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若有任何違反版規, 煩請告知, 會立即修正/刪除. 謝謝. [公司名稱] Block River Technologies [工作職缺] Frontend Engineer [徵求條件] Please refer to below job description [薪資待遇] 750K - 1.2M NTD / Year [聯絡方式] [email protected] [工作地點] Taipei / Remote [工作時間] 9-18 Flexible Hour [公司福利] 面議 [Job Description] Frontend Engineer, Block River Technologies Taipei Taiwan, Remote/Hybrid, Open to Full-time/Part-time and Contractors Block River Technologies is a leading provider of cutting-edge solutions in DLT research, FinTech, and Algorithmic Trading. We're revolutionizing the financial industry through innovative technologies and data-driven insights. In this thriving environment, we are seeking an experienced Frontend Engineer with expertise in React to join our development team. As a significant contributor, you will collaborate with our UI/UX designers and backend developers to create visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces for our web applications. With a rich history of crafting traditional finance and Web3 products, we are on a mission to bring financial independence to the masses. We welcome talented and passionate individuals who are ready to embrace the complexities and challenges of frontend development within the fintech, DLT and Web3 technologies space. As a Frontend Engineer, you will be responsible for maintaining and upgrading web applications, keeping ease of use in mind, and creating beautiful user interface designs that cater to the needs of users. Responsibilities ● Develop high-quality, reusable, and efficient React components for our web applications while adhering to best practices and coding standards. ● Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs, collaborate with designers to translate design mockups and wireframes into elegant and responsive user interfaces. ● Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability while ensuring cross-browser compatibility. ● Work closely with backend developers to integrate frontend components with backend APIs and external services, ensuring seamless communication among modules. ● Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders Requirements ● Prior experience in Frontend Engineer / Development or other related roles ● Fluent in JavaScript / Typescript, HTML 5 and CSS 3 ● Experience working in a distributed, remote team environment ● Working experience with Linux and cloud platforms (AWS / GCP / Azure) ● Experience working with a frontend framework (ex: React, Redux, Angular, Vue, Next.js) and Typescript ● Working experience with Node.js ● Familiar with test framework such as jest Pluses (Optional but preferred to have): ● Entrepreneurial mindset or startup experience ● Experience working with fintech, DLT and/or other trading systems. ● An understanding of Web3 concepts, notably wallets. ● Advanced Degree in computer science, engineering, math/statistics, operations research, physics or related fields Compensation (including salary, bonus, and incentives/upside) is negotiable based on your skills, education, experience, and performance, reflecting our commitment to recognizing and rewarding your individual contributions. To apply, please email your resume to: [email protected] --
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1F:推 ruthertw: 把這當你個版?每天釋出新職缺?原po覺得這樣搞很有趣嗎? 03/26 10:42

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