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情報來源: Apple discouraging aftermarket iPhone battery swaps with new ‘Service’ message in iOS 蘋果藉由警告訊息來嚇阻私下換電池 Apple is taking new measures within iOS to prevent aftermarket battery swaps for the iPhone. As detailed by iFixit, Apple has activated a “dormant software lock” in iOS that blocks features like Battery Health in Settings when an iPhone uses a battery that was not installed by Apple itself. 蘋果已經啟動了一個軟體鎖,當你的手機電池不是由蘋果安裝時,會看不到電池健康度 Essentially, if your iPhone needs a new battery and you take it upon yourself to replace the battery, the Settings app will display a “Service” message that reads as follows: 除此之外,你打開設定的時候會看到以下訊息 Important Battery Message Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple battery. Health information not available for this battery. 無法驗證這是真的蘋果電池,所以無法顯示健康資訊 Notably, this message will appear whether you install an aftermarket battery or an official battery from Apple. The only scenario in which it doesn’t appear is when Apple itself or an Apple authorized service provider does the battery swap. 就算你是裝真的原廠電池,還是會看到同樣的警告畫面。只有蘋果或是其授權商換的 電池才不會有這個警告。 All of this stems from a Texas Instruments microcontroller on the battery itself, which includes an authentication feature that includes details for pairing the battery to the iPhone’s logic board. If the authentication key provided by the battery doesn’t match what your iPhone is expecting, you’ll get the “Service” warning. Apple and its partners are the only ones who can clear this “Service” message. 這來自於電池本身微控制器的授權,假如iphone偵測到不同的授權,就會給你警告 Put simply, Apple is locking batteries to their iPhones at the factory, so whenever you replace the battery yourself—even if you’re using a genuine Apple battery from another iPhone—it will still give you the “Service” message. The only way around this is—you guessed it—paying Apple money to replace your iPhone battery for you. Presumably, their secretive diagnostic software can flip the magic bit that resets this “Service” indicator. But Apple refuses to make this software available to anyone but themselves and Apple Authorized Service Providers. 相對而言,蘋果和其授權商可以用軟體把"服務"的這個指標重設,所以不會顯示"服務" 訊息 簡單的說:我要賺錢~ 不過中國的授權商不會把這個軟體流出嗎? --
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1F:推 marx0126: 我上次去神腦換完也看不到啊 DFU後也一樣 08/08 15:52
2F:→ roman80010: 通訊行換的看得到健康度 08/08 15:59
3F:推 bloodyway: 看不到健康度也還好 又不是看不到剩餘電量 08/08 16:06
4F:→ Ken52039: 健康度顯示了還會覺得阿炸,還不如不要顯示 08/08 16:10
5F:→ darkMood: 健康度有什麼好看的啊,感覺沒電就換,健康度看個屁啊 08/08 16:25
6F:→ darkMood: 反正健康度還很高一樣會噴電,這數據很爛到爆啊 08/08 16:26
7F:推 BDrip: 接coconutbattery還看的到就好 08/08 16:33
8F:推 chennylee809: 健康度靠感覺就好啦 掉電快就該換了 08/08 16:46
9F:推 john950146: 健康度85%還不是半天沒電 看好玩的 08/08 17:09
10F:推 yuyu814: 以前沒電池健康度時 大家還不是爽爽用 現在有了卻很多人 08/08 17:27
11F:→ yuyu814: 在意那個1、2% 想不通 08/08 17:27
12F:推 jaannddyy: 建議軟體設定非原廠換電池的低於50%自動關機 08/08 17:28
13F:→ gn01881106: 感覺不健康,我可以多換三四次 08/08 17:42
14F:推 Vek1112: 沒差 本來的也沒多準 還是有辦法測 08/08 17:43
15F:推 cevs: 還不一下就被破解 08/08 18:08
16F:推 XD119: 自己來的話半年一次應該永遠90up 08/08 18:15
17F:推 mopanda: 我換紅扳手 看得到電池健康度啊 08/08 18:16
18F:推 bcpsowen: 我的原廠電池健康度永遠100 那麼不準還敢威脅唷 08/08 18:53
19F:→ kenss: 沒差、那健康度假的 08/08 19:34
20F:推 virginmary: 用某軟體不是都看的到.有差嗎? 08/08 19:58
21F:→ huabandd: 無所謂,健康度一點都不重要 08/08 20:09
22F:→ huabandd: 手機開始嚴重掉電直接換電池就好了 08/08 20:09
23F:推 Andosinjo: 瀏海機的電池%數給回來比較實際 08/08 20:14
24F:推 w09703006: 看得到剩餘電量就夠了 08/08 20:51
25F:推 PPPGGG: = =我前幾天去A13換電池 staff建議我80%以下再換電池 08/08 21:32
26F:→ PPPGGG: 我剩下86%壽命就稱不到半天了 誰跟你80%以下 08/08 21:32
27F:推 voyage0131: 萬一電池膨脹只能換整新機 不能換電池 08/08 21:54
28F:推 section: 二手買賣就知道是不是原裝了嘻嘻 08/09 06:45
29F:推 tungptt: 這不是很久了嗎 還是又是新政策 08/09 08:07
30F:→ denal: 就算看到健康度也很難讓人相信是真的;i8前十個月內掉到85 08/09 10:47
31F:→ denal: %,然後接下來半年完全不會掉,卻很明顯感受到續航力變差 08/09 10:47
32F:→ denal: 感覺蘋果又在搞骯髒手段 08/09 10:47
33F:→ denal: 根本是可以避開79%以下可以出保 08/09 10:48
34F:→ hokkaidosky: 神腦換完還是有看到阿,1F的不一樣? 08/09 13:11
35F:推 y956403: 主要不是真的想讓你看不到健康度 是要讓你沒辦法隱瞞私下 08/09 13:37
36F:→ y956403: 換過吧 08/09 13:37
37F:推 kaybai: 我上禮拜才剛把電池健康度還有95%但電池已經膨脹到撐爆機 08/09 14:52
38F:→ kaybai: 身的iphonex送回原廠換電池而已 08/09 14:52
39F:推 kaybai: 拿回來單子上是寫更換電池跟螢幕 08/09 14:54
40F:→ kaybai: 重點是完全免費! 08/09 14:55
41F:推 ooxxboy: 健康度95就有很明顯的感覺了好嗎,懷疑根本快樂表 08/12 09:10

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