some air under it. 可愛在倒數時刻及時投出那個江霞 (Jump Shot),為了躲過鉛筆 (Embiid) 的右掌, 可愛嘗試提早並加高出手點。 "I just knew I had to shoot it high," Leonard said afterward. "A couple possessions before that, I had the same kind of shot from 3 and ended up coming short. I just thought I had to put it up even higher than that." 可愛賽後提到:「我只知道我必須在更高的地方出手。在之前的幾波進攻中,我有 兩三次都投太短而打鐵,所以這一次我把投球弧度特別調高。」 It was Leonard’s 39th shot of the night — “I didn’t want to leave any shots in my mind,” he said — and it was the first Game 7, game-winning buzzer-beater in NBA history. 這是可愛當天晚上第 39 次出手 — 他心裡想著:『我不想給對手留下任何機會。』 而這是 NBA 歷史上,第一個在季後賽系列第七戰的關鍵絕殺。 Scotiabank Arena exploded. Leonard was mobbed by his teammates. Embiid broke down in tears. Marc Gasol couldn’t help but console the 25-year old center that he held to just 37 percent shooting in the series. 整個球場都炸了!可愛 (Kawhi Leonard) 被他的隊友團團圍住。 而鉛筆 (Embiid) 流下了男兒淚,動了惻隱之心的 Marc Gasol,賽後忍不住安慰了整個系列戰只有37% 命中率的25歲中鋒 (鉛筆)。 "Losing a game that way, last shot, after a hard-fought game, I can't explain it," Embiid said, "It just sucks." 鉛筆 (Embiid) 說:「在一系列艱苦的對戰之後,以這種方式輸掉比賽,很難敘述我 內心的五味雜陳,真他X的 (It just sucks)!」 Raptors 92, Sixers 90. By the thinnest of margins and the most fortunate of bounces, Toronto is going to the Eastern Conference finals for the second time in franchise history. Philly, meanwhile, heads into a summer of big questions, having been unable to ride its incredibly talented starting lineup beyond the East semifinals. 暴龍隊最後以 92 比 90 比下七六人。低比分和幸運的彈框而入,這是多倫多暴龍隊 在隊史上第二次進軍東區冠軍賽。而此同時,費城 (Philly) 則陷入一個充滿疑問的 夏天,他們無法將無比倫比的天賦兌現為晉級東區冠軍賽的成果。 @Toronto Raptors May 13, 2019 2019年5月13日 -- 殺盡不平方太平。 --
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1F:噓 s880303 : 走步阿 10/31 18:32
2F:噓 cj3x04gp6 : 可愛是神啊 神永遠是對的 10/31 18:35
3F:推 cp3bg32 : 走步是詹的特權 可愛怎麼可以走步 10/31 18:38
4F:推 MonkeyCL : 季後賽G7走步絕殺傳承 10/31 18:43
5F:→ asdfzx : 隔年黑掉 11/01 03:21
6F:噓 jacktsaila : 史上水份最高的一顆 沒有之一 11/01 09:02
7F:推 ken780713 : 確實是很戲劇化的一球 11/01 10:25
8F:→ Mei5566 : 一顆吹成天下第一人 11/01 11:38
9F:噓 james8524566: 今年第四節一顆都沒有 11/01 19:04
10F:推 VeryGoodBoy : 笑死 風向變了XD 11/01 19:45
11F:推 kahn298 : 刺迷還沒從廁所出來喔 11/01 19:47
12F:推 slowsoul1998: 這球真的賽 這麼歪還進 11/02 13:50
13F:→ firemm666 : 歷史第一G7絕殺 超猛 11/02 14:38
14F:→ firemm666 : 老實講去年暴龍比今年快艇還強得多 11/02 14:38
15F:推 jyekid : 可惜舌頭發紫 不夠帥氣 11/02 17:52
16F:噓 vchenkoshe : 塞進的這麼也能吹 11/02 21:16
17F:噓 PussySucker : 嘻嘻 聯盟第一人 11/02 23:35
18F:噓 cominlin : 原來今年冠軍是快艇嗎 11/03 09:47
19F:推 k870357 : 沒冠軍不能po哦 啥邏輯==? 11/03 12:11
20F:推 dwyanelin : lbj迷開始拉仇恨 11/03 15:48
21F:→ zombierick : 火迷還沒走粗來,冠軍哨音得利成這樣,別醬好嗎 11/03 21:16
22F:→ zombierick : 06年有金身DW,2020年有金身吉巴 11/03 21:17
23F:推 t1201101 : 詹迷現在是要到處出征嗎? 11/05 01:21
24F:推 lovekisswf : 先抹對方是詹迷? 11/07 20:38
25F:推 samuelass : t1201101可憐喔 又被水桶兩年 接下來要開哪個帳號 11/12 14:36
26F:推 WADE0616 : 姿勢很醜XD 11/21 00:37

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